Biography of Hon. H. A. Neal

Hon. H. A. Neal, attorney at law, Charleston; is a native of’ New Hampshire; he was born in Tuftonborough, Carroll Co., Dec. 13, 1846; he was raised on a farm until he was ten years of age, and then his parents removed to Great Falls, N. H.; he attended the public schools of that city until 1863, when the family returned to the farm; in the fall of 1864, he entered the army as a member of Co. K, 18t N. H. Heavy Artillery, and served till the close of the war; on his return, he attended one term in … Read more

Biography of A. H. Prevo

A. H. Prevo, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Charleston; was born in Randolph Co., N. C., Jan. 5, 1833; he is the only son of Alson H. and Pheriba (Phelps) Prevo, both natives of that State, the former of whom died when the subject of this sketch was a child, and the latter of whom now resides with her son, at the age of 70 years. At the age of 18 years he left the farm, and obtained employment in one of the lumber mills in the vicinity. In 1854, he came West as far as Fountain Co , Ind., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Bishop

Stephen Bishop, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Charleston; was born near Providence, R. I. May 30, 1815; when he was but 2 years old, his parents emigrated to the then Far West, and located in Knox Co.. Ohio, where his father entered land from the Government, and engaged in farming, being among the pioneers in that part of the State; Knox Co. was then comparatively a wilderness; Mt. Vernon, the county seat-now a city of about 10,000 inhabitants-containing at that time but half a dozen houses; Mr. Bishop remained at home on the farm until he was 20 years of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eli Huron

Eli Huron, dealer in books, stationery, musical instruments, toys, etc., Charleston; was born in Hendricks Co., Ind., Oct. 14, 1836; up to the breaking-out of the rebellion he remained on his father’s farm. In February, 1862, he entered the Union army as a member of Co. A, 53d Ind. V. I., serving in the Army of the Cumberland; he participated in the siege of Corinth, and was wounded at the second battle of Corinth, on the 5th of October, 1862, from which he lost his right arm. He spent the spring and summer of 1864 as a student in Bryant … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Godfrey Weber

Godfrey Weber, deceased, late of Charleston; born in Oberslingen, Kingdom of Wurtemberg, Germany, Dec. 24, 1820: his father was a vineyardist, and his early years were passed among the vine-clad hills and sunny slopes of his native land. He was married in August, 1848, to Miss Frances Muller, who was born in Wisgoldingen, Wurtemberg, Germany, May 27, 1824; they immediately emigrated to America, and settled near Louisville, Ky., and engaged in gardening and wine-growing; two years later, he removed to Clark Co., Ill., and located on a farm near Westfield, to which town he afterward removed, and worked in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James A. Mitchell

James A. Mitchell (deceased); one of the early pioneers of Coles Co., was born in Washington Co., E. Tenn., Aug. 27, 1797; he was a son of Robert and Elizabeth (Allison) Mitchell; his father was a native of North Carolina and emigrated to Tennessee in an early day. He passed his early life on his father’s farm near Jonesboro Tenn., and after obtaining a thorough preparatory education entered Washington College, in his native State, but, after a time, left college and engaged in merchandising. He was married May 12, 1818, to Miss Esther Collom, of his native county; she was … Read more

The Firm of Dunn & Connolly

Dunn & Connolly, attorneys at law, Charleston; this firm was established in November, 1878, and is composed of two young attorneys, but gentlemen possessing the requisite qualifications of success. Frank K. Dunn was born in Mt. Gilead, Ohio, Nov. 13, 1854, being a son of Hon. A. K. Dunn, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas; he graduated at Kenyon College, Ohio, in 1873; read law in his father’s office; entered Harvard Law School in 1874, graduating in 1875; he was admitted to practice the same year, and practiced with his father until November, 1878, when he came to Charleston, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jay F. Neal

Jay F. Neal, dealer in groceries and provisions, Charleston; was born in Tuftonborough, Carroll Co., N. H., June 24, 1835; he is a son of Nathaniel Neal, a farmer of that town; his early life was passed in farm labor among the granite hills, but at the age of 19 years he went to Great Falls, and engaged in teaching just across the river in New Berwick Me.; he continued teaching during a portion of the year for twelve years. He graduated at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary at Tilton, N. H., in 1859, and entered the Sophomore class of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. McConnell

John A. McConnell, editor of the Charleston Plaindealer, Charleston; was born in Cadiz, Ohio, Dec. 26, 1826; he began, at 12 years of age, to learn his father’s business of chairmaking; his inclinations were, however, toward literary or professional pursuits, but he was prevented from carrying out his intentions in that direction by a weakness of the eyes; at the age of 17, he began teaching school, and taught during the winters for four years; in 1859, he engaged in the grocery business in Cadiz, in which he continued until 1871, when he embarked in the tanning business, and followed … Read more

Biography of Col. Thomas A. Marshall

Col. Thomas A. Marshall, deceased, late of Charleston; was a son of Hon. Thos A. Marshall, a prominent lawyer, and for more than twenty years Judge of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky; he was born in Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 4, 1817; in early childhood, he removed with his parents to Paris, Bourbon Co., Ky.; his opportunities for obtaining an education were excellent and were appreciated and improved by him; he early became a student in Transylvania University, and, in about 1833, entered Kenyon College, but near the close of the Junior year, he left College, and was employed for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. R. C. Hill

Rev. R. C. Hill, farming and stock; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in Sullivan Co., Ind., Dec. 11, 1817. He married Miss Mary A. Woods Dec. 10, 1839; she was born, in Sullivan Co., Ind., May 23, 1817; they had six children, four living, viz., Franklin P., John W., Martha J. and Elizabeth M.; he lived in Indiana twelve years, when, with his parents, he came to Illinois and settled in Clark Co., where they engaged in farming; in 1846, he came to Coles Co. and settled in La Fayette Tp., remaining one year; he … Read more

Biography of Samuel Van Meter, M. D.

