Biographical Sketch of Isaac N. Craig

Last Updated on August 14, 2011 by

Isaac N. Craig, retired farmer; P. O. Charleston; one of the early settlers of Coles County; was born in Montgomery Co., Ky., Sept. 25, 1810; his father removed with his family to Illinois in 1828, and purchased a farm in Clark Co.; Isaac N. remained at home on the farm until 1831. On the 14th of April, 1831, he was married to Miss Catherine Henson, of Edgar Co., Ill., who died May 1, 1841, leaving five children, three of whom are living – La Fayette, Elizabeth – Mrs. Harmon Gregg – and Harriet, wife of Harvey Fowler; Mr. Craig, after his marriage, settled in Clark Co. On the breaking-out of the Black Hawk war, Mr. Craig enlisted in the 2d Brigade, under Gen. Milton Alexander, and served through the war. In 1835, he removed to Coles Co., where he has been a prominent farmer and stock-raiser ever since; Mr. Craig began life poor, and has met with some reverses of fortune, but has, nevertheless, accumulated a handsome property; he owns some seven hundred acres of land in the county, and a fine residence, with twenty acres of land, in the city of Charleston, where he resides; he is a Director and stockholder in the Second National Bank. He married his present estimable wife July 1, 1841; she was Miss Elizabeth Bloyer, of Coles Co.; they have had eight children, six of whom are now living – Catherine (wife of Robt. McMullen), James W., Andrew J., Eliza E. (wife of Newton Swango), Isaac B. and Thomas J.; all of Mr. Craig’s children are living in Coles Co.


Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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