Biography of James W. Jenney, M. D.

James W. Jenney, M. D. Among many other titles of distinction Dr. James W. Jenny, whose name is professionally known in almost every state in the Union, enjoys that of pioneer physician at Salina, Kansas, which city had been his permanent home for forty-six years. He came here a young man, in the first flush of professional success, earnest and ambitious, and the passage of time had in no way lessened his devotion to medical science. James W. Jenney comes of solid old Quaker stock. He was born in a log cabin on his father’s farm in Huron County, Ohio, … Read more

Biography of Jacob Smith

Jacob Smith, of Topeka, was one of the notable pioneers of Kansas. He lived in this state half a century. During this time he distinguished himself by a large degree of constructive enterprise in various business affairs. He was a pioneer merchant at Topeka, was also one of the early county officials, was a banker, was interested in the building of railroads and was throughout noted as a man of unusual sound judgment, of great foresight and discernment, and of absolute integrity. The record of his life as given in the following paragraphs is essentially a part of Kansas history. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. A. Rice

D. A. Rice, station agent, telegraph operator and grain-dealer, Oakland; born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., April 4, 1847, where he lived until 9 years of age, when he removed with his parents to Pickaway Co., Ohio, where he commenced the study of telegraphy, living there three years; then to New Lexington, where he lived two years, the last year, having charge of the telegraph office at that place; he lived in Ohio and engaged in telegraphing until 1870, when he removed to Illinois and located at Effingham, where he was engaged at telegraphing for a short time, when he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joel K. Goodin

Joel K. Goodin, an early lawyer and legislator and a free-state leader, was born at Somerset, Perry County, Ohio, February 24, 1824. He received an academic education, after which he took up the study of law. Early in 1854 he was admitted to the bar in his native state and the following June located upon the Wakarusa River in what is now Douglas County, Kansas. Mr. Goodin was a delegate to the Big Springs convention; was clerk of the lower house of the Topeka Legislature until it was dispersed by Colonel Sumner; was secretary of the council in the free-state … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adam Whitmer

Adam Whitmer, farmer; P. O. Humbolt. The subject of this sketch was born in Perry Co., Ohio, Dec. 26,1832; he married Miss Olara Jane Bugh Nov. 1, 1864; she was born same place Jan 11, 1838; they have three children, viz., Laura, Elmo and Eva. He lived in Ohio until 1854, when he came to Illinois and settled in Crawford Co., where he lived one year; he then went to Dakota and engaged with a Government surveying party; he camped for two and a half years, where Yankton now stands; he lived in Dakota until 1859, when he went to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bush Bros.

Bush Bros., farm and stock; P. O. Charleston; David, John and Nelson; David was born in Northampton Co., Penn., March 1, 1832. He married Miss Elinor Stiff Jan. 28, 1864; she was born in Perry Co., Ohio; they have five children – four living, viz., Lillie D., John H., Eliza M. and Mary F.; he lived two years in Pennsylvania, when, with his parents, he moved to Ohio, and, in 1838, they came to Illinois and settled in Edgar Co., where they lived until 1849, when they came to Coles Co., and settled about two and a half miles west … Read more

Bowman, Mary Foster – Obituary

Grandma Mary Bowman, nee Foster, widow of John Bowman, deceased, died at the residence of Absalom Nellans, six miles southwest of Rochester, Monday, January 28 [1889]. Yesterday her remains were taken to the Lutheran Cemetery near Bloomingsburg for burial, prior to which Rev. A. E. Gift delivered an eloquent funeral sermon. Deceased was born in Perry County, Ohio, some 78 years ago, and emigrated to Fulton County, Indiana, during the early part of its history. She was brought up in the Lutheran faith from infancy, to which she devotedly clung to the end. Having lead a truly Christian life, deceased … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Brown

Jim Brown purchased land in Section 25 of Battle Township, Ida County, Iowa, on October 10, 1873. On March 29, 1874, he came back to live on the farm. James Brown was born in Perry County, Ohio, January 16, 1843. He was from a family of 13 children, nine sons and 4 daughters. His father was John Brown and he was born in 1800 in Waterford County, Ireland, and at the age of 15 came to the United States, landing at New Orleans. He worked for 7 years in the Carolinas and Georgia, and then located in Perry County, Ohio, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry King

It is not the rule for men to follow the trade or profession to which they are best adapted and to achieve the dominant ambition of their lives. This inclination and result can in absolute truth be said of Capt. Henry King. He learned the printer’s trade because the attraction was irresistible, and advanced from the composing room and hand press to the editorial desk because he must have foreseen the work he was best fitted to do. His taste and capacity were for writing, a natural force impelling him to reduce the workings of his mind to written form–and … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Adam Binckley’s Company

(From Perry and Fairfield Counties) Served from June 1, until August 12, 1813. Capt. Adam Binckley Lieut. John Middaugh Ensign, Richard Grabb Sergt. William B. Davis Sergt. John Overmire Sergt. John Fowler Sergt. Henry M. Davis Corp. Peter King Corp. John Leidy Corp. John Henry Corp. John Winner Privates Acker, George Acklin, Alexander Ammach, Abraham Amspach, Adam Baker, Henry Bonesteel, Henry Bouler, Alexander Bowland, Hugh Breson, George Bucket, William Buckson, Thomas Cock, Jacob Crosby, Edward Deal, David Downhouer, Jacob Dubler, Philip Dubler,John Fogt, Michael Grelle, Philip Hall, Benjamin Hawk, Solomon Houty, Christian Hutsman, Jesse Kinnon, William Lancaster, William Landfer, Benjamin … Read more

