Biography of Jeremiah Hampton Squires

Jeremiah Hampton Squires. One of the old and honored residents of Topeka, to which city he came thirty-seven years ago, is Jeremiah Hampton Squires, veteran of the Civil war, who is now living in comfortable retirement after a long and useful career as a business man and public official. Mr. Squires was born at Southampton, on Long Island, New York, September 11, 1842, and is the only survivor of the four children of Jeremiah and Phoebe (Jaegger) Squires, who were farming people. Mr. Squires resided on the home farm on Long Island until reaching the age of seventeen years, and … Read more

Biography of John Kiene

John Kiene is one of the younger men in the educational affairs of the state and is principal of the high school at Madison. Mr. Kiene is broadly and liberally educated, and had a practical knowledge that comes not from books alone. He was born on a farm at Valencia, Kansas, December 30, 1893. His father is Mr. F. A. Kiene, a well known citizen of Shawnee County now living on his farm near Topeka. He was born in 1834 in Alsace Lorraine, France, but in 1846, as a boy of twelve, was brought to America by his parents, who … Read more

Biography of Francis A. Kiene

Francis A. Kiene, of Dover Township in Shawnee County, had lived more than three-quarters of a century. His had been a long life of wholesome industry, strict integrity and more than ordinary achievement and experience. The fruits of such a life are not to be measured in material prosperity alone. He had done his part as a patriot soldier, as a citizen, and as a father and husband. The declining years of himself and his noble wife are being spent in comfort and peace at their fine country home in Dover Township, and they are blessed not only with memories … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harley Stephen Cook

Cook, Harley Stephen; claim agent New York Central Lines; born, Columbus Grove, O., Dec. 4, 1882; son of William Mitchell and Mary Trumbo Cook; education, high school, Wooster University, Ohio State University class of ’05; did not finish; married, Chicago, Ill., March 9, 1912, Blanche Irene Brady; served two years in Ohio National Guard, at Ottawa, O.; Co. M, 2nd Infantry; held rank of corporal; offered 2nd lieutenancy, but declined for business reasons; 1905-1906, in store dept. of Lake Erie & Western R. R., at Lima, O.; two and one-half years in testing dept. L. S. & M. S. R. … Read more

Biography of J. R. Esworthy

J. R. Esworthy, whose country home is on Rural Route No. 15 out of St. Joseph, has spent the greater part of his active life in Champaign County. He began here almost empty handed and that he now owns one of the larger and better improved farms of the county is a distinct tribute to his hard working industry and persistent efforts. Mr. Esworthy was born in Union County, Ohio, May 14, 1849, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Good) Esworthy. His father was born in Maryland, of which state the grandfather was also a native. The mother was a native … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ralph W. Squires

Ralph W. Squires, present register of deeds of Shawnee County, was born at Columbus, Ohio, April 29, 1870, and was nine years of age when brought to Kansas by his parents, Jeremiah and Virginia E. (Schimp) Squires, and for a few years the family lived on the farm in Pottawatomie County. The recollection of the booming of the prairie chickens in the spring when frost covered the earth in the morning, the cries of the plover, and other incidents of pioneer life, left an indelible impress on his youthful mind. He received his education in the public schools and later … Read more

Biography of Murray George Haskell

Murray George Haskell, of Muskogee, who came into prominence in connection with the banking interests of Oklahoma and is an active representative of the oil industry, was born in Ottawa, Ohio, August 19, 1884, and is a son of Governor C. N. Haskell, who was the first chief executive of Oklahoma after the admission of the state into the Union. He was born at Leipsic, Putnam County, Ohio, March 13, 1860, and came of English descent, the ancestral line being traced back to Henry and Jonathan Haskell, who in 1622 left their native land of England and became members of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James E. Madden

This well known and representative business man is one of the prominent citizens of Ontario, where he owns and operates a fine, large livery and feed stable having fine and comfortable rigs and good horses, and manifesting a careful supervision for the comfort and safety of his patrons. Mr. Madden was born in Perry County, Ohio on May 31, 1849, being the son of Hezekiah and Mary Madden, natives of Ohio, also. While still a child he was brought by his parents to Putnam county, in the native state, and in 1813 they came thence to Mills county, Iowa. He … Read more

Biography of Arthur C. Trumbo

The development and success of the Muskogee National Bank is attributable in no small measure to Arthur C. Trumbo, an alert, energetic and farsighted business man, who in financial circles has made a most creditable name and place for himself. He was born on a farm in Allen county, Ohio, on the 6th of August, 1866, and attended the country schools until he reached the age of seventeen, when he began teaching and soon afterward was made principal of the Columbus Grove high school at Columbus Grove, Ohio. Desirous of enjoying still further educational advantages himself, he later became a … Read more