List 5, Choctaws

List of Choctaws and Mississippi Choctaws whose names were omitted from final rolls because no application was made or by reason of mistake or oversight. Shows the names of 22 Choctaws by blood, of 5 Mississippi Choctaws and 1 intermarried Choctaw. The approved rolls contain the names of 18,766 persons enrolled as citizens by blood. 1,643 persons enrolled as Mississippi Choctaws, and 1,672 enrolled as citizens by intermarriage. The percentage of omissions in each of these classes is very small, and in fact negligible.

Choctaws By Blood

1. Carn, David

Born February 26, 1906; died August 23, 1908: male: full blood. Father: Harlis Carn, Choctaw roll, No. 2882; full blood. Mother: Mary Carn, enrolled as Mary Oklahambi, Choctaw roll. No. 3388: full blood. No application for enrollment of this child was made within the time prescribed by law and no reason Is given for the failure.

2. Charles, Abram

Born February 1, 1905; living January 6,1911; male: full blood. Father: William Charles, Choctaw roll No. 3142: full blood. Mother: Sayanis Charles, enrolled as Sayanis Willie. Choctaw roll. No. 13481; full blood. The father testified through an interpreter, and the only reason given for failure to enroll the child is that he was told by some people that it was born out of date and could not be enrolled. The child was present at the hearing January 6, 1911.

3. Fisher, Dicey

Born in April 1905; living January 7, 1911; female; full blood. Father: Hicks Fisher. Choctaw roll No. 3342, full blood. Mother: Elizabeth Fisher: Choctaw roll, No. 3343; full blood. This child has a full-blood brother, Robert Fisher. Choctaw roll, No. 3344. The parents are both dead and the proof is furnished by a sister Salena Harley, a full-blood Choctaw and two other full-blood Choctaws. No reason is given for failure to apply for this child.

4. Fobb, Mary

Born August 4, 1904: living November 19, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Joseph Fobb. Choctaw roll No. 9965, full blood. Mother: Incy Fobb, Choctaw roll, No. 9966; full blood. No reason is given for failure to enroll this child. The father says: “I thought maybe the commissioners would enroll her and I don’t suppose they have enrolled her.”It is further developed by the testimony that the father was opposed to enrollment and allotment and wanted to hold the land under the old treaty.

5. Garland, Lizzie

Born October 17, 1905: living December 10, 1910: female; full blood; the illegitimate child of Minnie Garland, Choctaw roll, No. 5358, full blood, and Hickman Anderson, a full-blood Choctaw. The testimony in this case was taken before United States District Agent House. Lucy Garland, the stepmother of Minnie, testifies that she was present when the child was born and that she has had the care of the child ever since. Simon Garland, the father of Minnie, testifies that the child was born at his house and still lives, with him. Jincy White testifies that she saw the child when it was 4 or 5 days old, and that it has lived with the grandmother all its life. No reason is given for failure to enroll the child.

6. Haiakonobi, Amos

About 14 years old; living January 4, 1911; male; full blood. Father: Wilson Haiakonobi, Choctaw roll, No. 1106; full blood. Mother: Louisa Haiakonobi, full-blood Choctaw, who died prior to September 25, 1902. The Choctaw rolls also show the names of Sillis. Maike, Adeline, and Mary Haiakonobi, who are shown to be children of Wilson. The name of Amos Haiakonobi appears on the 1806 Choctaw tribal census roll at No. 5595. The father, a full-blood Choctaw, was opposed to enrollment and allotment, and neglected or refused to appear and testify in the case January 4, 1911, although advised of the hearing. The testimony of neighbors conclusively shows that this boy is about 14 to 15 years old and living January 4, 1911.

7. Hodges, Melissa

About 15 years old; living November 16, 1910; female; three-fourths Indian blood; illegitimate child of Sarah Pisachubbi, Choctaw roll, No. 3471; full blood. The father is said to have been Hannibal Hodges, half Negro and half Indian. The mother died about four years prior to the hearing November 10, 1910. Agnes Webster, stepmother of Sarah Pisachubbi, testified to the birth of the child, and that when she went to apply for Melissa’s land, she found that her name was not on the rolls. No other explanation of failure is given. Melissa was present at the hearing November 16, 1910, and appeared to be of Indian blood.

8. Jackson, Sallie

This full-blood Choctaw Indian removed to the Choctaw country from the State of Louisiana about 1890 and continued to live there until her death, October 14, 1910. Two sons. William and Email Charles, preceded her to the Choctaw Nation, going there in 1894. They were admitted to citizenship in the Choctaw Nation by an act of the Choctaw Council of October 10, 1895. A son, William Charles, testifies that she went with him to be enrolled, but was sick “and she didn’t get on.”

