Biographical Sketch of Ulysses L. Marvin

Marvin, Ulysses L.; attorney; born, Stow, Summit County, O., March 14, 1839; son of Ulysses and Elizabeth Bradley Marvin; educated, public schools, Twinsburg Academy, Franklin Institute and private tutor; honorary degree, LL. D., Kenyon College; married, Kent, O., Nov. 21, 1861, Dorena Rockwell; died Nov. 1, 1898; married, second time, Cleveland, Sept. 28, 1901, Carrie Ensign; two sons living, George U. and Francis R.; volunteered Aug. 9, 1862; served till Oct. 4, 1865, private, first lieut., capt. and Major by brevet; was wounded twice in battle; began to teach school at age of 16; principal Kent High School 1861-1862; Judge … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred Sanford Crane

Crane, Fred Sanford; sales mgr.; born, Mantua, O., July 15, 1875; son of Simeon Charles and Laura L. Crane; educated, Mantua and Ravenna schools and Hiram College; married, Hudson, O., March 17, 1900, Alice E. Ellsworth; sales mgr. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., since 1903, Cleveland; member Masonic, Knight Templars, Consistory, Shrine, Automobile and Rotary Clubs, and Association of Credit Men.

Biographical Sketch of Albert Finney Donaldson

Donaldson, Albert Finney; real estate dealer; born, Charlestown, O., Aug. 17, 1889; son of Levi Judson and Margaret Frew Donaldson; early education in the district schools of Florida and Georgia, later attending Oberlin College at Oberlin, O., took gold medal as 1st prize for original oration in Oberlin, 1910; spent about two years traveling for Frontier Press Co. of Buffalo, N. Y., doing general agency work; went to the Northwest, and engaged in the real estate business in Vancouver, B. C.; returned to Cleveland, and established the firm of Heintz & Donaldson, specializing in the sale of East End property; … Read more

Roll Of Lieut. Charles Gilbert’s Company

(Probably from Portage County) Served from August 24, until September 4. 1812. Lieut. Charles Gilbert Sergt. Hugh McDaniel Sergt. Lyman T. Gilbert Sergt. Truman Gilbert Corp. Gains Smith Corp. Zebulon Walker Privates Amasa, Preston Baldwin, John F. Boswick, Abnah Fisher, John Gano, David Gilbert, Marvin Hazzard, James Jewell, William Kane, Gabriel Lewis, Joseph Loury, Chauncey McKelvey, John Shank, Nicholas Shaw, John Smith, Roswell Trowbridge, Dayton Tuttle, James

Biographical Sketch of John Corydon Hutchins

Hutchins, John Corydon; lawyer; born, Warren, O., May 8, 1840; son of John Hutchins; mother’s maiden name Andrews; educated, Warren public schools, Oberlin College and Albany Law School; married, Ravenna, O., Dec. 28, 1861, Jane M. Campbell; issue, five children, two daughters and three sons; 1st lieut. 2nd Ohio Cavalry in Civil War; came to Cleveland to live in 1868, and from that time on has lived an active professional business and official life; member of School Board, 1873; prosecuting attorney, 1871-1880; Judge of Police Court from 1883 to 1887; member of Public Library Board thirteen years, and pres. eight … Read more

Roll Of Capt. William N. Hudson’s Company

(From Geauga or Portage Counties.) Served from August 24, until August 31, 1812. Capt. William N. Hudson Ensign Erastus Creary Corp. Ashbel Gilmore Privates Archer, William Jr. Archer, William Sr. Eames, Isaac Gilmore, Samuel Kent, Elihu L Lacey, George D. Lacey, Jaspar B McConnaughey, Porter D. Minor, John Osborn, Alexander Sheffield, Alpheus Sheffield, Leroy Singletary, Uriah I

Biographical Sketch of Andrew Squire

Squire, Andrew; lawyer; born, Oct. 21, 1850; Mantua, Portage County, 0.; son of Dr. Andrew Jackson and Martha (Wilmot) Squire; educated, public schools and Western Reserve Eclectic Institute, Hiram, O.; 1866-1867, took a course of medical lectures in Cleveland; graduated from Hiram College in 1872, came to Cleveland, and began the study of law in the office of Cadwell & Marvin; admitted to the bar in 1873; three years partnership with Mr. Marvin; then in the firm of Marvin, Squire & Hart; withdrew and formed a partnership with Mr. Estep; in 1882, firm became Estep, Dickey & Squire; in January, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abner H. Bedell

