Biographical Sketch of R. M. Gray

R. M. Gray, attorney at law, Mattoon; was born in Pleasant Grove Tp., Coles Co., Dec. 27, 1848; his father, James C., was one of the early pioneers of this section; his early life was that of a. farmer’s son; in addition to his common school education, at the age of 19, he entered Westfield College, Clark Co., Ill., and remained one year; he next attended an academy in his native township, two years, under the supervision of Prof. T. J. Lee; in the fall of 1870, he entered the law department of Michigan University, from which he graduated in … Read more

Biography of Capt. James M. Ashmore

Capt. James M. Ashmore, Charleston; is a native of Coles Co.; he is a son of Hezekiah J. Ashmore, one of the pioneers of the county, who was born in Kentucky, Sept. 30, 1802, and came to Coles Co. with his family, consisting at that time of a wife and two children, in 1830, and settled in the northeast part of the county, in what is now Oakland Tp.; in 1836, he removed to the eastern part the county, and for him the town of Ashmore was named, as well as the village of that name, which he laid out … Read more

The Firm of Dunn & Connolly

Dunn & Connolly, attorneys at law, Charleston; this firm was established in November, 1878, and is composed of two young attorneys, but gentlemen possessing the requisite qualifications of success. Frank K. Dunn was born in Mt. Gilead, Ohio, Nov. 13, 1854, being a son of Hon. A. K. Dunn, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas; he graduated at Kenyon College, Ohio, in 1873; read law in his father’s office; entered Harvard Law School in 1874, graduating in 1875; he was admitted to practice the same year, and practiced with his father until November, 1878, when he came to Charleston, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. R. C. Hill

Rev. R. C. Hill, farming and stock; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in Sullivan Co., Ind., Dec. 11, 1817. He married Miss Mary A. Woods Dec. 10, 1839; she was born, in Sullivan Co., Ind., May 23, 1817; they had six children, four living, viz., Franklin P., John W., Martha J. and Elizabeth M.; he lived in Indiana twelve years, when, with his parents, he came to Illinois and settled in Clark Co., where they engaged in farming; in 1846, he came to Coles Co. and settled in La Fayette Tp., remaining one year; he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Tarlton C. Miles

Tarlton C. Miles, Charleston, is a native of Franklin Co., Ky.; he was born near Frankfort, on the 18t of May, 1825; he is a son of Dr. James I. Miles, a physician of that county; his early life was spent in the subscription schools in his neighborhood; in 1845, he came to Coles Co. He was married Oct. 3, 1848, to Miss Sophia 0. Van Deren, a daughter of Joseph Van Deren, of Coles Co.; she was born in Cynthiana, Harrison Co., Ky., Jan. 18, 1829, and came to Illinois with her parents in 1835; they have six children … Read more

Biography of Samuel Van Meter, M. D.

Samuel Van Meter, M. D., physician and surgeon, Charleston; was born in Grayson Co., Ky., Nov. 8, 1824; he is a son of John and Catharine (Keller) Van Meter, the former of whom died in 1827; his mother then removed with her family to Illinois, settling in Coles Co.; he received such education as the common schools in those pioneer days afforded; at the age of 15 years, he was apprenticed to the tanner’s trade, but before completing his apprenticeship he purchased his time of his employer, and was in turn bound to Dr. T. B. Trower, and entered upon … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. F. Shaw

A. F. Shaw, Police Magistrate, Charleston; is a native of Illinois; he was born in Paris, Edgar Co., Feb. 10, 1824; he is a son of Smith and Elizabeth Shaw; his father was born in North Carolina; was raised in South Carolina, and when a young man, emigrated to Tennessee, and from there to Kentucky; he was one of the pioneers of Missouri, from which State he was several times driven by the Indians; he afterward came to Illinois, long prior to its admission as a State, and finally, in 1822, settled in Paris, where he died about sixteen years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Randall Alexander

Randall Alexander, breeder and shipper of Poland-China swine, Charleston; about ten years ago this gentleman, in company with S. M. Shepard, made his first start in the introduction and breeding of thorough-bred swine in Coles Co. After having experimented thoroughly with the various breeds of hogs, they became convinced that the Poland-China possessed all the requisites of size, docility, fertility, early maturity, aptitude for taking on flesh, and great constitutional vigor, necessary to render it pre-eminently the hog for the farmer. From a small beginning, the business has grown to its present proportions. Mr. Alexander is now one of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Nock

John Nock, farmer; P. O. Charleston; born in Germany Feb. 20, 1835; he emigrated with his parents to America when 2 years of age; coming directly West, they located first in Ross, then Waverly Cu., Ohio, until 1849, when they located in Charleston, Coles Co., Ill., where he learned and worked at the carpenter trade until 1863, at which date he located upon his present place, where he has since continued to live; he owns upon his present place 165 acres, upon which he has good buildings, and which is mostly under cultivation. He married Aug. 5, 1863, to Mary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac B. Craig

Isaac B. Craig, attorney at law, Mattoon; was born in Coles Co., Ill., April 28, 1854; he was brought up upon the farm, and his early experiences were those of a farmer’s son; with a good education acquired at the common schools, he began the study of his profession in March, 1873, with his brother and O. B. Ficklin; in the fall of 1873, he entered the law department of the Michigan University; he graduated in the spring of 1875, and, in June, 1875, was admitted to practice at Mt. Vernon, Ill.; he began the practice of his profession in … Read more

