1906 Corwin Township – Iowa Farmers Directory

Abell, W. R. Abney, Alfred Abney, J. N. Barnhart, Cyrus Barnhart, Guy Bartley, Reuben Blackhall, William Brown, J. S. Brown, Cyrus Buck, Wilber Charles, George Christy, A. M. Cope, Albert Cram, W. E. Crane, Elijah Crane, J. H. Crane, Margaret Crane, Thomas Crawford, A. M. Crawford, James Y. Crawford, W. P. Cronstedt, Peter Crosbie, G. Darnell, C. H. Davis, I. W. Dalgetty, Alex Drake, Wilber Drake, Mrs. Hannah Drews, Henry Edmundson, Ed Edmundson, Sophia Edson, S. A. Ferguson, G. W. Finch, Geo. B. Finch, W. S. Fineran, James Finley, Fred Forney, M. J. Forney, W. C. Forney, W. C., Jr. … Read more

1906 Battle Township – Iowa Farmers Directory

Albers, Christ Alexander, Thomas Albright, James Anderson, Edward C. Anderson, H. Avis, Charles Badenhop, Herman Baumann, Chas. A. Baumann, William Bell, J. W. Benson, Albin Berndt, J. C. Blank, Fred Bochman, George Bochmann, Theo. Bottger, F. C. Britch, C. A. Broderson, Fred Brown, James Brown, Roy B. Brownlee, George A. Bruene, William Burnquist, C. A. Butcher, Chas. B. Butcher, R. L. Carmer, Clarence R. Caskey, F. L. Chattick, James Clausen, Carsten Conover, C. B. Conover, Cornelius B. Craig, M. E. Crawford, Alexander Crawford, Frank Crawford, Hudson Crawford, John Crawford, William Daniel Ed. S. Davis, Frank Deed, G. E. Dewell, M. … Read more

1906 Garfield Township – Iowa Farmers Directory

Adams, James A. Andersen, Andrew Andersen, John Baker, John B. Baumann, Julius Baumann, Rudolph C. Banse, Chas. Bastets, Rudolph Bingham, D. K. Black, O. H. Booth, Mrs. J. H. Booth, Marion Bower, John Bowman, E. G. Bradshaw, J. V. Bradshaw, W. H. Bradshaw, L. Breston, Frank Brown, Mathias Brown, W. L. Brueck, Henry Brueck, Chas. Bubke, J. F. Cassens, George Caughey, A. Caughey, S. Chinburgh, C. J. (Section 16) Chinburgh, C. J. (Section 21) Christensen, H. Coldshau, John Collins, Margaret Conn, Anna Conn, Annie E. Connor, James Cook, Chas. Cord, M. D. Cox, Charles Crawford, J. O. Crawford, T. D. … Read more

1906 Douglas Township – Iowa Farmers Directory

Andersen, Herman Apperley, L. M. Ashton, Henry Baldwin, Charlie Baldwin, Frank Bartellet, W. P. Baxter, G. D. Beazley, C. J. Beazley, Henry Beazley, J. M. Bennett, W. C. Bertelsen, Hans Bertelsen, Jens Bertelsen, Aug. Bertelsen, Oscar Blenner, Jerry H. Bliss, Fred G. Bower, Anthony Bower, L. F. Boylan, S. F. Buck, A. O. Buck, G. W. Burns, Franklin Carr, G. W. Carstens, John, Jr. Carstens, J. N. Chandler, J. M. Chase, G. M. Cipperly, C. L. Cipperly, S. C. Clark, Willis Clausen, Henry Clausen, John Clausen, Jurgen Clausen, Peter Conklin, E. J. Conley, C. E. Conley, James Cooper, J. Cooper, … Read more

1906 Galva Township – Iowa Farmers Directory

Andersen, Adolph Andersen, Carl Andersen, John Andresen, Wm. Baker, H. W. Barn, Louis Berger, Rudolph Beyer, Chris F. Bruggemann, Louis Butler, F. C. Carlberg, Charles Carlberg, John Carlson, Albert Cathcart, F. S. Christensen, Joseph Christiansen, Nels Coder, Geo. Cosgriff, Martin Crowley, N. C. Dau, Hans Davis, Chas. Dibbern, Peter Ebert, Fred Elk, M. M. Ellis, John F. Ficke, Chas. Garrigan, Frank Gebers, Chris Gebers, Fred Gebers, Gus Goettsch, Louis Grenander, Alex Gries, Rudolph Gries, Wm. Grozkruger, Henry Hansen, Jochim Heitman, Jurgen S. Helkenn, Hans Helkenn, Henry Hans, Dan Haller, Sam Hoyt, John Huck, Geo. Huck, Henry C. Husen, Jochim Jacobsen, … Read more

