Biography of James Wheatley

James Wheatley, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Hinesboro; the subject of this sketch was born in Charleston, Clarke Co., Ind., Aug. 9, 1826; he married Miss Mary E. Work Jan. 10, 1850; she was born in Clarke Co., Ind., Dec. 20,1831; they had six children, five living, viz., Junius, Dessie, Carlos, Lucien and Ozeta; he lived in Indiana about eight years, when, with his father, he went to Kentucky and lived in Lexington and Harrodsburg until his 18th year, when he returned to his birthplace in Indiana and engaged in farming until he was married; after his marriage, he removed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Carson Porter Reed Rodgers

Carson Porter Reed Rodgers, merchant, Farmington; P. O. Campbell; the subject of this sketch was born in Coles Co., Ill., Nov. 1, 1840, and lived with his parents until 26 years of age. He then married Catharine Winford Ridley Oct. 30, 1866, who was born in Gallatin Co., Ky., Oct. 30, 1847, and died April 14, 1869; he afterward married Martha Jane Veatch March 8, 1874, who was born in Washington Co., Ill., Oct. 26, 1837, and has had three children, two of whom are living, viz., Isaac Walter, Kate Winford; deceased–Martha H. Mr. Rodgers was Assessor one term, Township … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew H. Allison

Andrew H. Allison, farmer, deceased, Sec. 8; P. O. Campbell; owned 300 acres of land, which was left to the heirs; was born in Mecklenburg Co., N. C., Sept. 20, 1823; came from Tennessee to this county when 13 years of age, where he resided until his death, which occurred Nov. 15, 1864. He was married to Eveline Dryden Dec. 30, 1845; she was born in Bedford Co., Tenn., June 7, 1822; they have had eight children – Mary Ann, Emily Frances, Thomas L., William D., Nancy C., John N., Henry C. and Andrew B. Mr. Allison was School Director … Read more

Biography of A. T. Robertson, M. D.

A. T. Robertson, M. D., physician and surgeon, dealer in drugs, medicines, etc., Ashmore; was born in Sumner Co., Tenn., June 30, 1834; his father, Rev. John H. Robertson, was born in Virginia, and removed to Tennessee with his parents when but a boy; in 1829, he came to Coles Co., and engaged in teaching school near the present city of Charleston; his name appears on the records as the second person to whom letters of administration were granted in Coles Co.; in 1832, he returned to Tennessee, where he was ordained a minister of the M. E. Church, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. J. Temples

W. J. Temples, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Oakland; born in Monroe Co., Ind., March 6, 1841, where he engaged in farming and attending school until he attained his majority, when he continued farming in Indiana until the latter part of the year of 1863, when he removed to Illinois, and located upon his present place on Jan. 1, 1864, where he has near 200 acres of land all under fence and cultivation. Mr. Temple arrived in this township without means, and during the winter cut upward of 20,000 rails under contract, and the following spring commenced farming on shares … Read more

Biography of Tiffin P. Logan

Tiffin P. Logan, land and loan agent, Mattoon; was born in Trimble Co., Ky., March 28, 1844; his father was a man of prominence, a cousin to President Harrison, and was honored by the Democratic party with a seat in the Kentucky Legislature during the sessions of 1844-45; in the spring of 1858, removed with his family to Illinois, and located in Windsor, Shelby Co.; here he occupied the office of Justice of the Peace eleven years in succession; here Tiffin P. began life for himself; he lived with his brother-in-law till he attained the age of 15 years; at … Read more

Biography of Josiah H. Busbey

Josiah H. Busbey, book-keeper, Okaland; born in Coles Co., Ill., Jan. 6,1847, where he engaged in farming and attended school until Feb. 24, 1864, when, he enlisted in the 66th I. V. I., and went forward to battle for the Union; the 66th was composed of picked men from the various Northwestern States, elected for their skill and accuracy in handling the rifle, and in the army was known as the Western Sharpshooters; they always led the advance, and in important battles were detailed in squads to silence rebel bat-tries, which duty they often accomplished by their unerring aim, and … Read more

Biography of Jacob K. Decker

Jacob K. Decker, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Charleston; was born in Knox Co., Ind., Aug. 7, 1817; his parents, Isaac and Margaret Decker, were Virginians, and left that State in 1811, and were living in Fort Knox, on the Wabash, when the battle of Tippecanoe was fought; when he was 7 years old, his father died, and at about the age of 15, he was apprenticed by his guardian to a merchant in Crawford Co., Ill.; in 1836, he came to Charleston and engaged in the grocery business, with a capital of $250; about two and a half years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. L. Silverthorn, M. D.