Bedell, Abner H.; insurance; born, Shalersville, O., July 29, 1872; son of H. C. and Sarah L. (Horr) Bedell; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, March 29, 1913, Bertha R. Lewis; paymaster, Ohio Battalion Naval Reserves to 1896; quartermaster 10th 0. V. Inf. 1898; War with Spain; entered insurance business, 1890; treas. and director 0. M. Stafford-Goss-Bedell Co.; Coventry Road Land Co.; West Ninth Co.; Cleveland Athletic Club; director Guarantee Title and Trust Co.; member Military Order of Foreign Wars; member Union, Cleveland Athletic, Hermit, Euclid and Mayfield Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of George R. Canfield

Canfield, George R.; oil business; born, Mantua, O., Dec. 1, 1857; son of George W. and Jannette L. Merryfield Canfield; education, country and Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Nov. 11, 1879, Ella M. Summonds; issue, Charles H. Grace Brewster, Gilbert B.; first wife died 1884; married, Oct. 19, 1887, Mrs. Lucy E. Long (nee Quayle); 1877, began work as clerk for The Republic Refining Co.; became supt. of plant, which was later absorbed by The Standard Oil Co.; remained with firm as supt. until 1887; organized The Canfield Oil Co.; pres. The Canfield Oil Co. and The Canfield Realty Co.; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Irwin Bacon

Irwin Bacon is a native of Portage County, Ohio, and was born January 19, 1843. His father was a native of Connecticut, and his mother, of Ohio. His parents came to Daviess County in 1848, when he was five years of age, and settled on a farm, where he remained until 1861, when he enlisted in Company G, Thirty-third Regiment Enrolled Missouri State Militia, and was on duty at intervals during the war and participated in several noted engagements. At the close of the war he returned to his home and engaged in farming until 1870, and has been a … Read more

Jennie Lind Todd Trafford of Leavittsburg OH

TRAFFORD, Jennie Lind Todd8, (Lewis C.7, Lewis C.6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Nov. 20, 1872, in Nelson, Portage County, Ohio, married Fred Trafford. They lived in Leavittsburg, Ohio. Child: I. A child.

Lewis C. Todd of Garrettsville OH

Lewis C. Todd7, (Lewis C.6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born July 30, 1824, in Ellery, Chautauqua County, N. Y., d. Mar. 18, 1890, in Garrettsville, O., where he married first, Feb. 11, 1845, Mary P. Cook, who was born Nov. 1, 1828, died Oct. 24, 1861. He married second, Electa Jane Young, who lived in Geauge County, Ohio, she was born Nov. 27, 1834, died March 18, 1890, in Garrettsville, Ohio. Children by Mary P. Cook: *1720. Clarence Lewis, b. Feb. 23, 1849. *1721. Mary Ellen, b. Sept. 3, 1855. Children by Electa Jane Young: 1722. Melvin Brain, b. … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Timothy Culver’s Company

(Probably from Portage Co.) Served from August 24, until September 4,1812. Capt. Timothy Culver Lieut. Isaac Merriman Sergt. Walter Dickinson Sergt. William Rogers Corp. Ephraim Sabin Corp. Oliver C. Dickenson Corp. Abel Sabine Drummer, Daniel Ward Privates Cross, Tbeophilus Goss, John Harris, Joseph Mosher, Henry P Savage, Jehiel Sears, Elias Sears, Elisha Sears, Nathan, Jr. Upson, Arad Upson, Freeman Ward, Joshua

Roll Of Lieut. Ira Morse’s Company

(Probably from Portage County) Served from August 24, until September 4, 1812. Lieut. Ira Morse Sergt. Hamlet Coe Sergt. Alexander K. Hubbard Sergt. Jeremiah Jones Corp. Caleb Mattoon Privates Baldwin, Allen E. Baldwin, Ami Baldwin, Moses Bucksley, Asabel Carter, James Chittendon, Almon Day, Oratio Granger, Ralph Hartsell, Abraham Hartsell, John Hartsell, Peter Hartzell, William Hubbard, Ephraim B Laughlin, James Mason, Peter Morse, Amos Mott, Elijah Mott, Ezekial Quier, John Strong, William A Sutliff, Jesse Taylor, Robert Whittlessey, John H.

