Biography of Marcus Whitman, M.D.

MARCUS WHITMAN, M.D. – A volume might be written in regard to the life and death of this man. Hence, in the brief space here given to him, only a synopsis of his life can be given. He was born at Rushville, New York, September 4, 1802, and was the son of Beza and Alice (Green) Whitman. His father having died in 1810, he was brought up by his paternal grandfather, at Plainfield, Massachusetts. There he was converted in 1819; and in January, 1824, he joined the Congregational church at his native place, of which he remained a member until … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bernard Borgman

(II) Bernard (2) Borgman, subject of this sketch, was born in Rochester, New York, September, 1854. His elementary education was received in the schools of his native city, and he then attended those of Yates county, New York. He had learned the cabinet-maker’s trade, and at the age of twenty-five years he made his first business venture, establishing himself in the furniture and undertaking line in Penn Yan, Yates county, New York. For nine years he conducted this business successfully, then sold his interest in the concern to his partner and established himself in the same manner, but independently, in … Read more

Biography of Hon. William Strong

HON. WILLIAM STRONG. – There is no name more thoroughly associated with Oregon and Washington judicature than that of William Strong. His marked characteristics are indelibly impressed upon the system of law of both states, especially that of the latter. To long and distinguished service as associate justice of the supreme court, and in the ex-officio character of judge of the district courts in both states while they were territorial governments, must be added his connection with their legislation, and also his brilliant career as a law practitioner, for over a generation, in all the courts of both states. He … Read more

Biography of Abram A. Post

Abram A. Post, owner of one of the finest farms in Seneca, Ontario county, New York, which has been in uninterrupted possession of his family since 1809, has had the advantage of extended travel to assist him in the cultivation of this piece of land and bring out its especial qualities. Frank J. Post, father of Abram A. Post, was born on the homestead farm, October 16, 1842, died in 1904. He improved the land which had been left to him by his father, in many respects, but it was left to the improved methods of his son to bring … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis M. Kennedy

(II) Francis M., son of James and Margaret (Houston) Kennedy, was born in Kells, Scotland, May 30, 1830. His whole life after coming to this country was spent on his farm in Italy, New York, with the exception of the last six years, when he lived retired from active work, in Canandaigua, New York. He was a member of the Protestant church, and adherent of the Republican party. He married (first) in Italy, Yates county, New York, 1853, Phoebe J., daughter of James and Rachel Fisher. Children: James M., born September 23, 1854, deceased; John A., born May 19, 1857, … Read more

Biography of Grant Maitland Kennedy

(III) Grant Maitland, youngest child of Francis M. and Phoebe J. (Fisher) Kennedy, was born in Italy, Yates county, New York, January 3, 1866. His early education was received in the district school of Italy Hollow, New York, and at the age of sixteen years he entered the Naples Academy, at Naples, New York, spending three years in that institution, and finishing with one year at the State Normal School at Genesee, New York. His early years were spent upon the homestead farm, and in the fall of 1885, he made his first appearance as a teacher of district schools, … Read more

Biography of William R. Marks

(III) William R.. son of William (2) and Emily (Holcomb) Marks, was born in Naples, New York, July 27, 1852. He was the recipient of an excellent education, which was acquired at the Naples Academy; the Hudson River Institute. Claverack, Drew York: and at the Hungerford Institute, Adams, New York. He established himself in the general merchandise business at Middlesex. Yates county. New York, which he conducted from 1875 until 1880. He was engaged in a similar business at Naples, New York, from 1883 to 1886. In November, 1895, he established a business at Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, of … Read more

Biography of Floyd E. Doubleday

Floyd E. Doubleday. It has been the fortune of Floyd E. Doubleday to realize many of his worthy ambitions, and through the exercise of good judgment and business ability to wrest from his opportunities financial and general success. For many years he has been interested in the coal industry, and at the present time is accounted one of the leading operators of Pittsburg. Mr. Doubleday was born at Italy, New York, June 23, 1859, and is a son of Guy L. and Caroline (Hobart) Doubleday. The Doubleday family is of English origin and traces its ancestry back in America to … Read more