1906 Grant Township – Iowa Farmers Directory

Abbe, August Abbe, Emiel Abbe, Gustav Abbe, Theo. Abbe, William Aiken, J. H. Allman, Jacob Amstein, R Anderson, Henry Andresen, E. Bailey, Edward Barthel, Carl Barthel, Henry Bradshaw, J. S. Bielenberg, Jacob Bumann, Julius Burk, Ernest Burk, Fred Carr, Enos Cassens, Frank W. Cassens, John H. Cole, J. A. Dutler, Samuel Ehler, Julius Ehler, Ludwig Ehler, Richard Else, Emil Else, Gottlieb Else, John Else, William Ernest, Henry Fuester, C. E. R. Fuester, Richard Garner, A. C. Giebelstein, Hans Giebelstein, Henry Gleeson, Fred G. Greenwaldt, John Greenwaldt, Theo. Hadlock, F. L. Hamann, Hermann Hamann, Thos. Hargens, Claus Hein, Henry, Jr. Hess, … Read more

1923 Battle Township, Iowa Farmers Directory

Last First & Middle Section Township County State Albers D T 31 Battle Ida Iowa Albin Wm J 20 Battle Ida Iowa Andresen Henry 5 Battle Ida Iowa Andresen Herman 9 Battle Ida Iowa Arp Mrs Fred 24 Battle Ida Iowa Ashmore Fred 7 Battle Ida Iowa Asmussen John 2 Battle Ida Iowa Bahney Scott 34 Battle Ida Iowa Bargholz A J 5 Battle Ida Iowa Bauman Ross 7 Battle Ida Iowa Baumann Wm A 19 Battle Ida Iowa Beers Milo G 6 Battle Ida Iowa Beers Wesley 21 Battle Ida Iowa Bliss Ray 26 Battle Ida Iowa Bochmann Theo … Read more

1923 Blane Township, Iowa Farmers Directory

Last First & Middle Section Township County State Abell W R 3 Blane Ida Iowa Anderson A H 11 Blane Ida Iowa Anderson Y Carlson 15 Blane Ida Iowa Anderson Gust 11 Blane Ida Iowa Bauer J E 12 Blane Ida Iowa Bauer B 12 Blane Ida Iowa Bauer Wm 12 Blane Ida Iowa Benedict Alfred 9 Blane Ida Iowa Benedict Ethel & S 28 Blane Ida Iowa Benson Anton H 31 Blane Ida Iowa Bicksler Samuel 23 Blane Ida Iowa Bieschke J M 27 Blane Ida Iowa Bone Edgar 19 Blane Ida Iowa Bossard C M 29 Blane Ida … Read more

1923 Douglas Township, Iowa Farmers Directory

Last First & Middle Section Township County State Barber H C 34 Douglas Ida Iowa Beazley C J 8 Douglas Ida Iowa Beazley E C 13 Douglas Ida Iowa Beazley Henry 4 Douglas Ida Iowa Bertelsen Jens 19 Douglas Ida Iowa Blenner J H 1 Douglas Ida Iowa Boock Henning 25 Douglas Ida Iowa Borgenson Emiel 10 Douglas Ida Iowa Bruning F A 14 Douglas Ida Iowa Buck R B 11 Douglas Ida Iowa Bullock George 29 Douglas Ida Iowa Burns Frank 18 Douglas Ida Iowa Carrington C W 3 Douglas Ida Iowa Carstens Charles 12 Douglas Ida Iowa Carstens … Read more

1923 Galva Township, Iowa Farmers Directory

Last First & Middle Section Township County State Albers Wm R 19 Galva Ida Iowa Allen Charles 1 Galva Ida Iowa Anderson John M 5 Galva Ida Iowa Anderson Carl A 35 Galva Ida Iowa Andresen Gus 20 Galva Ida Iowa Belson James 21 Galva Ida Iowa Beyer Fred 32 Galva Ida Iowa Beyer Wm 33 Galva Ida Iowa Bockwaldt M F 22 Galva Ida Iowa Brockman W P 10 Galva Ida Iowa Brown Roy B 22 Galva Ida Iowa Bruns George H 34 Galva Ida Iowa Burr Henry 3 Galva Ida Iowa Carlberg Bert 36 Galva Ida Iowa Carlberg … Read more

