Biography of Dr. Albert L. Beahan

Dr. Albert L. Beahan, an eminent physician of Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, has attained his present distinguished position by many years of patient and unremitting toil, united with inflexible and unfaltering courage in the face of apparently insurmountable difficulties. His noble efforts to relieve human suffering have earned for him the high esteem of his fellow citizens, and the universal good opinion of his professional brethren, this forming the best standard of judgment in such cases. His father was James Beahan, of Watkins, who died in 1907, and who had been engaged in the occupation of farming during all the active years of his life.

Dr. Albert L. Beahan was born at Watkins, New York, April 13, 1855. He was graduated from the Starkey Seminary, at Lakemont, New York, in 1875, then became a student at Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, from which he was graduated in 1879. He established himself in the practice of the medical profession at Reading Center, New York, and at the expiration of about three years entered upon a postgraduate course of study in New York City during 1883-84. In the latter year he established himself as a physician in Canandaigua, New York, and in 1898 organized and incorporated what is now (1910) the well known Canandaigua Hospital of Physicians and Surgeons, of which Dr. Beahan is the president. The hospital is owned and controlled by physicians. Five years after its organization the hospital was increased in size, and now (1910) (1910) has a capacity of fifty beds. Its benefits are far reaching and fully appreciated by the large number of patients who have been treated there since its inception. In spite of the manifold demands made upon his time by the numerous and responsible duties of his profession, Dr. Beahan has taken an active interest in the public affairs of the community.

Dr:’ Beahan married, March 21, 1889, Theodora Crosby, daughter of Mrs. Marietta Crosby Hopkins, of Canandaigua. They have no children.



Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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