Biography of Floyd O. Hale

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

Floyd O. Hale, general manager of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, with office in St. Louis, was born at West Windsor, Vermont, April 13, 1882. His father, Frank S. Hale, was likewise born in the Green Mountain state, where his ancestors, of English lineage, had settled at a very early day. In fact the family was founded in the new world when this country was numbered among the possessions of Great Britain and some of the family served with the American forces in the Revolutionary war. Frank S. Hale during his active life was engaged in agricultural and mercantile pursuits but is now living retired, enjoying a well earned rest. Politically he is a republican and has filled various offices of honor and trust, serving for two terms as a member of the state legislature. He wedded Mary J. Hale, a native of Vermont, and she, too, belongs to one of the old families of that state, of English origin. To Mr. and Mrs. Hale have been born three children, two sons and a daughter, but one of the sons is deceased.

Floyd O. Hale was educated in the public schools of Windsor, Vermont, and in Dartmouth College, from which he was graduated in 1903 with the Bachelor of Science degree. In the fall of that year he became connected with the Central District Printing & Telegraph Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, occupying a clerical position there through a period of six years and working his way steadily upward until he became general superintendent of traffic. He was afterward connected with the engineering department of the American Telephone & Telegraph Company at New York city for three years.

In September, 1912, Mr. Hale removed to St. Louis and accepted the position of chief engineer with the Southwestern Bell Telephone System, acting in that capacity until August, 1917, when he was advanced to the position of general manager and has so served to the present time. Large responsibilities devolve upon him in this connection, but his previous experience, his ready adaptability, his keen sagacity and sound business judgment make him thoroughly adequate to the demands which are made upon him in his present office.

In Windsor, Vermont, on the 25th of October, 1905, Mr. Hale was married to Miss Gail Giddings Perkins, a native of Vermont and a daughter of Marsh O. and Clara (McIndoe) Perkins. Two children were born of this marriage: Elizabeth Perkins, whose birth occurred in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 12, 1907; and Robert Locke, who was born in Pittsburgh, August 13, 1909. The family resides at No. 224 East Swan avenue, in Webster Groves.

Mr. Hale is a Mason, loyally following the teachings and purposes of the craft. He belongs to the Chamber of Commerce, is the president of the Algonquin Club and is a member of the Missouri Athletic Association. His political belief is that of the republican party, while his religious faith is indicated in his membership in the Webster Groves Congregational church. His support has ever been a potent element along the lines of material, intellectual, social and moral progress. He is never content to choose the second best and seeks ever the attainment of the highest ideals in matters of manhood and of citizenship.


Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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