Biographical Sketch of T. William Burrell

(III) T. William, son of Edward and Elizabeth (Parker) Burrell, was born on the family homestead, November 8, 1872. His education was acquired in the district schools, and was supplemented by a course at Canandaigua Academy. While still attending school he assisted in the farm labors during the summer vacations and during all his spare hours, and thus acquired a thorough knowledge of all the details connected with the successful management of a farm. This knowledge he has put to the best practical use, has continued to follow tip all the later improvements in this field, and is ever ready … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James M. Stanley

James M. Stanley was born in Canandaigua, New York, January 17, 1814; died April 10, 1872. He moved to Michigan in 1835 and became a portrait painter in Detroit; two years later removed to Chicago. About this time he visited the “Indian Country” in the vicinity of Fort Snelling, and there made many sketches. Returned to the eastern cities, where he spent several years, but in 1842 again went west and began his wanderings over the prairies far beyond the Mississippi, reaching Texas and New Mexico. His Buffalo Hunt on the Southwestern Prairies was made in 1845. From 1851 to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred W. Hollis

(III) Fred W., son of Alfred M. and Louisa (Smith) Hollis, was born in Canandaigua. Ontario county, New York. December 27, 1871. His education was acquired in the public schools of his native town and in the Canandaigua Academy. Until he was twenty-four years of age he assisted his father in the brick tile and coal business, then purchased a farm near the village in what is now (1910) the town of Hopewell. and is at the present time still occupied with its cultivation. His political affiliations are with the Republican party, and he has served as assessor for the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert C. Aldridge

(III) Albert C., son of Gilbert T. Aldridge, was born in Victor. March 13, 1849. He attended the public schools of his native town and Brockport, the Collegiate Institute at Brockport, the Rochester Business University, taking special courses in law and laboratory work. For ten years he was engaged in teaching school, two years in the public schools, one year in Canandaigua Academy, and six years in the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, New York. In 1884 he was elected school commissioner of the second district of Ontario county, and was reelected from term to term until he had served … Read more

Aikey, Virgil – Obituary

Sumpter, Oregon Virgil Aikey, 66, of Sumpter, died Oct. 16, 2004, at the Boise Veterans Hospital. There will be a wake in honor of his life at 6 p.m. Thursday at the Elkhorn Restaurant in Sumpter. Virgil was born on Aug. 7, 1938, at Canandaigua, N.Y. He moved to Southern California in 1960. He served in the U.S. Army in the 101st Airborne. He was the youngest journeyman in the heating and sheet metal business in the 1960s in Southern California. After that he became a swimming pool contractor for Bee Sunny Pools in Chatsworth, Calif. In 1988, he moved … Read more

Biography of Major Charles A. Richardson

Major Charles A. Richardson, son of Curtis Richardson, who was a farmer in Freetown, Cortland county, New York, has been conspicuously in the public eye, not only as a soldier, but as a lawyer and statesman as well. He was born in Cortland county, New York, August 14, 1829. He became a student at Cortland Academy in Homer, New York, from which institution he was graduated. He commenced the study of the legal profession in Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, and was admitted to the bar in 1856. After spending four years in traveling throughout the west, he returned to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Tuttle

(V) Benjamin, son of Joseph (3) Tuttle, was born at East Haven, Connecticut, or vicinity. He settled in Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York. In 1790 he was the only head of family of this name in Ontario county, and he had two males over sixteen, one under that age, and four females in his family. He was overseer of highways at Seneca, Ontario county, in 1793

Biographical Sketch of D. Eddy Barnes

(III) D. Eddy, son of David Barnes, was born August 10, 1856, in the house in which he is residing at the present time, and which was erected in 1838, by David Barnes. He was educated in the public schools of Canandaigua and Geneva, New York, and during his earlier years assisted his father in the cultivation of the homestead farm, which later passed into his own possession. It is in a fine state of cultivation and consists of one hundred and fifty acres of land. The house, is built of stone. Mr. Barnes is very progressive and up-to-date in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Hollis

Fred W. Hollis, a prosperous farmer of the town of Hopewell, Ontario county, New York, who has been prominently identified with the public affairs of the town for a number of years, is of English descent on both sides of the family. (I) Henry Hollis, grandfather of Fred W. Hollis, was a native of England, and came to this country in 1854, for a time making his home in Canada, then removed to Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, where he served as a teacher of Greek and Latin in the old Canandaigua Academy.

