Biography of Frank Gilman Edgerly

Frank Gilman Edgerly, the efficient High Sheriff of Merrimack County, N.H., was born in Meredith, N.H., on February 19, 1853. His parents were William M. and Lydia (Fogg) Edgerly. His ancestors, paternal and maternal, were of English extraction. Thomas Edgerly, the emigrant progenitor on his father’s side, came to America in 1664, settling near what is now known as Durham, N.H. Thomas Edgerly was a well-educated man, prominent in the early history of New Hampshire, being one of the Justices before whom were tried many important cases involving the civil and religious rights of citizens. Frank G. Edgerly acquired a … Read more

Biography of Frank Willard Grafton, M.D.

Frank Willard Grafton, M.D., a successful medical practitioner of Concord, was born in Gilford, N.H., in 1869, son of James and Mary Jane (Collins) Grafton. The earliest known progenitor of this family, also named James, emigrated from Scotland to America, locating in Cushing, Me., where he cleared a tract of land, and was afterward engaged in farming. He married, and had a large family, of whom Joseph, the eldest child, was the great-grandfather of Frank Willard. Joseph Grafton, born in Cushing, who was also engaged in agricultural pursuits, passing his entire life on the farm, married, and reared a large … Read more

Biography of Dr. Rufus Merrill Weeks

Dr. Rufus Merrill Weeks, who resides in the village of Suncook, and is a well-known dentist in the town of Pembroke, was born in Gilford, N.H., December 15, 1854, son of William and Lizzie (Hutchinson) Weeks. Benjamin Weeks, the grandfather of Dr. Weeks, in his younger days was a farmer. He later learned Gilford. He became prominent in business circles and in public affairs, holding various town offices; and he was connected with the old State militia. In politics he was a Whig. He married, and reared a family of seven children. Of the latter the only survivor is Mrs. … Read more

Biography of Samuel Smith Page

Samuel Smith Page, who for more than forty years was one of the most esteemed residents of Hopkinton, was born September 30, 1822, in Dunbarton, N.H. He is a descendant of Benjamin Page, who was born in 1640, in Dedbam, fifty-seven miles north-east of London, England. In 1660, on account of religious differences, Benjamin came to America, locating in Haverhill, Mass., where on September 21, 1666, he married Mary Whittier, who belonged to the family from which the poet, John G. Whittier, sprung. Their son, Jeremiah, the eldest of a family of sixteen, born September 14, 1667, was the next … Read more

Barnstead Centre Graveyard, Belknap County, New Hampshire

BLAISDELL Mary B., d. 12 Aug. 1889, ae. 39 yrs. Dau. of J.P. & M.B. Blaisdell. Sophronia W., d. 29 Sept. 1895, ae. 75 yrs. Wife of Joseph P. Blaisdell. MCKEEN Phebe, d. 14 Aug. 1869, ae. 17 yrs., 1 mo., 21 days. Dau. of James & Betsey McKeen. James, d. 3 May 1879, ae. 67 yrs., 5 mos., 18 days. BARTLETT Little Hattie May, d. 28 Jan. 1890, ae. 2 yrs., 3 mos., 3 days. Dau. of John H. & Mary H. Bartlett. TUTTLE John, Esq., d. 12 Oct. 1854, ae. 70 yrs., 10 mos., 27 days. Hannah, d. … Read more

Biography of William Sargent Ladd

WILLIAM SARGENT LADD. – Of the gentlemen who came to Oregon with the purpose of forming here not only a settled social and political, but also a determinate business order, there is none to-day more prominent than W.S. Ladd. Our state has often invited comparison between her leading men and those of other parts of the nation, not at all fearing that she should suffer even if the investigation and analysis were carried to the extreme. But, in the case of the gentleman before us, such a comparison would never be thought of, since he has long been reckoned among … Read more

Biography of William F. Wadleigh

William F. Wadleigh, a farmer of Webster, is a native of Laconia, born January 24, 1837, son of Nathaniel R. and Polly H. (Ray) Wadleigh. The father, who was a prominent farmer of Laconia, and was born in 1802, died in 1854. The mother, born March 4, 1806, died in 1870. They had eight children, namely: Mary, now deceased, who was the wife of William Barrett, of Nashua, N.H.; Eliza, deceased, who was the wife of William Thompson, of Barrington, N.H.; Isaac, who married Abbie Davis, now deceased, and lives in Ludlow, Vt.; Almira, deceased, who married James Filgate, of … Read more

