Biography of Dr. Daniel Adams

Dr. Daniel Adams, son of Dr. Joseph Adams, was born at Lincoln, Mass., in 1768, and died in Keene, N. H., August 22, 1830. He had three brothers and five sisters, one of the former of whom, Dr. Joseph Adams, returned, at the breaking out of the war, to Cornwall, England, the home of his ancestors, where he practiced his profession during life, and where his descendants still live. The other members of Dr. Adamss family settled in and about Boston. A sister, Mrs. Wheeler, occupied the homestead in Lincoln, Mass., which still remains in her family. Dr. Adams received … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lockhart Willard Esq.

Lockhart Willard, Esq., a native of Keene, served in the Revolution, and was a prominent lawyer here. He married a Miss Reed, and reared four children. Lockhart, Jr., married Sally, daughter of Phineas and Annie (Thompson) Nourse. Three of his seven children are living. One of these, William L., married Lucretia, daughter of Israel and Tabitha (Wheelock) Marsh, of Keene, and has one son living, Lucius T. The latter who served in the late war as quartermasters clerk, in Co. G, 14th N. H. Vols., married Netta J. French, and resides at Jersey City, N. J.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Wyman

Charles Wyman, a native of Keene, married Mary Ann Ellis, and had born to him four children. Henry, second son of Charles, married Ellen M., daughter of Jesse and Lucinda Grimes, of Keene, and has two children, Frank and Charles. He now resides in this town at No. 3 Grant Street Emily Grimes, sister of Mrs. Henry J. Wyman, married James Wright, who died September 18, 1863, aged forty-five years. She now resides in Keene at No. 3 Grant street. Captain Isaac Wyman was in the Revolutionary war, at the battle of Bunker Hill. and was captain of a company … Read more

History of the Banks of Keene, New Hampshire

Cheshire National Bank.-The Cheshire Bank was chartered with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, by the state of New Hampshire in 180„ for a period of twenty years, or till 1824,-then till 1844,-and again till 1864, inclusive. The original corporators were judge Daniel Newcomb, Noah Cooke, Esq., and Elijah Dunbar, Esq. John G. Bond, Judge Newcombs sonin-law, procured most of the stock subscriptions, among which are the names of Samuel and Nathan Appleton, Eben Francis, Stephen Salsbury, John Bellows, Josiah Knapp and several others of Boston, Daniel Newcomb, John G. Bond, William Lamson, Moses Johnson, Alexander Ralston, Stephen Harrington, … Read more

History of the Water Works of Keene, New Hampshire

The matter of supplying Keene with an adequate water supply was agitated at an early date. In 1861 a charter was granted for the purpose, the estimated cost of the proposed works being $40,000.00. Much opposition was met with, however, on the part of some tax payers, which, combined with the troubles of the war, put the matter off. In 1866 the subject again came up, though it was not until August, 1868, that the vote was finally carried. A committee was appointed to act immediately, consisting of Samuel A. Gerould, Edward Joslyn, Thomas H. Leverett, Daniel H. Holbrook and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William P. Wheeler

William P. Wheeler, son of Col. Nathaniel Wheeler, was born in Croyden, July 31, 1812. He was educated at Kimball Union academy, studied law at Keene, graduated at Harvard Law school, and was admitted to practice in 1842, settling in Keene. He received the degree of A. M. from Dartmouth college in 1850. For ten years he was county solicitor. In 1855 and 1857 he was candidate for congress. As a lawyer Mr. Wheeler stood high, ranking with the ablest in the state. In preparing a case, in examining witnesses, in arguing before a jury, in preparing a brief, and … Read more

William Henry Harrison Woodbury Genealogy

1. William Henry Harrison2 Woodbury, son of Rufus1 and Charlotte (Knapp) Woodbury, was b. in Northfield, Vt., May 1, 1842; m. May 22, 1866, Ora Ann Dodge Hale, b. Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 24, 1848, dau. of John P. and Susan W. (Going) Hale. He was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion; res. Newport and Hardwick, Vt., and Sullivan Two ch.: John Hale3, b. Apr. 26, 1867, res. in S. on the Asahel Nims Jr. place; m. Dec. 22, 1892, Alice Clinton Dodge, b. Salem, Mass., June 23, 1867; dau. of Charles William and Frances Amelia (Treadwell) Dodge. No … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Artemas Bailey

Artemas Bailey was born in Lunenburg, Mass., January 17, 1800, and married Clarissa Billings. He was a book-binder, and carried on that business in his native place for several years. He moved with his family to Keene, in 1830, and worked at the same business here for several years. He had three children, two of whom, Lizzie A. and Adaline S., live in Keene. He died November 7, 1865, and his widow died February 2, 1893.

