Biographical Sketch of Jasper Holmes Sheadle

Sheadle, Jasper Holmes; Iron ore and lake transportation; born, New Bedford, Pa.; son of Obediah and Sarah Barnheisel Sheadle; educated, public schools and Hiram College; married, New York, Kate Buckingham; Republican; joined his father in banking business, in Girard, O.; two years teller of the Girard Savings Bank; at the age of 22 became asst. cashier Second National Bank, Youngstown, O.; left the banking business, and went to New York City, as supt. of laying of gas mains for Standard Gas-Light Co.; 1888, became sec’y of the Mahoning Valley Iron Manufacturers Ass’n, in 1890, became sec’y’ for The Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co.; in charge of ore sales and lake transportation; which business affiliation he continues to hold in connection with other allied interests; sec’y Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co.; vice pres. Cleveland Iron Mining Co.; director Grand Island S. S. Co., Hanna Transit Co., Miller Transit Co., Cleveland Trust Co., National Commercial Bank; sec’y and director S. S. Hopkins Co.; vice pres. Presque Isle Transportation Co., and Lake Carriers Ass’n; member American Iron & Steel Institute and American Institute of Mining Engineers; member Union, Mayfield Country, Church and Rowfant Clubs.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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