Biographical Sketch of Charles E. Alden

Alden, Charles E.; attorney-at-law; born, Middlefield, O., Dec. 18, 1875; son of Edward H. and Hercy Dunham Alden; educated, Hiram College; degree of A. B. 1901; legal education at the Cleveland Law School and W. R. U., finishing in 1905; admitted to the Bar that year; married, Brunswick, O., Dec. 25, 1902, Ina May Gibbs; issue, Marcella Eugenia Alden age 5, and John Butler Alden age 3 years and 9 months; in Jan. 1906, formed partnership with E. J. Hopple, firm of Alden & Hopple; in 1909 firm changed to J. M. Cullough, firm of Alden & Hopple; in 1909 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William George Dietz

Dietz, William George; investment banker; born, Warren, O., April 7, 1857; son of August A. and Katherine Baehr Dietz; educated public school and in the private school of Miss Sackett, in Warren; graduated Hiram College, 1881, Ph. B.; married, Solon, O., Nov. 18, 1885, Jessie B. Pettibone; one daughter, Marian; deputy auditor Trumbull County, 1867-1877; sec’y to Dr. B. A. Hinsdale, supt. of the Cleveland public Schools, from September, 1882, to February, 1886; was one of the first two teachers in the night schools of Cleveland; taught news boys; with Lamprecht Bros. & Co., bankers, 1886-1893; organized the firm of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew Squire

Squire, Andrew; lawyer; born, Oct. 21, 1850; Mantua, Portage County, 0.; son of Dr. Andrew Jackson and Martha (Wilmot) Squire; educated, public schools and Western Reserve Eclectic Institute, Hiram, O.; 1866-1867, took a course of medical lectures in Cleveland; graduated from Hiram College in 1872, came to Cleveland, and began the study of law in the office of Cadwell & Marvin; admitted to the bar in 1873; three years partnership with Mr. Marvin; then in the firm of Marvin, Squire & Hart; withdrew and formed a partnership with Mr. Estep; in 1882, firm became Estep, Dickey & Squire; in January, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Mark Allen

Allen, Albert Mark; consulting engineer; born, Akron, O., Aug. 26, 1877; son of Minor J. and Frances DeWolf Allen; educated, Hiram College; Steven’s Institute of Technology, M. E. Degree; married, Union Hill, N. J., April 6, 1900, Christine M. Pellinger; issue, two children; member firm Albert M. Allen & Co.; director Banker’s Guarantee Title & Trust Co., member American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and American Society of Mechanical Engineers; member Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity, Chamber of Commerce, University and Athletic Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Jasper Holmes Sheadle

Sheadle, Jasper Holmes; Iron ore and lake transportation; born, New Bedford, Pa.; son of Obediah and Sarah Barnheisel Sheadle; educated, public schools and Hiram College; married, New York, Kate Buckingham; Republican; joined his father in banking business, in Girard, O.; two years teller of the Girard Savings Bank; at the age of 22 became asst. cashier Second National Bank, Youngstown, O.; left the banking business, and went to New York City, as supt. of laying of gas mains for Standard Gas-Light Co.; 1888, became sec’y of the Mahoning Valley Iron Manufacturers Ass’n, in 1890, became sec’y’ for The Cleveland Cliffs … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David William Teachout

Teachout, David William; merchant; born, Cleveland, Sept. 20, 1886; son of Albert R. and Sarah Parmly Teachout; educated, Hiram College, 1908, degree of M. A.; Harvard, 1910; married, Hiram, O., June 20, 1911, Ruth Eugene Meigs, Nanking, China; one son, David William, Jr.; vice pres. and treas. The A. Teachout Co.; treas. and gen. mgr. The Edgewater Co.; sec’y The Broadway Co.; director The Coates Co.; The Big Four Milling Co., and the Teachout Sash, Door & Glass Co., Columbus; Fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon; member Lakewood Tennis Club, Chamber of Commerce, and University Club.

Biographical Sketch of Henry Everett McMillin, Jr.

McMillin, Henry Everett, Jr.; musical instruments; born, Shelby, O., April 27, 1876; son of H. E. and Emma C. North McMillin, Sr.; educated, Hiram College, Hiram, O.; married, Cleveland, April 19, 1899, Minna A. Frisch, of Mansfield, O.; Q. M. Sergt., Co. K, 10th O. V. I., Spanish American War; vice pres. and gen. mgr. The H. E. McMillin Co.; member Cleveland Athletic Club. Fond of Tennis.

Biographical Sketch of Morris A. Bradley

Bradley, Morris A.; real estate; born, Cleveland, Aug. 15, 1859; son of Alva Bradley; educated, public schools and Hiram College; married, Cleveland, May 10, 1883, Anna Leiminger; issue, five children; with his father, Alva Bradley, until 1885; at his death, took charge of the estate; pres., treas. and mgr. The Bradley Transportation Co.; pres. Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co.; vice. pres. United States Coal Co.; director Peoples Gas, Light and Coke Co., and interested in a number of other corporations; member Union, Euclid, and Roadside Clubs; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of George W. York

York, George W.; investment banker; born, 1869; graduated from Hiram College in 1892; he’ has been associated with the bond business since 1893; has had a long experience in the purchase and sale of bonds; has traveled extensively in connection with his work; for some years he was mgr. of the Bond Dept. of the Otis Co., and in 1911 became a general partner in the firm.

Biographical Sketch of Fred Sanford Crane

Crane, Fred Sanford; sales mgr.; born, Mantua, O., July 15, 1875; son of Simeon Charles and Laura L. Crane; educated, Mantua and Ravenna schools and Hiram College; married, Hudson, O., March 17, 1900, Alice E. Ellsworth; sales mgr. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., since 1903, Cleveland; member Masonic, Knight Templars, Consistory, Shrine, Automobile and Rotary Clubs, and Association of Credit Men.