Biographical Sketch of Reuben Stewart

Reuben Stewart was born in Montgomery county, N. Y., January 22, 1819. In 1838 lie was engaged in mercantile business in Saratoga county, which occupation he continued until 1840, when he became a contractor in making the enlargement of the Erie canal, New York, also in building the GrotOn Water Works, at Harlem, N. Y., and the Hartford & New Haven R. R., at New Hartford and Meriden. During the building of the Cheshire railroad, he was engaged as clerk, paymaster and foreman of contractors. Since 1848, he has been in the employ of the Cheshire Railroad Co., being successively … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Prentiss

John W. Prentiss, whose son, W. H. Prentiss. is now one of the Sentinel company, died August 17, 1863, aged fifty-eight years. The following paragraph appeared in the Sentinel of that date: ” John W. Prentiss, whose death is announced in another column, was a son of Hon. John W. Prentiss, the founder of the Sentinel establishment, and probably the oldest editor now living in New England. The son was the junior proprietor and editor of the Sentinel for many years previous to 1847, when he became sole proprietor, and s me five years afterwards disposed of his interest in … Read more

Biography of Silas Hardy

Silas Hardy was born in Nelson, April 3, 1827, and made his home there till twenty-nine years of age. He graduated at Dartmouth in 1855, taught the following year, in Foxcroft academy, Me., studied law in the office of Hon. Levi Chamberlain, at Keene, and was admitted to practice, at Newport, N. H., September, 1858. He immediately located in Keene, where he has pursued his practice ever since, with success, which, with remarkable industry, and economy, has placed him in the rank of large tax payers in the city. In March, 1859, he was appointed by Governor William Haile, register … Read more

Biography of John Symonds

John Symonds was born in Hancock, N. H., May 18, 1816, and spent his boyhood in that town. In 1836 he commenced work as an apprentice with Elijah Reed, at his tannery in Hancock, and was employed there and at other places till 1841, when he began the tanning business himself, at South Antrim. But before his tannery was well under way it was destroyed by fire. He lost everything and was left $500.00 in debt. He then went to Salem, where he worked at his trade for a time. In 1848 he removed to Marlow, N. H., when he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Horace M. Irish

Horace M. Irish enlisted in Co. L, 1st Vt. Cav., was at the battles of Cedar Creek, Winchester and Fishers Hill, was twice taken prisoner, and was honorably discharged at the close of the war. He married Eliza A. Dort, has two children, and resides in Keene.

Biography of Charles Franklin Slate

CHARLES FRANKLIN SLATE, prominent in Northfield and esteemed in every circle in which he moves, he has for the past two years served as postmaster of this community, and in his thoroughly efficient administration the people are recognizing and appreciating the hand of the capable and forward looking executive. Mr. Slate is interested in every branch of local and general progress and in his endeavors for the public good he has long filled a useful part in the community. The Slate family has been identified with American progress for about two centuries and the name is an honored one in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. A. Barrett

W. A. Barrett, son of Luther, was born in Stoddard, came to Keene in 1856, and worked that season for H. Pond & Co., at the brick-making business. He became a partner in the firm in 1857, and with the exception of three years he has been a member of the firm under various titles, until he engaged in the business alone in 1882. He served three years in the war for the Union, in Co. G, 14th N. H. Vols. He has been selectman of Keene, married Maria Fradenburg, October 23, 1850, and has a family of three sons … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. S. M. Dinsmore

Dr. S. M. Dinsmore was born in Antrim, N. H., June 22, 1836, graduated as an M. D. March, 1860, from Columbian university, of Washington, D. C., practiced medicine in Sullivan and Hillsboro counties for twenty years, and located in Keene in 1881, where he now resides.

Samuel Woods Genealogy

I. Samuel1 Woods of Cambridge, Mass., b. abt. 1636; went to Groton, Mass., in 1662; d. in Groton, Mar. 19, 1712; m. in Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 28, 1659, Alice Rushton, b. abt. 1636. Seven ch.: the first b. in Cambridge, the others in Groton, Mass. II. Samuel2 Woods, son of Samuel1, I, b. Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 3, 1661; m. in Chelmsford, Mass., Dec. 30, 1685, Hannah Farwell, b. Chelmsford, Mass., Jan. 20, 1667-8; dau. of Joseph and Hannah (Learned) Farwell. She m. (2), Capt. Peter Joslin of Lancaster, Mass. Peter’s first wife was slain by the Indians who attacked her … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adin Holbrook

Adin Holbrook, who served in the Revolutionary war and was at the battle of Bennington, was born in Wrentham, Mass., March 22, 1752. He came to Keene about 1777, built a sawmill in the western part of the town, and about 1780 settled upon the farm now owned by his grandson, W. H. Holbrook, on road 6. He married Hannah Day, reared five children-two sons and three daughters.and died in 1843. He and his son Adin. Jr., built an oilmill on this farm. Enos, the second son of Adin, was also a noted millwright and was born on the homestead. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel O’Brien

Daniel O’Brien came to America, from Ireland, in 1839. Six of his ten children are living, as follows: Nancy, Ellen, Caroline, Michael, Daniel, and Thomas. Mr. O’Brien died March 16, 1884, and his wife, Mary, died March 11, 1880.

Biography of John Colony

John Colony, son of a nobleman, was born in Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1730, and came to Boston when he was sixteen years of age. He had with him a bag of gold which was subsequently stolen from him, leaving him but four cents. After paying the toll to Charleston he had two cents left and had had no breakfast. He, however, obtained a half cord of wood to saw, thus enabling him to buy himself something to eat. He prospered, being willing to do any kind of work he could get to do. He came to Keene in 1761, and … Read more