Biographical Sketch of Henry Everett McMillin, Jr.

McMillin, Henry Everett, Jr.; musical instruments; born, Shelby, O., April 27, 1876; son of H. E. and Emma C. North McMillin, Sr.; educated, Hiram College, Hiram, O.; married, Cleveland, April 19, 1899, Minna A. Frisch, of Mansfield, O.; Q. M. Sergt., Co. K, 10th O. V. I., Spanish American War; vice pres. and gen. mgr. The H. E. McMillin Co.; member Cleveland Athletic Club. Fond of Tennis.

Biographical Sketch of George W. Crile

Crile, George W.; surgeon, born, Chili, O., Nov. 11, 1864; son of Michael and Margaret (Deeds) Crile; A. B., Ohio Northern University, 1884, A. M., 1888; M. D., Wooster University, Cleveland, 1887; student Vienna, 1893; London, 1895; Paris, 1897; (hon. Ph. D., Hiram College, 1901); married Grace McBride, of Cleveland, Feb. 7, 1900; prof. clin. surgery, Western Reserve University, since, 1900; surgeon, Lakeside Hospital Alvarenga prize, College Physiology, Phila., 1901; fellow, A. A. A. S.; member-Association of American Pathologists and Bacteriologists, A. M. A.; American Surgical Association; Soc. Experimental Biology and Medicine, American Physiology Society. Author: Surgical Shock, 1897; Surgery … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jay P. Dawley

Dawley, Jay P.; lawyer; born, Ravenna, O., March 7, 1847; son of Perry P. and Rebecca Clemens Dawley; educated, Ravenna High School, and Western Reserve College; married, Corry, Pa., Sept. 12, 1873, Iva G. Canfield; issue, Frances C., William J., Arthur A. and Ruby S.; member of Company C, 16th Ohio Batallion Infantry; member Cleveland Board of Education and Cleveland Library Board; practiced at Cleveland Bar for forty years; director Webb C. Ball & Co., and Baldwin Hotel Co.; member Delta Upsilon Fraternity.

Biographical Sketch of Charles W. Chase

Chase, Charles W.; trustee of The Estate of Edwin Cowles; born, Edinburg, O., Aug. 8, 1846; son of Charles W. and Eliza Brown Chase; attended public school in Portage county, O., and High School at Newton Falls, O.; married, Cleveland, Aug. 1, 1872, Almira F. Cowles; one daughter, Helen (Mrs. E. C. Bassett) ; treas. of the City, April, 1895-1899; in clothing and men’s furnishing business from 1870 to 1890, at No. 15 Public Square; director Chamber of Commerce, 1905-1906; pres. of The Cleveland Leader Co., 1901-1905; sec’y, treas. and director The Electric Smelting & Aluminum Co.; sec’y and director … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Augustus Henry

Henry, Frederick Augustus; lawyer; born at Bainbridge, Geauga county, O., June 16, 1867; son of Charles Eugene and Sophia Marcia Williams Henry; A. B., Hiram College, Ohio, 1888; A. M., LL. B., University of Michigan, 1891; married, Louise Adams, of E. Smithfield, Pa., Jan. 25, 1893; in law practice at Cleveland, 1891-1905; judge Circuit Court of Ohio, 1905; prof. law, Western Reserve University, 1894-1911; pres. trustees, Hiram College; trustee Cleveland Y. M. C. A.; pres. Ohio State Y. M. C. A.; Republican; member Disciples of Christ; prem. Cuyahoga County Sunday School Ass’n; chairman Cleveland. Committee Laymen’s Missionary Movement; member New … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jasper Holmes Sheadle

Sheadle, Jasper Holmes; Iron ore and lake transportation; born, New Bedford, Pa.; son of Obediah and Sarah Barnheisel Sheadle; educated, public schools and Hiram College; married, New York, Kate Buckingham; Republican; joined his father in banking business, in Girard, O.; two years teller of the Girard Savings Bank; at the age of 22 became asst. cashier Second National Bank, Youngstown, O.; left the banking business, and went to New York City, as supt. of laying of gas mains for Standard Gas-Light Co.; 1888, became sec’y of the Mahoning Valley Iron Manufacturers Ass’n, in 1890, became sec’y’ for The Cleveland Cliffs … Read more