This document contains genealogical statements regarding various individuals and families of Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Mississippi Choctaw descent who sought recognition and enrollment in tribal rolls. The records, primarily from 1909 reports, detail claimants’ ancestry, enrollment issues, and tribal affiliations. Many individuals were denied enrollment due to factional disputes, legal technicalities, or failure to apply within deadlines. The document includes references to official reports and affidavits, offering insights into the complexities of Native American citizenship and land rights during the early 20th century.
Gamblin, John H.. et al.
Choctaws by blood. Indian Office files: Land 24250-1909. These applicants wore adjudged to be entitled to enrollment by the Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes February 14, 1907. This action was taken under certain rulings of the department relating to the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior, pursuant to which It was the practice to hear and adjudicate such cases upon their merits notwithstanding prior adverse action. This construction was not concurred in by the Attorney General, who, in an opinion rendered February 19, 1907, he’d, or at least seemed to hold, that the Secretary of the Interior had been exercising jurisdiction in cases wherein he had no authority to act. As a result of said opinion of the Attorney General, the Secretary of the Interior, on March 1, 1907. solely on jurisdictional grounds rescinded the favorable decision theretofore rendered by the Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes, the result being that the applicants failed to secure enrollment. Assuming the correctness of the commissioner’s decision, they were entitled, upon the merits of their cases, to be enrolled.
Number of claimants In this memorandum, approximately, 5.
Garland (Christian name not known). (Minor.)
Choctaw by blood. Files: See memorandum of information obtained tit Hugo. Okla., November 12, 1912. with Part I, Exhibit F. report of March 3, 1909. This child is entitled to enrollment and is now living with a family near Nesholi, Okla. Mr. Hudson has been informed that the child is the offspring of Simon Garland but that the facts concerning its birth were of such a nature that they were suppressed and no application made In order to save the family pride.
Number of claimants In this memorandum, 1.
Gatewood, Alice, et al.
Chickasaw. She seeks transfer from Chickasaw freedman roll to Chickasaw blood roll, claiming that her mother was a full-blood Indian and a blood relation of Sarah Jane Sanders, on approved Chickasaw rolls opposite No. 2093. This claim includes the children of Alice Gatewood and her grandson, Theodore D. Roosevelt Logan. No. 6.
Geggs, (Son of Gilbert or Joseph Geggs.)
Choctaw by blood. Files: Statement of Edward Dukes, ex-governor of the Choctaw Nation, made November 13, 1908, at office of district Indian agent, Antlers, Okla. Mr. Dukes states that this claimant. Mr. Geggs, is his nephew and he believes him to be a one-fourth blood Choctaw. Geggs married a Choctaw woman and therefore claims both by blood and intermarriage.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.
Givens, Luther.
Givens. (Christian name unknown). (Deceased.)
Creeks by blood. Files: Part III, reported March 3. 1909. It is claimed that Luther Givens was born in February 1906: that his father is enrolled as a Creek citizen: that his mother is a full-blood Creek, and also enrolled. It. is also claimed that no application was made for the enrollment of the child, because the parents were prevented by high water from meeting the field party which was in charge of enrollment in the Creek Nation.
Number of claimants In this memorandum, 2.
Goins, Ransom, et al
Goins, Reuben, et al
Goins, Ransom, Jr.
Southern, Mrs. William
Choctaws by blood. Files: Part II. Exhibit F. report March 3, 1909. Ransom and Reuben Goins are brothers. Mrs. Southern is their sister. All claim to be half-blood Choctaws. The two men appeared at the office of the district Indian Agent, at Pauls Valley, Okla., November 20, 1908, and made statements as to their claims. Both me obviously some kind of Indian blood, and Ransom speaks the Choctaw language. Residence, Indian Territory since 1875. Reuben also claims that he has a right as an intermarried Chickasaw, by reason of marriage to his present wife. Ransom Coins, jr., Is a son of Ransom Coins, sr.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 4.
Grass, Josie.
Cherokee by blood. Files: Report Acting Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes. January 15. 1!)10, addressed to Hon. J. George Wright. Josie Grass, age 5 years, child of Tom and Betsy Crass, Cherokees. Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.
Grazier, Viola. Afton, Okla.
Cherokee by blood. Files: Report of November 15 1907, from Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes. Case No. 4079. Viola Grazier was born August 20, 1902. and is a child of Homer H. Grazier, whose name appears upon the approved roll of citizens by blood of the Cherokee Nation, opposite No. 0841, being enrolled as three-eighths Indian, and one Dora Grazier, a noncitizen: of the Cherokee Nation. The application for her enrollment was made October 3, 1902, and on February 20. 1907, the former commissioner rendered his decision ordering her enrolled as a citizen by blood of the Cherokee Nation. No protest against her enrollment was filed by the attorney for the Cherokee Nation, but through oversight she was not placed upon a schedule of Cherokee citizens and forwarded for departmental approval. Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.
Greenleaf, Mary W.
Greenleaf. Robert W. (Minor.)
Greenleaf, Margaret M. (Minor.)
Cherokees by blood. Files: Record on file in Indian Office. (Sce also opinion of A. A. G. for Interior Department. December 14, 1904.) These claimants are undoubtedly Cherokees by blood. Mary W. Greenleaf Is the mother of the other applicants and is the daughter of Amos Williamson, a white man. and a Cherokee woman named Margaret Williamson, now Brackett. whose name appears upon the confirmed Cherokee roll of 1880. The parents separated in 1855, and Mary W. Greenleaf was taken from the Cherokee Nation, of which she was a citizen by birth, by her father to one of the States. Her Cherokee nativity and blood were concealed from her until September. 1900, when they were disclosed to her by her stepmother. As appears from the opinion of the A. A. G.. referred to above, the applicants were entitled to enrollment as a matter of right, but that for jurisdictional reasons the commission to the Five Civilized Tribes had no authority to enroll them.
Number of claimants in this memorandum. 4.