Biography of John Shackford Kimball

John Shackford Kimball was an enterprising lawyer of Boston and a business man of Burlington, Ia. A son of David and Abigail (Perkins) Kimball, Pembroke, N.H., April 28, 1812. His descent from Michael Kimball, who married Bettie Runnells, came through David Kimball of the second generation and David Kimball of the third, who married Abigail Perkins. The fifth generation is now represented by John Stevens Kimball. Mr. Kimball’s parents died at Pembroke when he was thirteen years old, leaving nine children-Betsey, Asa, Perkins, John Shackford, Abigail, Sarah Towle (widow of Timothy Colby, of Concord ), Joseph, Mary Lewis (widow of … Read more

Lake Village Times, Historical Notes, For 1868 and 1869

Lake Village Times Historical Notes For 1868 and 1869 (from a newspaper article–no date) Historical Notes. The following notes taken from the local columns of the first year’s file of the Lake Village Times cannot fail to be of interest to all and particularly to the young people. With the elderly they will refresh the memory while to the young and those who have lived here but a few years they will serve as bits of history of this place. 1868 Jan. 4 The Lake Village Times started by Stanton & Haynes. Four pages of six columns each. Issued from … Read more

Biography of Albert Stevens

Albert Stevens, a farmer of Concord, was born at Canterbury, N.H., January 24, 1833, and is a representative of the third generation of the Stevens family born in this town. His paternal grandfather, whose name, it is believed, was Simeon Stevens, was a farmer and lifelong resident of Canterbury. He attained an advanced age, and was the father of six sons and four daughters. Three of the sons-Moses, John, and Thomas -went West, and settled in Princeton, Ill., where they grew prosperous and married. John Stevens had a son who became extremely wealthy, and two of the sons of Simeon … Read more

Belknap County, New Hampshire Cemetery Records

New Hampshire Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the New Hampshire county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Belknap County Following Cemeteries Hosted at AccessGenealogy Barnstead Barnstead Centre Graveyard Barnstead Parade Ground Graveyard 1 Graveyard 2 Graveyard 3 Graveyard 4 Gilmanton Following Hosted at Belknap County NHGenWeb Archives Smith Meeting House Burial Ground Smith Meeting House Burial Ground, file 1 Smith Meeting House Burial Ground, file 3-5 Smith Meeting House Burial Ground, file 6  

Biography of Benjamin F. Maxfield

Benjamin F. Maxfield, one of the farmers of Loudon township, was born in Gilmanton, N.H., March 22, 1828, son of Enoch and Sallie (Thompson) Maxfield. The father, a farmer of Gilmanton, was a native of Chichester; and the mother was from Northfield, N.H. Their children were: Oliver, now deceased, who married Sobrina Ann Towle; Benjamin F., the subject of this article; Clearsy, deceased; Laura, also deceased, who became the wife of Cyrus Jones; B. Jennie, who is the wife of Thomas Tate, and now lives in Rockport, Mass.; Charles H., deceased; Hiram, deceased, who successively married Mary E. Flanders and … Read more

Lakeport, Belknap County, New Hampshire Obituaries

Obituaries extracted from various editions of the Lake Village Times, 1928-1930. Jan 1929 Alburtis S. Gordon Alburtis S. Gordon was found dead in a chair at his home, 103 Court St. yesterday morning by neighbors who summoned Dr. L. R. Brown, medical referee. Dr. Brown pronounced death due to natural causes. Mr. Gordon suffered a shock some time ago, and it is believed succumbed to another attack last evening. He was fully dressed. He lived alone. Mr. Gordon was formerly a prominent Laconia jeweler, in the firm of Gordon and Booth. He was born in Hebron, May 17, 1848. He … Read more