Samuel Van Meter, M. D., physician and surgeon, Charleston; was born in Grayson Co., Ky., Nov. 8, 1824; he is a son of John and Catharine (Keller) Van Meter, the former of whom died in 1827; his mother then removed with her family to Illinois, settling in Coles Co.; he received such education as the common schools in those pioneer days afforded; at the age of 15 years, he was apprenticed to the tanner’s trade, but before completing his apprenticeship he purchased his time of his employer, and was in turn bound to Dr. T. B. Trower, and entered upon … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. W. Magee

H. W. Magee, attorney at law, Mattoon; was born in Coles Co., Ill., in October, 1847; his father came from Cynthiana, Ky., and settled in Coles Co., Ill., in 1832; here he engaged in farming; he relates that his father labored a whole year for Joseph VanDeren for $96; when H. W., was 2 years of age, his father moved to the western portion of Missouri, and was there during the border troubles; in the fall of 1857, he returned with his family to Coles Co., and settled in what is known as ” Dead Man’s Grove ;” in 1872, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles R. Briggs

Charles R. Briggs, portrait-painter, Charleston; was born in Washington Co. N. Y., Jan. 5, 1816; his father was a farmer and carriage-manufacturer in Easton; at the age of 17 years, he left home, and going to Troy, apprenticed himself to the trade of a coach-painter; he remained there four years and helped to paint the first passenger-coaches on the Albany & Schenectady Railroad; thence he went to Buffalo, N. Y., and entered the employ of Benjamin Rathbone, the great contractor of that city; about a year later, he went to New York City, and thence, shortly afterward, came West; this … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Luther C. Mitchell

Luther C. Mitchell, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Charleston; a son -of James A. and Esther (Collom) Mitchell; was born in Washington Co., Tenn., June 2, 1830; in 1833, his father’s family removed to Charleston; he was raised on the farm, and at 19, started for himself; after farming two years, he made the trip to California, where he spent eight months in mining; going thence to Australia; there he remained seven years, and, returning in 1860, he resumed farming and dairying; he removed in 1871 to his present farm on Sec. 19, where he owns eighty acres of land. … Read more

Biography of Maj. J. A. Connolly

Maj. J. A. Connolly, attorney at law, Charleston; was born in Newark, N. J., March 8, 1838; his parents removed to Chesterville, Morrow Co., Ohio, when he was about 12 years old, and at the age of 18, he went to Mt. Gilead, the county seat of Morrow Co., and began reading law with Judge A. K. Dunn, of that city; he was admitted to the bar in September, 1859, and began practice in Mt. Gilead; in 1860, he removed to Charleston; while living in Mt. Gilead, he held the position of Second Assistant Clerk of the Ohio Senate for … Read more

Biography of Thomas W. Hallock

Thomas W. Hallock, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., Jan. 20, 1811; he was raised on a farm until he was 15 years old, and then went to Troy, N. Y., where he learned the trade of a coachmaker; he worked for Eaton & Gilbert, at that time one of the largest coachmaking firms in the country; he helped to build the first railway-coach in this country, in 1829; this coach was run on the Amboy & Burtontown R. R., and was drawn by horses. Going to New York City in 1833, he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Compton

Albert Compton, retired, Charleston; one of the early settlers of Coles county; was born in Fairfax Co., Va., Sept. 24, 1812; in the fall of 1830, he left home and came to Vincennes, Ind., thence to Terre Haute, and from the latter place, in 1833, to Charleston, arriving on the 3d of March; he worked at his trade of a shoemaker for about two years, and then engaged as a clerk in the employ of Baker & Norfolk; in 1835, he was elected Constable and served two years; in August, 1838, he was chosen Sheriff of Coles County, which office … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Merrill F. Hackett

Merrill F. Hackett, retired farmer; P. O. Oakland; born in Lexington, Fayette Co., Ky., Sept. 10, 1821; he removed with his parents, when 8 years of age, and located in Springfield, Sangamon Co., Ill., where he learned and worked at the trade of brickmason until 1841, at which time he removed to Charleston, Coles Co., and engaged at his trade and farming and stock-raising until 1856; he then removed to the northern part of Coles Co., where he followed farming and stock-raising until 1875, when he purchased his present place of about thirty acres, upon which he has a fine … Read more

Biography of George Birch

George Birch, farmer; P. O. Charleston; was born near Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, March 25, 1815; he is a son of William Birch, a farmer who, in 1833, came to America with his family, and lived for three years near Philadelphia, occupying an old house, once the residence of William Penn, on the bank of the Schuylkill, near Fairmount Park; in 1836, they removed to Illinois, and settled near Hitesville, Coles Co., where his father died April 15, 1864, at the age of 88 years; Mr. Birch spent the first few years of his residence in this county in working at … Read more