Biography of Rev. James T. Dougherty

When De Nonville and his French army, in 1687, destroyed the Indian village of Gannagaro and Gaudougarae, the inhabitants were driven eastward and formed a village near the foot of Canandaigua Lake, which village and lake have since then borne that name. Among the Indian inhabitants in those days were many Catholics, some of them Senecas and most of them Hurons and Algonquin captives, the result of fifty years of missionary labor of the zealous Jesuits. Even in our day the beads and crucifixes given the Indians by the missionaries are still picked up on the sites of the old … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benajah Andruss

(VI) Benajah, third son of Miles Andruss, was born at Newington, Connecticut, November 13, 1769; died at Bluff Point, New York, July 24, 1838. He married Abigail Nash, born February 20, 1776, and had a family of seven sons and four daughters.

Biography of Robert M. Kennedy

Robert M. Kennedy was born in Italy, Yates county, New York, August 26, 1848. In his earlier years he was a farmer and was thus occupied until 1877, when he engaged in the undertaking business in his native town, and from there removed to Middlesex. In 1893 he came to Geneva, Ontario county, New York, thinking this a better field for the conduct of his business, and established himself there, the firm being known as Kennedy & Kennedy, and embracing Mr. Kennedy and his son, James M. They now (1911)occupy a position in the first ranks of embalmers and undertakers, … Read more

Biography of Fayette Taylor

Fayette Taylor, one of the younger members of the farming fraternity in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is not by any means the least of those to be considered when the value of practical and progressive methods is taken into consideration. Those farmers who are ready and willing to adopt the modern and scientific methods of cultivating the soil whenever these methods can be readily adopted are the ones whose farms produce the largest crops in proportion to the acreage tinder cultivation, and it is these farmers who raise the general prosperity of the country, which depends in a great … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Marks

William R. Marks, who has for many years been connected with the commercial interests of Yates and Ontario counties, New York, and has held numerous public offices, is descended from the early settlers in Connecticut. (I) William Marks, grandfather of William R. Marks, was born in Burlington, Connecticut. He was an influential member of the community in which he lived. Served as a member of the legislature of Connecticut, both houses; was a justice of the peace for a period of forty years; and was prominently identified with church and Masonic affairs. He married Polly Roberts, of Burlington.

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Daniel Arnold Robinson

(IV) Isabella, daughter of Isaac Richardson, married Dr. Daniel Arnold Robinson, son of Benedict Robinson, of Jerusalem, Yates county, New York, and a descendant of Rowland Robinson, of Rhode Island. Benedict Robinson and a Quaker named Hathaway purchased township No. 7, second range, of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase in 1790. Of his 14, 000 acres he gave a thousand to Jemima Wilkinson, a prominent Quakeress, with whom he came to Yates county. He married Susan Brown in 1795. Children of Dr. Daniel Arnold and Isabella Robinson: Susanna Brown, married Robert Howland, of New Bedford; Dr. Benedict, of Union Springs: … Read more

Biography of Dr. Albert L. Beahan

Dr. Albert L. Beahan, an eminent physician of Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, has attained his present distinguished position by many years of patient and unremitting toil, united with inflexible and unfaltering courage in the face of apparently insurmountable difficulties. His noble efforts to relieve human suffering have earned for him the high esteem of his fellow citizens, and the universal good opinion of his professional brethren, this forming the best standard of judgment in such cases. His father was James Beahan, of Watkins, who died in 1907, and who had been engaged in the occupation of farming during all … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Andruss

(VIII) George, third son of Zebina C. and Almira (Garlick) Andruss, was born at Bluff’ Point, Jerusalem, New York, January 4, 1824; died at Canadice, New York, April 2, 1870. He was a farmer. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. As a member of the Republican party, he served as justice of the peace for a period of sixteen years, and was supervisor of the town of Canadice for several years. He married, at Canadice, New York, July r1, 1844, Sarah, born in Barrington, New York, March 12, 1827, daughter of Cornelius and Esther (Angel) Ter Bush, … Read more