Biography of David M. Currier, M.D.

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

David M. Currier, M.D., a successful physician of Newport, was born in Grafton, Grafton County, September 15, 1840, son of David and Rhoda (Morse) Currier. The grandfather, David Currier, presumably came from Salisbury, Mass., and located in Canaan, where he became the owner of a good tract of land, and died at the age of seventy-one years. He married February 2, 1797, Ruth Stevens, David, born February 8, 1803; Edward, born June 12, 1805; Aaron, born September 10, 1813; Dorothy, born January 28, 1799; and Hannah, born June 23, 1800. David, the father of Dr. Currier, was also a farmer. His active life was spent in Canaan and in Grafton. At a later date he moved to the farm, where he died July 2, 1862. His death resulted from injuries from the fall of a tree upon him while at work in the woods. He married Rhoda Morse, who was born in Enfield in 1807, and died March 31, 1894. He was a Free Will Baptist. In his last years he was a Republican. His children were: Rhoda M., who died when two years old; Amanda M. Hadley, who died sixty years of age; Ruth S. Leeds, who lives in Orange, N.H.; Mary Y. Diamond, also a resident of Orange; David M., the subject of this sketch; and William H. Currier, who is a travelling salesman, residing in South Braintree, Mass.

Having received his early education in the schools of Grafton and Sanbornton Bridge (now Tilton ), N.H., David M. Currier went into the McLean Insane Asylum, formerly in Somerville, Mass., as an attendant. Here he began the study of medicine under the superintendent of the institution, Dr. John E. Tyler. He was afterward a pupil of Dr. Dixie and A. B. Crosbie at Hanover, and subsequently, having entered Dartmouth Medical College, graduated therefrom in 1867. His first practice was in association with Dr. Fitz at Sutton, N.H. At the end of a year he settled in Sunapee, N.H., where he was located till 1870, when he went to Boston to take a course of lectures and to visit the hospitals. In 1885 he took a post-graduate course at the Post-graduate Medical College of New York. When he left Boston in 1871, he went into partnership with Dr. Swett in Newport. That connection ended after the lapse of a year, since which he has been in active practice alone.

On November 29, 1868, Dr. Currier married Jennie B. Colby, daughter of Johnson Colby, of Sutton. She died September 29, 1879, leaving no children. The Doctor contracted a second marriage December 29, 1881, with Annie M. Converse. Her father, E. C. Converse, who is the present Postmaster of Newport, was born in Lyme, N.H., June 2, 1827, son of Theron and Miriam Carpenter. His grandfather, Joel Converse, was one of the early settlers of Lyme, a farmer and a good worker. Joel married Elizabeth Bixby, who by him had Theron, who was also a farmer. Theron spent almost his entire life at Lyme, was a member of the Congregational church, a Whig in politics, and later a Republican. He died in 1861. His wife died in the previous year. He was the father of five children by a former wife, Mary Porter Converse; namely, Alpheus, Mary, Louisa, Benjamin, and an infant who died young. Born of his second marriage were: Theoron B., E. C., and Miriam. Miriam became the wife of Frank Smith, of Michigan. Mr. Converse was brought up in Lyme, where he was educated and where he became a clerk in a general store. He came to Newport in 1849, and in 1859 he engaged in the drug business for himself. This he continued until 1893, when he sold out to take charge of the post-office of the town. In 1848 he married Amanda Tibbetts, who was born in New York State. They have had five children: Alzira, who died at the age of fourteen years; Hattie, who became the wife of E. B. Temple, and died at twenty-nine years; Annie M., the wife of Dr. Currier; Sarah, the wife of David Leach; and Eleazar C., Jr., an electrician of Boston. The Lyme. A Democrat in politics, he has held the office of Town Clerk for two years, was legislative Representative for one year, and for many years was the Moderator of Newport. He is connected with the I. O. O. F., Sugar River Lodge, No. 45, and Mount Coit Lodge, No. 286, K. of H.

Dr. Currier has two daughters, namely: Helen M., born June 5, 1891; and Josephine, born June 23, 1893. Both he and Mrs. Currier attend the Methodist church. Dr. Currier votes the Independent ticket. He has been a member of the Board of Health, and he served for two years on the Water Commission for the construction of the present water system of Newport. He was on the Board of Education for three years, and has held the office of United States Examining Surgeon for the last twenty-one years. He is well known in Masonic and other secret society circles, being a member of Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 15, of Newport; Past High Priest of the Chapter of the Tabernacle, No. 19, Newport Lodge, K. of P., No. 43, of which he is a charter member and first Vice-Chancellor of the society and Past Chancellor Commander. He was admitted to the Grand Lodge, K. of P., in 1893, and in 1894 was elected Grand Master at Arms. In 1895 he was awarded to chair of Grand Vice-Chancellor; and in October, 1896, he was elected to the office of Grand Chancellor of the State of New Hampshire, which office he now holds. On March 7, 1897, he was commissioned Surgeon of the Second Regiment, Uniform Rank, K. of P., of the Grand Domain of New Hampshire. He is also a member of the New Hampshire Medical and Centre District Society, being an ex-President of the last named organization. He is a member of the American Public Health Association and of the Medico-Legal Society of New York. Dr. Currier has had a wide and extensive practice, and ranks second in seniority as a practising physician of Newport.


Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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