Biography of Robert H. Barton

One of the well known citizens of Moscow is Robert H. Barton, who is now capably serving as postmaster. He is true and faithful to this public trust and at all times has discharged his duties of citizenship with the same promptness and fidelity which marked his course when on the battlefields of the south he followed the starry banner to victory and thus aided in the preservation of the Union. He came to Moscow in 1877. His birth occurred in Perry County, Ohio, February 1, 1842, and he is of Scotch-Irish lineage. His grandfather, Robert Barton, emigrated from the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William N. Taylor

Taylor, William N.; mnfgr.; born, New Straitsville, August, 1879; son of Thomas and Ester Taylor; educated, common schools, New Straitsville; finished in mechanical engineering; married, Cleveland, Aug. 9, 1904, Mary A. Beerer; issue, one son and one daughter; active in politics, but has never run for any office; organized The Taylor Machine Co., which manufactures dairy supplies and gear cutting; has interest in several important patents; member Y. M. C. A., Foresters. Recreations: Motoring and Fishing.

Biographical Sketch of James E. Madden

This well known and representative business man is one of the prominent citizens of Ontario, where he owns and operates a fine, large livery and feed stable having fine and comfortable rigs and good horses, and manifesting a careful supervision for the comfort and safety of his patrons. Mr. Madden was born in Perry County, Ohio on May 31, 1849, being the son of Hezekiah and Mary Madden, natives of Ohio, also. While still a child he was brought by his parents to Putnam county, in the native state, and in 1813 they came thence to Mills county, Iowa. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Johnson

Isaac Johnson, farmer, Section 10, Township 5, Range 6, P. O. Randall Station, came to Kansas in April, 1870, and located on his farm, in Allen Township, Jewell County, where he has resided since. He is a member of the Church of the United Brethren. He participated in the last war as a member of Company A, Ninety-second Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and enlisted in Nelsonville, Athens Co., Ohio, July 25, 1862, and was discharged at Washington, D. C., and June 29, 1865. He took part in the battles of Hoover’s Gap, Tenn., and Chickamauga, where he was severely wounded … Read more

Biography of Lewis C. Nelson .

Lewis C. Nelson. The large industries in and about Coffeyville have naturally drawn to that city many of the expert technical men as well as business executives, and one of these is Lewis C. Nelson, superintendent of the Ludowici-Celadon Company, manufacturers of hollow roofing tile. Mr. Nelson as a young man became an expert wood worker, later developed a proficiency and familiarity with the pottery industry and for a number of years has been one of the trusted officials of the present company. His birth occurred in Glasgow, Scotland, July 15, 1871. His father Charles W. Nelson, who was born … Read more

Biography of Joseph L. Strickler

Joseph L. Strickler. In reviewing the lives of the business men of Cherryvale, especially in regard to the establishment and growth of the oil industry, it who have taken part in this work have been those who have brought with them from other parts of the state and country reputations for honorable dealing, and capability for accomplishment of purpose. Associated with the oil industry of this part of the state is the name of Joseph L. Strickler, who came to Cherryvale in 1902 and is now probably the largest independent producer in this locality. Mr. Strickler has been identified with … Read more

Biography of William Ingram Shriver

William I. Shriver. The financial interests of a section of country are exceedingly important and their healthy growth an indication of public prosperity. Directly connected with this growth are the men whose knowledge, judgment, foresight and energy are necessary in the organization and maintenance of these enterprises and in the retention of public confidence. Capital with no wise directing hand or stabilizing intellect would be useless and the results of unregulated effort would be unsubstantial and retrogressive. William I. Shriver, cashier of the Farmers and Merchants National Bank of El Dorado, is one of the men well known as a … Read more

Biography of Joseph Kennedy Hudson, General

Gen. Joseph Kennedy Hudson. One of the ablest soldiers of Kansas and most determined fighter for the free-state movement, the late General Hudson will have a lasting fame not only for what he did in the trying years of Kansas’ youth, but also as founder and for many years editor of the Topeka Capital. It was his resourcefulness as a practical newspaper man and his wonderful ability as an editor and molder of public opinion that gave the Capital its wide influence and standing as a journal, and the history of the Kansas Press had no more notable figure than … Read more

King, John – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon A Direct Descendant of the Pilgrim Fathers, and an Honered Pioneer of Eastern Oregon At the home of his daughter, Mrs. E.L. Harris, in Elgin. December 12, 1904. John King, aged 84 years, 9 months, 10 days. The deceased was among the well known citizens of Union and Wallowa counties, in which territory he had made his home since 1882. A son of Jacob King, one of Ohio’s pioneer settlers, he was able to trace his lineage directly to the Pilgrim Fathers, whose landing at Plymouth Rock in 1820 (Says 1820) marked one of the events … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. A. Bowman

D. A. Bowman, blacksmith and general jobber; P. O. Humbolt, Ill.; was born in Perry Co., Ohio, Dec. 5, 1845. He married Miss Sarah McCravy Oct. 1, 1867; she was born in East Tennessee; they had three children, two living, viz., Charles A. and Lydia L. He lived in Ohio three years, when, with his parents, he came to Illinois, and settled near Robinson; in 1860, he began to learn his trade with T. J. Sims, plow-manufacturer at that place, In 1864, he enlisted in the 135th III. Regt., he being Regimental Fifer; was discharged in November following, and began … Read more