Roubicek, Herman; masseur and chiropodist; born, Prague, Austria, May 2, 1855; son of Adelbert and Fanny Roubicek; German public schools of Prague, College of Hydro-Therapeutics of Sulz, Stangan, near Vienna; expert in Professor Wintemiss’ method; married, Prague, May 7, 1882, Miss Anna Roubitschck; two sons, Leo and Adelbert; drillmaster and file leader in the 24th Sharp-Shooters; member of “Maximilian Maximilian Club,” in Prague, a restricted and honorary military association; citizen of Cleveland since 1904; worked at profession since leaving the army; came to this country for a visit and liked it so well, concluded to stay; his son, Adelbert, is in the same profession; won first prize medal for marksmanship in the army.