Biography of Joshua Ricketts

Joshua Ricketts, dealer in grain and produce, groceries, glassware, queens-ware, etc., Ashmore; was born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, March 13, 1821. He is a son of Joshua and Sarah (Taylor) Ricketts. He remained at home until he was 13 years old, when he went to Knox County, Ohio, and engaged in study with a view to preparing for the ministry, but meeting with a change in his religious belief he abandoned the idea and engaged in farming, afterward learning the trade of a marble cutter. At the age of 23 he went to Coshocton, Ohio, and followed farming for a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rice P. Hackett

Rice P. Hackett, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Charleston; was born in Coles Co., Ill., Nov. 28, 1838; he is a son of Levi Hackett, who came from Scott Co., Ky., and settled in Coles Co. in 1835, and now lives in Douglas Co., to which he removed in 1861. Mr. Hackett is the second of a family of eight children, five of whom are living. He was married Feb. 25, 1857, to Miss Ann M. Waltrip, of Hutton Tp., also a native of the county, and a daughter of John Waltrip, one of the early settlers of the county. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. P. H. Harrah

J. P. H. Harrah, attorney at law, Charleston; is a native of Putnam Co., Ind.; he was born near Greencastle June 4, 18485 and is a son of Daniel F. Harrah; in 1858, he removed with his father’s family to Jasper Co., Ill., where he remained on the farm until 1867; he then engaged in teaching school in Jasper Co.; in August, 1868, he entered Westfield College, Ill., and remained as a student in that institution two years; returning home in 1870, he began reading law, and, in the fall of 1871, went to Newton, the county seat of Jasper … Read more

Biographical Sketch of T. L. Endsley

T. L. Endsley, merchant, Salisbury; was born in Coshocton Co., Ohio, Nov. 21, 1842; his parents, Thomas and Matilda, were natives of Harrison Co., Ohio; his father was born in August, 1801, and is still living in Coshocton Co., Ohio, having lost his eyesight in the year 1876; his mother died about the year 1854; the subject of this sketch remained with his parents until he was 25 years of age, when he came to Hutton Tp. in the fall of 1866, and, the first winter, taught school; in the spring of 1867, he went to Westfield, Clark Co., Ill., … Read more

Biography of Richard Stoddert

Richard Stoddert, farmer, stock-dealer and merchant, Charleston; was born in Grayson Co., Ky., March 28, 1812; his early life was passed on his father’s farm, and when quite young, he was apprenticed to learn the tanner’s trade; about the year 1831, he went to Madisonville, Hopkins Co., Ky., where he remained until 1838, when he came to Charleston; he engaged in the tanning business with his brother, Thomas Stoddert, the firm being R. & T. Stoddert, the partnership continuing for about thirty years in tanning, merchandising, farming and dealing in stock; they had at one time about 800 acres of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. S. Minton

W. S. Minton, of the firm of Minton, Alvey & Van Meter, proprietors of the City Mills, Charleston; was born in Washington Co., Penn., Dec. 10, 1828; at the age of 12 years, he began to work in his father’s mill, and there became familiar with every branch of the milling business; he continued in that for eight years, and in 1848, started with his father in the dry goods business; six years later-1854-he came to Illinois, bringing with him a thousand head of sheep, and engaged in sheep-raising in Vermilion Co.; he soon after removed to Edgar Co., where … Read more

Biography of Thomas H. Duncan

Thomas H. Duncan; P.O. Oakland; born in Clark Co., 111., April 29, 1844, where he attended school and engaged in farming until August 1, 1862, when he enlisted as private in Co. A (Capt. James B. Hill), of the 123d Regt. I. Y. I., and went forward to battle for the Union; he first went to Louisville, Ky., then marching South, was engaged in the battle of Prairieville, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862, going then to Murfreesboro, Tenn., where he remained until May, 1863, when, on account of disability, he received his discharge, and, returning home, engaged in farming for a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jewell Davis, M. D.

Jewell Davis, M. D., physician and surgeon, Charleston; was born in Athens Co., Ohio, Oct. 27, 1811; he was raised on a farm, and followed that calling until about 1838, when he removed to Middleport, Meigs Co., Ohio, having a few years previously married Miss Cynthia Jones, of that place; they have three children – Mary V. (wife of E. L. Kelly), Curtis L., Teller of the First National Bank, and Reuben J., all of whom are residents of Coles Co. Dr. Davis followed coopering and carriage-making for a while in Middle-port; owing to illness in his family, he was … Read more

Biography of Thomas Stoddert

Thomas Stoddert, merchant, farmer and stock-dealer, Charleston; among the early settlers of Coles Co. was the Stoddert family, consisting of the mother, Mrs. Mary Stoddert, and nine children, who came from Grayson Co., Ky., at different times from 1836 to 1838; they are descended from the old Massachusetts family of Stodderts, their grandfather, Benjamin Stoddert, being a Major in the Revolutionary war, and was wounded at the battle of Brandywine; he was afterward the second Secretary of the United States Navy; Gen. Ewell, of the Confederate army in the war of the rebellion, was a cousin; their father, Benjamin Stoddert, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. M. M. McConnell

W. M. M. McConnell, Charleston, of the firm of M. A. McConnell & Co., publishers of the Charleston. Plaindealer, was born on the 28th of August, 1855, in Cadiz, Harrison Co., Ohio; he is a son of James McConnell, of that city; he attended the public schools of his native town, graduating from the high school in 1872; he at once entered the office of the Cadiz Republican, to learn the printer’s trade, and, after completing his apprenticeship, remained in the office as a journeyman until he came to Charleston, in the spring of 1878, as one of the proprietors … Read more