Biographical Sketch of James E. Madden

Last Updated on January 18, 2013 by Dennis

This well known and representative business man is one of the prominent citizens of Ontario, where he owns and operates a fine, large livery and feed stable having fine and comfortable rigs and good horses, and manifesting a careful supervision for the comfort and safety of his patrons. Mr. Madden was born in Perry County, Ohio on May 31, 1849, being the son of Hezekiah and Mary Madden, natives of Ohio, also. While still a child he was brought by his parents to Putnam county, in the native state, and in 1813 they came thence to Mills county, Iowa. He was reared on a farm, having but limited opportunity to gain educational training, but by dint of hard labor and making the best of the log school house’ privileges, he received his training. In 1874 he came to The Dalles and one year later returned to Iowa, where, in 1876, July 29, he contracted a marriage with Miss L. A. Barnett. They remained there two years on the home place, then bought a farm and tilled it until 1882, in which year he moved to Saunders county, Nebraska, purchased a farm and remained there until 1887. The last year mentioned was the time he migrated to Oregon, locating at Westfall, on Bully creek, Malheur county. He engaged in sheep raising, but later sold them and bought cattle and in the severe winter of 1889 and 1890 he lost nearly all his stock, as did many of the stock men. He was not to be discouraged, however, and went at the business again until he had regained his losses, and in 1899 sold out and came to Ontario, where he purchased eighty acres of land adjoining the town and began improving it. He has a fine six-room residence, land all fenced, good orchard, barns and out buildings, and the place is well supplied with water for irrigating. He owns stock in the Owyhee ditch, whence he gets his water supply. In addition to his farm and other property Mr. Madden has a livery and feed stable in Ontario, as stated above, and he does a good business.

To Mr. and Mrs. Madden there have been born nine children, as follows: Arthur, deceased, Perry, John H., Charles, Nona. Ethel, Nina, Joseph A., Robert E. and Pleasant. Mr. Madden is deserving of much credit or the faithful and enterprising manner in which he has labored in this county, and it is with pleasure that we have been enabled to do him this consideration, since he is well esteemed by all.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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