1923 Garfield Township, Iowa Farmers Directory

Last First & Middle Section Township County State Anderson N L 2 Garfield Ida Iowa Anderson W A 14 Garfield Ida Iowa Anderson Alex 20 Garfield Ida Iowa Bower Andy 31 Garfield Ida Iowa Broders Meinhard 17 Garfield Ida Iowa Brown Chester 19 Garfield Ida Iowa Bubke Emil 2 Garfield Ida Iowa Buck Gilbert 4 Garfield Ida Iowa Bumann Wm 17 Garfield Ida Iowa Bumann Rudolph 36 Garfield Ida Iowa Burton Clinton 21 Garfield Ida Iowa Burton Homer 21 Garfield Ida Iowa Bush Ed Jr 15 Garfield Ida Iowa Carter Alonzo Jr 17 Garfield Ida Iowa Caughey Albert 13 Garfield … Read more

1923 Grant Township, Iowa Farmers Directory

Last First & Middle Section Township County State Abbe Emil 25 Grant Ida Iowa Abbe Gus 35 Grant Ida Iowa Abbe John 25 Grant Ida Iowa Abbe Willie 25 Grant Ida Iowa Albertson August 23 Grant Ida Iowa Andresen Ernest 4 Grant Ida Iowa Andresen Herman 8 Grant Ida Iowa Backhaus Alfred 5 Grant Ida Iowa Barker Charles 20 Grant Ida Iowa Barthel Carl 34 Grant Ida Iowa Brown Cleo 24 Grant Ida Iowa Burk Ernest 8 Grant Ida Iowa Burk Herman 15 Grant Ida Iowa Christiansen C 15-31 Grant Ida Iowa Collister J C 6 Grant Ida Iowa Dessel … Read more

1923 Logan Township, Iowa Farmers Directory

Last First & Middle Section Township County State Barrett Earl 36 Logan Ida Iowa Benson Albin 29 Logan Ida Iowa Boisen Henry N 7 Logan Ida Iowa Bond Merton 31 Logan Ida Iowa Boysen Cornelius 27 Logan Ida Iowa Bremer August 8 Logan Ida Iowa Briese Albert 29 Logan Ida Iowa Briese Otto 20 Logan Ida Iowa Buell Fred Jr 11 Logan Ida Iowa Buell Fred Sr 11 Logan Ida Iowa Buell Theo 3 Logan Ida Iowa Buettner O f 4 Logan Ida Iowa Campbell L R 32 Logan Ida Iowa Christie Albert 12 Logan Ida Iowa Christie Shed 1 … Read more

1923 Maple Township, Iowa Farmers Directory

Last First & Middle Section Township County State Aduddell I N 1 Maple Ida Iowa Babcock L E 1 Maple Ida Iowa Baird J P 22 Maple Ida Iowa Banister C 26 Maple Ida Iowa Barman Joe 10 Maple Ida Iowa Barman Wm 16 Maple Ida Iowa Baxter Allen 28 Maple Ida Iowa Baxter S 29 Maple Ida Iowa Bernhardt W 13 Maple Ida Iowa Bertelsen L B 7 Maple Ida Iowa Bjorholm H 32 Maple Ida Iowa Bjorholm Nels 29 Maple Ida Iowa Bliss Fred 9 Maple Ida Iowa Brosamle H W 4 Maple Ida Iowa Buenz Henry 6 … Read more

1923 Silver Creek Township, Iowa Farmers Directory

Last First & Middle Section Township County State Alderson Elmer 13 Silver Creek Ida Iowa Baie Bros 12 Silver Creek Ida Iowa Baker Loyd 34 Silver Creek Ida Iowa Barnes E E 28 Silver Creek Ida Iowa Baxter J R 10 Silver Creek Ida Iowa Baxter J L 16 Silver Creek Ida Iowa Bennett E A 11 Silver Creek Ida Iowa Bennett D J 11 Silver Creek Ida Iowa Bennett E E 15 Silver Creek Ida Iowa Bleakley C 16 Silver Creek Ida Iowa Bleakley J W L 23 Silver Creek Ida Iowa Blewitt George W 13 Silver Creek Ida … Read more