Biographical Sketch of James Rudolph Garfield

Garfield, James Rudolph; ex-Secretary of the Interior; born, Hiram, O., Oct. 17, 1865; son of James Abram (20th President of the U. S.) and Lucretia Rudolph Garfield (q. v.); brother of Harry Augustus G. (q. v.) ; A. B., Williams College, 1885; studied Columbia Law School.; (LL. D., University of Pittsburg, 1909) ; married, Helen Newell, of Chicago, Dee. 30, 1890; admitted to bar, 1888; member Ohio Senate, 1896-1899; member U. S. Civil Service Commission, 1902-1903; commissioner of corporations, U. S. Dept. of Commerce and Labor, 1903-1907; Sec’y of the Interior in cabinet of President Roosevelt, March 4, 1907-March 4, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Augustus Henry

Henry, Frederick Augustus; lawyer; born at Bainbridge, Geauga county, O., June 16, 1867; son of Charles Eugene and Sophia Marcia Williams Henry; A. B., Hiram College, Ohio, 1888; A. M., LL. B., University of Michigan, 1891; married, Louise Adams, of E. Smithfield, Pa., Jan. 25, 1893; in law practice at Cleveland, 1891-1905; judge Circuit Court of Ohio, 1905; prof. law, Western Reserve University, 1894-1911; pres. trustees, Hiram College; trustee Cleveland Y. M. C. A.; pres. Ohio State Y. M. C. A.; Republican; member Disciples of Christ; prem. Cuyahoga County Sunday School Ass’n; chairman Cleveland. Committee Laymen’s Missionary Movement; member New … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Howard Brett

Brett, William Howard; librarian, Cleveland Public Library; born, Braceville, O., in 1846; son of Morgan Lewis and Jane Brokaw Brett; educated, public schools, Warren, O., studied Western Reserve College, Hudson, O., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; graduated from Hiram College, Hiram, O., degree A. M.; married, Cleveland, 1879, Alice L. Allen; issue, 6 children, 1 deceased; appointed to his present position in 1884; devoted to the cause of public libraries, and a student with a broad general knowledge; instrumental in forming the Ohio Library Ass’n, pres., 1895 and 1896; in 1897, pres. of the American Library Ass’n; chairman, in … Read more

Biography of Col. Horack L. Moore

Col. Horack L. Moore, of Lawrence, had seen valiant service as a soldier of the Civil war and in after campaigns against the hostile Indians of the West. He had also been a successful business man and banker, had served a term in Congress and is still a local leader in substantial and beneficial enterprises. He is a native of Ohio, born at Mantua, February 25, 1837, and received his higher edueation at the Western Reserve Electric Institute, at Hiram, Ohio. In 1858 he moved to Kansas with his brother Francis, who died a mouth after their arrival in Atchison … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Warren Sherman Hayden

Hayden, Warren Sherman; investment banker; born, Danbury, Ct., Oct. 20, 1870; son of Warren L. and Anna Flower Sherman Hayden; his father was born in Ohio and mother in Vermont; educated, Hiram College, 1892, Ph. B.; married, Hiram; O., 1893, Blanche R. Squire : one daughter, Margaret Hayden; second marriage, Cleveland, 1906, Elizabeth Strong; one son, Sherman Strong Hayden, and one daughter, Eleanor Hayden; pres. Cleveland Council of Sociology, 1909-1910; vice pres. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1912; vice pres. Investment Bankers Ass’n of America, 1912; pres. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1913; representative Lamprecht Bros. & Co., 1892-1895; manager Bond Department … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Virgil P. Kline

Kline, Virgil P.; lawyer, born, Conneaut, Nov. 3, 1844; educated, Electric Institute, Hiram, O.; graduated from Williams College, 1886; studied law in Cleveland, and passed examinations in 1870, and was admitted to the bar; with Albert T. Slade, until his death in 1876; member of the firm of Henderson, Kline & Tolles; later Kline, Tolles & Goff; when Mr. Goff became pres. of the Cleveland Trust Co., firm was organized as Kline, Tolles & Morley; powerful orator; special student of financial and economic questions; Democrat; frequent nominee for office; ran ahead of party ticket, but majority of Republican party caused … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John F. Scott

John F. Scott, attorney at law, Mattoon; was born in Geauga Co., Ohio, A. D. 1844; his early life was spent upon the farm, and his experiences those common to a farmer’s soil; at the age of 16, he became a student in the Eclectic Institute (now Hiram College), at that time presided over by Gen. J. A. Garfield; here he remained one year; returning home, he engaged in farming one year, and subsequently engaged in teaching; in 1866, he entered the Commercial College in Poughkeepsie, N.. Y., remaining eight months; he next engaged in the sale of territory for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Crile

Crile, George W.; surgeon, born, Chili, O., Nov. 11, 1864; son of Michael and Margaret (Deeds) Crile; A. B., Ohio Northern University, 1884, A. M., 1888; M. D., Wooster University, Cleveland, 1887; student Vienna, 1893; London, 1895; Paris, 1897; (hon. Ph. D., Hiram College, 1901); married Grace McBride, of Cleveland, Feb. 7, 1900; prof. clin. surgery, Western Reserve University, since, 1900; surgeon, Lakeside Hospital Alvarenga prize, College Physiology, Phila., 1901; fellow, A. A. A. S.; member-Association of American Pathologists and Bacteriologists, A. M. A.; American Surgical Association; Soc. Experimental Biology and Medicine, American Physiology Society. Author: Surgical Shock, 1897; Surgery … Read more