9. Jackson, William

Date of birth not shown; died in April 1906 about 5 years old; male; full blood. Father: Silas Jackson, Choctaw roll, No. 14599; full blood. Mother: Marsie Jackson, enrolled as Marsie Lewis, Choctaw roll, No. 5796; full blood. The father is dead, hut the date of his death is not shown. The mother testifies that she does not know why the child was not enrolled; that the father said he would make application but failed to do so. The parents were separated when the child was born, and after that lived together a short time and separated again about a year before the child died.

10. James, Fannie Myrtle

Born December 8, 1905: living December 1, 1910; female; three-fourths- blood Indian, one-half Choctaw and one-fourth Chickasaw. Father: Gilbert James, Chickasaw roll, No. 4830: half blood. Mother: Sallie James, enrolled as Sallie Clay, Choctaw roll No. 5343; full blood. Application was made July 2, 1906, for enrollment of this child, and her name was listed on minor Choctaw card, No. 456. February 23, 1907, the Commissioner to the Five Tribes refused to enroll the claimant because the mother, Sallie James, could not be Identified on the Choctaw roll, and no proof of marriage of the parents was furnished. This action was approved by the Secretary of the Interior, March 4, 1907. Apparently the failure to identify the mother was due to the fact that she was enrolled under her mime before marriage. The proof clearly establishes the rights of this child, and that application was made in due time, but denied because of the mistake noted. The child was present at the hearing, December 1, 1910.

11. Johnson, Alphrus

Born February 23, 1906; living January 6, 1911; male; full blood. Father: Anthony Johnson, Choctaw roll, No. 1393; full blood. Mother: Frances Johnson, enrolled as Frances Billy, Choctaw roll, No. 2989; full blood. No reason whatever is given for failure to make application for this child. The parents, being full-blood Indians, evidently did not look after the matter.

12. King, Solomon

Born December 24, 1905; living January 9, 1911; male; full blood. Father: Jesse King, Choctaw roll, No. 10778; full blood. Mother: Alice King, Choctaw roll, No. 9837, as Alice Nicholas; full blood.

13. McKinney, Benjamin Franklin

Born February 2, 1905; died August 8, 1906; male; full blood. Father: John McKinney, Choctaw roll, No. 12229; full blood. Mother: Dora Amos, Mississippi Choctaw roll, No. 785; full blood.

14. Polk, Willis

Born November 9, 1905; living November 15, 1910; male; full blood. Father: Cephus Kepo, now known as Cephus K. Polk, Chickasaw roll, No. 3630; full blood. Mother: Mary Polk, Choctaw roll, No. 10852; full blood. The father testified through an interpreter. He says he did not make application for this child because he was told by other Indians not to do so and they would get their land back and hold it in common. The child was present at the hearing, November 15, 1910.

15. Robinson, William F.

Born July 29, 1801; living December 0, 1910; male; three-eighths blood.

16 and 17. Robinson, Alice and Alpha

Twins; born March 15, 1897; female.

18. Robinson, Ada B.

Born December 4, 1898 ; female.

19. Robinson, James William

Born July 3, 1901; male.

20. Robinson, Emeline

Born August 5, 1903; female.

21. Robinson, Mary Ola

Born November 6, 1905: female. All living December 6, 1910; three- sixteenths blood. All children of William F. Robinson.
There is no question as to the Choctaw blood of William F. Robinson, his mother, Emeline K. Robinson, being on the Choctaw roll at No. 743, half blood, and his full brother. Alex Robinson, being on the Choctaw roll at No. 863, three-eighths blood.

It appears that William F. Robinson, in 1884, had a quarrel with a white man and so injured him that it was supposed he would die. Robinson thereupon left the country and did not return until 1901. He claims that he supposed until about the time of his return that the man whom he struck had died, and he feared arrest and punishment if he should return. He further avers that he had no communication with anybody in the Choctaw Nation until about the time of his return. During his absence in New Mexico, about 1896, he married a noncitizen, now Levonia Robinson. Notwithstanding this man’s absence from the Choctaw country, it is believed, in view of his undoubted Choctaw blood and the reason for his absence from the country, that he, with his children, should be protected in their claims as Choctaws if any provision be made for adding names to the Choctaw roll.

The wife, a white woman, not having resided In the Choctaw country prior to June 28, 1898, and having no claim by blood, should not be given favorable consideration.

22. Wright, Joseph James

Born July 9, 1905; died March 8, 1906; male; full-blood Indian, three-fourths Choctaw and one-fourth Chickasaw. Father: Eslam Wright, Choctaw roll, No. 12859; full blood. Mother: Frances Wright, Choctaw roll, No. 120; one-half Choctaw and one-half Chickasaw blood, but enrolled as half blood.