1923 Corwin Township Iowa Farmers Directory

Last First & Middle Section Township County State Anderson Elmer 32 Corwin Ida Iowa Backhaus Henry 25 Corwin Ida Iowa Barrett C R 2 Corwin Ida Iowa Beckwith Merton 20 Corwin Ida Iowa Brown G C 1 Corwin Ida Iowa Brown Ross 21 Corwin Ida Iowa Burgert Frank 13 Corwin Ida Iowa Butt Clinton 10 Corwin Ida Iowa Campbell A H 5 Corwin Ida Iowa Carpenter Frank 17 Corwin Ida Iowa Carter Lon 4 Corwin Ida Iowa Chisholm Grover 30 Corwin Ida Iowa Christensen P W 27 Corwin Ida Iowa Christie Charles 27 Corwin Ida Iowa Conway Thomas 7 Corwin … Read more

24th District, 2nd Section, Cherokee

1830 Map of Cherokee Territory in Georgia

The list below contains the names and residence of all the fortunate drawers in the Land Lottery of the 24th District, 2nd Section, of Cherokee country. This list is part of a larger compilation called the Cherokee land lottery. 1 Reason A. Bell, Hill’s, Stewart.*2 Martin Wells’s ors., Newman’s, Thomas.*3 Frederic E. Brooking, 118th, Hancock.4 Lucy and Eliz. Goulding, ors., Howell’s, Elbert.*5 Owen W. Owen, 307th, Putnam.6 Thomas Denny, sol., Smith’s, Madison.*7 Fauntleroy Lewis, sol., 117th, Hancock.*8 Clara Harris, w. r. s., Talley’s, Troup.*9 William Webb, Martin’s, Hall.*10 Moses Smith’s ors., 693d, Heard.11 John M’Right, Allen’s, Henry.12 John Henderson, Atkinson’s, … Read more

Persisting Pioneer Families in Emily, Ontario, Canada

In the former list the farms are indicated. The concessions are shown in Roman numerals and the lots in Arabic numerals. The farms of the following 63 Emily pioneers were granted to them by the Crown and still remain in the same family: Moses Begley, X 16 David Best, 112 Henry Best, 113 James Boate, V 22 William Boate, V 22 John Callaghan, XIII 9 Patrick Callaghan, VII 7 John Carroll, VII 16 Timothy Carroll, VII 16 Martin Carroll, VIII 10 Michael Costello, X 10 Timothy Dorgan, XI 14 Bartholomew Downey, IX 6 Thomas Fee, V 12 William Fee, V … Read more

Patentees still in Emily, Ontario, Canada

The family names of the following 145 original patentees are still to be found in Emily but not on the original farms: Edward Bailey, David Balfour James Balfour William Barrett James Best John Best Wm. Best John Blackwell Wm. Bradley Cornelius CaIlaghan Jeremiah Callaghan Samuel Carew Thomas Carew Edmond Callaghan Charles Chambers Patrick Clancy John Clark John Collins Michael Collins Dennis Connell George Connell John Connell Patrick Connell Samuel Cottingham William Cottnigham Samuel Davidson Daniel Donoghue Dennis Donoghue Maurice Donoghue John Dorgan Francis Duffy Thomas Elliott Robert English William Elliott Henry Fee Samuel Ferguson Daniel Fitzpatrick Patrick Fitzpatrick John Flynn … Read more

Persisting Pioneer Families Ops, Ontario, Canada

In the former list the farms are indicated. The concessions are shown in Roman numerals and the lots in Arabic numerals. Descendants of the following 56 pioneer patentees in Ops still hold the original farms today: Robert Blaylock XI 5 Francis Brady, V 6 William Brady, V 6 Owen Carlin, VI 9 Arthur Collins, IX 15 John Connell, III 7 Wm. Corley, IV 20 Charles Corneil, XI 7 Andrew Costello, I 22 John Cudahee, I 10 Patrick Cunningham, VIII, 15 John Doyell VIII 4 and 5 George Downey, VIII 6 Timothy Finnegan, II 13 James Graham ,II 24 Wm. Graham, … Read more