Biography of Cornelius Jay Andruss

(IX) Cornelius Jay, eldest child of George and Sarah (Ter Bush) Andruss, was born in Canadice, Ontario county, New York, October 7, 1845. His preparatory education was acquired at the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, and he then attended Cornell University, subsequently studying dentistry at the Philadelphia Dental College, from which he was graduated in 1877. Commencing in 1861 he taught for the larger portion of seven years in the district schools of Ontario and Livingston counties, New York, and for two years was deputy county surveyor of Lee county, Illinois. He commenced the practice of dentistry in association with Dr. A. … Read more

Biography of Clarence Heath

Clarence Heath, president of the Shortsville Wheel Company, is one of that class of citizens who have developed our great manufacturing interests, spread our commerce and assisted in improving and enlarging our cities. Clarence Heath was born in Darien, Genesee county, New York, March 30, 1857. He attended the district schools of Darien, and for a time was a student at Canandaigua Academy. Upon the termination of his school days he at first learned the trade of hand turning and the making of wagon and buggy wheels. In 1879 he established himself in business in Shortsville, New York, manufacturing hubs … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank A. De Graff

Frank A. De Graff, manager and one of the proprietors of the leading stationery and book stores in Canandaigua, New York, is, as his family name indicates, of Dutch descent, and has inherited the thrifty and businesslike traits of his ancestors. Groat A. De Graff, father of the man whose name heads this sketch, for some years followed the occupation of farming in Gorham, New York, and removed to Canandaigua about the year 1870. He established himself in the book and stationery business, in which he was eminently successful, and with which he was connected for many years. Frank A., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Bryon Hayes

(V) Joseph Byron, son of Simeon and Elizabeth (Gilbert) Hayes, was born in Plattsburgh, June 8, 1809, and died in Canandaigua, New York, October 6, 1841. He was known by his second name. Byron. Succeeding his brother George Edward as a pupil of Dr. Pliny Hayes, he became an apothecary in Canandaigua. He was a man of lofty principle, excellent in every relation and duty of life, and his early death was sincerely mourned by the entire community. He married in Canandaigua, December 20, 1832, Sarah Antis, born in that town, February 21, 18, C, daughter of William and Mary … Read more

Biography of Robert F. Thomspon

(V) Robert F. Thompson, son of Lieutenant Lester P. Thompson and Sarah Jane (Foster) Thompson, was born in Canandaigua, New York, July 31, 1870. He received his preliminary school training in Phelps, followed by a course of study in Canandaigua Academy, from which he was graduated. He studied for his chosen profession in the law department of Michigan University, from which he received his degree of Bachelor of Laws, and then took a post-graduate course, receiving the Master’s degree in 1893. He was admitted to the bar, December, 1894, in Ontario county, New York, and at once entered upon practice … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred M. Hollis

(II) Alfred M. Hollis, son of the preceding, was born in England in 1850, and was a lad of four years when he came to this country with his father. He engaged in the brick tile and coal business in Canaudaigua and has been prominently identified with that field of industry for the past thirty-five years. He married Louisa, daughter of William Smith, who was born in England and came to Bristol, Ontario county, New York, about the year 1850. There he engaged in farming, later removed to Canandaigua, and acquired a large amount of property. Children: Fred W., see … Read more

Biography of William R. Marks

(III) William R.. son of William (2) and Emily (Holcomb) Marks, was born in Naples, New York, July 27, 1852. He was the recipient of an excellent education, which was acquired at the Naples Academy; the Hudson River Institute. Claverack, Drew York: and at the Hungerford Institute, Adams, New York. He established himself in the general merchandise business at Middlesex. Yates county. New York, which he conducted from 1875 until 1880. He was engaged in a similar business at Naples, New York, from 1883 to 1886. In November, 1895, he established a business at Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George R. Raines

George R., son of Hon. John and Catherine A. (Wheeler) Raines, was born in Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, March 1. 1878. His preparatory education was acquired in Phelps’ Union and Classical Academy, and he then matriculated at Cornell University, from which he was graduated in the class of 1900 with the degree of Bachelor of Law. He commenced the practice of his profession in Rochester, New York, and is now (1910) a member of the firm of Webster, Meade, Strauss & Raines, in that city. He married, in Canandaigua, Lola, daughter of Ziba C. Curtis, of Canandaigua, formerly an … Read more

Biography of Dr. Daniel A. Eiseline

Dr. Daniel A. Eiseline, who has filled a number of public offices in connection with his professional career, is of the first generation of his family to have been born in this country, his ancestors having lived in Germany. John Eiseline, father of Dr. Eiseline, was born in Bavaria, Germany, from which country he came to America in 1867, bringing his wife with him, and located at Canandaigua. He was a shoemaker by trade and followed that occupation until his death, in 1897. He married Elizabeth S. Lindner, and had six children, of whom three died in infancy. Those living … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edson T. Case

Edson T., only child of Isaiah and Mary (Totman) Case, was born in Bristol, Ontario county, New York, January 23, 1865. He was a student at the Union high school, from which he was graduated, and then took a course in the Canandaigua Academy. At an early age he engaged in farming and dealing in live stock and wool. Too much cannot be said of the energy, combined with integrity and a high standard, which Mr. Case displayed invariably in the conduct of his business, and these measures did not fail to produce the deserved amount of success. Mr. Case … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Harrison Frary

(V) Edward Harrison, only son and second child of William Stoddard and Lydia Ann (Warren) Frary, was born at Lyndon, Cattaraugus county, New York, April 25, 1840. He received his education in the common schools and the Rushford Academy, from which he graduated. His occupations have been varied and successful ones. He has been farmer, carpenter, hardware clerk and census enumerator. Having always taken a decided interest in the public affairs of the town, and been a staunch supporter of Republican principles, he has been elected to fill a number of public offices. He was elected justice of the peace … Read more