Biography of Alvin W. Sanders

Alvin W. Sanders, one of the leading merchants of Pittsfield, was born in this town, October 5, 1850, son of William and Adeline (Reynolds) Sanders. His grandfather, Samuel Sanders, who was a resident of Strafford, N.H., followed shoemaking and farming throughout the active period of his life, and died at the age of seventy years. Samuel’s wife, whose maiden name was Betsey Cater, lived to be eighty years old. She was the mother of nine children, all now deceased, of whom William was the youngest. William Sanders was born in Strafford, and reared upon a farm. He learned the shoemaker’s … Read more

Sanbornton NH Soldiers in the Civil War

There are a total of 265 men listed. If you have anyof these names in your family genealogy and would like me to put a link to your url or email please let me know. All information is taken from The History of Sanbornton, NH vol. I by Rev. M.T. Runnels 1882 The three years’ men of 1861 N.H. Fourth Regiment enlisted Sept. 18-20, 1861 for three years CHARLES K. BUSWELL; private, Co. D; discharged for disability, Dec 31, 1862 CHARLES C. CLARK; corporal, Co. D; discharged for disability, Dec 5, 1861; re-enlisted, Fifteenth Regiment, corporal, Co. H, Oct 11, … Read more

Biography of David M. Currier, M.D.

David M. Currier, M.D., a successful physician of Newport, was born in Grafton, Grafton County, September 15, 1840, son of David and Rhoda (Morse) Currier. The grandfather, David Currier, presumably came from Salisbury, Mass., and located in Canaan, where he became the owner of a good tract of land, and died at the age of seventy-one years. He married February 2, 1797, Ruth Stevens, David, born February 8, 1803; Edward, born June 12, 1805; Aaron, born September 10, 1813; Dorothy, born January 28, 1799; and Hannah, born June 23, 1800. David, the father of Dr. Currier, was also a farmer. … Read more

12th N.H. Regiment

Point Lookout, Md., August 11th, 1863 ____________ Mr. Editor: I suppose that long before this you have heard of the whereabouts of the 12th, and know something of our situation; but perhaps a few lines, relative to our proceedings of late, and of our present good fortune may prove acceptable. My last letter to the Gazette was written while we were at Green Springs, Md. Since we left that place, up to the time of our coming to this place, we have shared, in common with this army the hardships and privations incident to a hard march. I would like … Read more

Miscellaneous Graveyards in Belknap County, NH

Graveyard #4 (All overgrown and many stones fallen and broken to bits.) GARLAND     Eliza S., d. 8 Apr. 1850, ae. 22 yrs., 5 mos. Wife of Daniel H. Garland.     Anna E., d. 7 Oct. 1868, ae. 14 yrs. Dau. of Daniel H. & Sarah A. Garland. Graveyard #1 PICKERING     Capt. Jonathan, d. 7 Jul. 1883, ae. 84 yrs., 7 mos.     Eliza, d. 13 Aug. 1851, ae. 49 yrs., 6 mos. Wife of Capt. Jonathan Pickering.     Judith, d. 23 Mar. 1879, ae. 74 yrs. Wife of Capt. Jonathan Pickering.     Mary, d. 13 Oct. 1855, ae. … Read more

Biography of W. S. Ladd

It is seldom throughout the incipient stages of growth, down to a period covering many years in the development of a progressive commonwealth, that to any one man is accorded a foremost place by general consent. New countries, in these latter days of steam and electricity, develop often with rapidity; new issues are met by new leaders, while those who laid the foundation of society rarely retain their hold on affairs for any extended period of time. In this, however, Oregon has been an exception to the rule, and the career of William Sargent Ladd is a conspicuous example of … Read more

Biography of Samuel Henry Melcher

Samuel Henry Melcher is the son of Woodbury Melchor, Esq:, and a grandson of Capt. Samuel B. French, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., October 30, 1828. Was educated at Gilford and Gilmanton academies; graduated at medical department, Dartmouth College, in Grafton county, N, H.; then in Boston, Mass., until 1859, when he traveled South and through Texas; and at the close of that year, settled in Potosi, Washington county, Missouri. On the breaking out of the war, he offered his services at once to Gen. Lyon, at St. Louis arsenal; and was mustered in as assistant surgeon 5th Regt. … Read more