Mississippi Choctaw by Blood

1. Davis, Mond Amos

The proof, November 19, 1910, shows that this applicant is about 17 or 18 years old; that his mother, Josephine Amos, or Josephine Davis, was a full-blood Choctaw, who died prior to the removal of the Choctaws from Mississippi; that a half-brother, Jeff Amos, a half-sister, Lucinda Amos, and a half sister, Rosella Amos, by the same mother, are on the rolls of Mississippi Choctaws as full bloods at Nos. 1415, 1416, and 1417, respectively. It is further shown that this boy removed to the Choctaw country with the family of. Billy Washington and is still living with him. Billy Washington was a member of the Snake Band of Indians, opposed to enrollment, and prevented the boy from appearing at the hearing in 1910. It is clearly shown that this boy has lived in the Choctaw-Chickasaw country since his removal thereto in 1903. If any provision shall be made for the further identification and enrollment of Mississippi Choctaws, this applicant should he recognized.

2. John, Lillie Jackson

About 21 years old and living January 25, 1911; female, full blood. This applicant was born in Mississippi. Her father is Alex Jackson, a full-blood Choctaw, and her mother, Martha Jackson, a full-blood Choctaw, these facts being testified to by witnesses who knew them in Mississippi. Both these parents died while the applicant was a young child. Lillie removed from Mississippi to the Choctaw-Chickasaw country in 1902 with her grandmother, Ellen Jim, who afterwards married William Billey, and a company of Mississippi Choctaws, and has lived there since that time. It seems that this child was overlooked in making up the rolls of Mississippi Choctaws because her full-blood grandmother did not make application.

3. McDaniel, Houston

About 23 years old and living November 17, 1910; male; full blood. Father: Aqua McDaniel. Mother: Nancy McDaniel. Both parents are alleged to have been full-blood Choctaw Indians, who died in Mississippi. Houston removed to Oklahoma in 1901 and has resided there since that time. Isaac Thompson, a Mississippi Choctaw, testifies that he brought Houston with him to the Choctaw country in 1901 and that the boy has lived there ever since. He further testifies that he presented Houston’s name to the Dawes Commission but was told that the boy must appear before them in person. It appears that the claims of this boy for enrollment were not fully presented, because of his youth and the fact that nobody else looked after them.

4. McDaniel, Joe

About 12 years old and living November 17, 1910; male; full blood. Father: John McDaniel. Mother: Mary McDaniel. Both parents shown by the testimony to have been full-blood Choctaw Indians living in Mississippi. The father died there, and the mother removed to the Choctaw country in Oklahoma in 1906. The boy Joe, however, was brought by Isaac Thompson in 1901, being about 3 years old. This boy has lived in the Choctaw country in Oklahoma since that time. Thompson states that when he went before the Dawes Commission in behalf of Joe he was told that the child must appear in person.

5. Taylor, Joseph

Born June 21, 1905; living December 17, 1910: male; full blood. Father: Frank Taylor. Mississippi Choctaw roll No. 1075; full blood. Mother: Lulie Taylor, Mississippi Choctaw roll. No. 1076: full blood. No application of record. The father and mother each testify that they had no money to go to Muskogee to make application.

Intermarried Choctaw

1. Bevill, Joe T.

The proof shows that Joe T. Bevill was married to Alice E. Pitchlynn, a member of the Choctaw tribe, Choctaw roll No. 13038, as Alice Bevill, December 23, 1875, and continued to live with her until 1900, when she divorced him. In 1898 Bevill was arrested for some offense, the character of which is not shown, and upon conviction was sentenced to the penitentiary for a term of years. A divorce was secured by his wife, because of his conviction and imprisonment. Upon his release from imprisonment in 1901 he did not return to the Choctaw country, the reason for not doing so being stated by him as follows:

“Well, I used to think I stood pretty well here with my people, but I took a terrible downfall and got into the penitentiary and felt delicate about coming back, and after I got out of the penitentiary I went in the Cherokee country, and I was so ashamed and didn’t come back.”

The testimony further shows that this man was recognized as a Choctaw citizen and exercised various rights of such citizens, such as serving on juries in the Choctaw courts, serving as a clerk of elections in the Choctaw elections, securing permits for his renters to remain in the Choctaw country, voting at Choctaw elections, and acting as private secretary to the principal chief of the Choctaw Nation. This couple raised a family of children, five of whom were living December 1, 1910, and upon the final rolls of the Choctaw Nation. It is believed that the facts in this case justify the recognition of this man’s right to enrollment as an intermarried Choctaw.

United States Congress. Five Civilized Tribes In Oklahoma, Reports of the Department of the Interior and Evidentiary Papers in support of S. 7625, a Bill for the Relief of Certain Members of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, Sixty-second Congress, Third Session. Department of the Interior, United States. 1913.

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