L. L. Silverthorn, M. D., physician and surgeon, Charleston; was born in Stroudsburg, Monroe, Co., Penn., Oct. 21, 1830; his early life was passed upon a farm; he was the youngest of a family of twelve children, and his father being in moderate circumstances, he was thrown upon his own resources, and obtained only such an education as the common schools afforded; in 1850, he began teaching school, which he continued at intervals for three years; in 1852, he entered upon the study of medicine, in Fond du Lac, Wis.; in 1854, he came to Charleston and continued his studies … Read more

Biography of L. S. Cash

L. S. Cash, merchant, farmer and stock-raiser, Oakland; born in Nelson Co., Va., Jan. 12, 1827, where he attended school until 10 years of age, when, upon his father’s decease, he removed to Amherst Co., where he attended school and engaged in farming until 1847, when he, with the family, emigrated West, and located in Paris, Ill., in October, of the same year; during the December following, he buried his mother and two older brothers within a period of ten days; he learned and worked at the plasterer’s trade here for two years, when, in March, 1850, he started overland, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elijah Adams

Elijah Adams, farmer; P. O. Diona; was born in Licking Co., Ohio, Oct. 23, 1824; in the year 1838, his parents, John Adams, who was a native of New York, and Susanna Adams, a native of Maryland, moved to Coles Co., and settled on Sec. 17, where the son now resides, having entered the land; both died there, his mother in October, 1877, and his father, June, 1878. The subject of this sketch has always resided in this county with the exception of the years 1850 and 1851, when he was mining and prospecting in California. He has held the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Shoemaker

James Shoemaker, farming and stock; P. O. Loxa; the subject of this sketch was born in Washington Co., Va., Feb. 19, 1825. He married Miss Tabitha Mason Sept. 3, 1863; she was born in Fayette Co., Ky., Aug. 30, 1840; they had seven children, four living, viz., Mary E., William K., James S. and Franklin R. He lived in Virginia nearly ten years, when, with his parents, he came to Illinois and settled in Coles Co., one mile north of Charleston; this was in December, 1834; they lived there four years, then moved to La Fayette Township, on the Springfield … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William E. McCrory

William E. McCrory, Cashier of the First National Bank, Charleston, is a son of James McCrory, who came from Harrison Co., Ky., to Coles Co. in 1837; was for two years engaged in business in Charleston, and was for a time Postmaster of this city; he returned to Kentucky in 1839, and remained there until 1850, when he removed permanently, with his family, to this county; he was for eight years County Clerk, and is now a prominent farmer in La Fayette Tp. William E. was born in Cynthiana, Harrison Co., Ky., March 20, 1839; after spending a year as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William R. Jones

William R. Jones, farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Mattoon; owns 726 acres; born in Harrison Co., Ky., Aug. 14, 1808; came to this township in 1834 and made a crop; then went to Kentucky and worked four years on his mother’s farm, his father having died when he (the subject of this sketch) was 23 years old; he then returned to this county in company with his mother and a sister, and settled where he now resides. He was married to Eliza P. Threlkeld (daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Threlkeld) Oct. 18, 1853; she died Dec. 31, 1856; had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abraham Bennett

Abraham Bennett, minister of United Brethren Church, Westfield; was born in Meade Co. Ky., Nov. 15, 1828; after remaining at home until the age of 18, he started out in life for himself, flat-boating on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers for some five or six years; in the year 1852, he commenced traveling in the ministry of the United Brethren Church, having from his youth been connected with that Church; in the same year, leaving his family in Kentucky, he traveled circuit for some six years in Indiana, when, having returned to Kentucky, was engaged in missionary work through that … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Jefferson Wilson

Thomas Jefferson Wilson was born in. Barren Co., Ky., on Nov. 22, 1825, and moved to Greensburg, Green Co., Ky., in 1847, where, on June 8, 1848, he was married to Lucy Ann Hutchason; he was a wagon-maker by trade; Lucy Ann Hutchason was born in Greensburg, Ky., on June 27, 1826; in April, 1857, Mr. Wilson removed with his family to Charleston, Ill., where he went into the employ of L. R. & B. M. Hutchason, his brothers-in-law, who were in the dry goods trade. On Jan. 12, 1859, his wife died in Charleston. In 1860, he began business … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. A. Pemberton

H. A. Pemberton, farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Oakland; one of the pioneers of Coles County; born in Washington Co., Va., Aug. 22, 1822; he emigrated with his parents when quite young, and located in Coles Co., Ill., in November 1831, upon the place where he has since lived during the a period of nearly half a century; he is the youngest son of Stanton and Sarah Pemberton; his father died in 1838; seven years after his settlement here, and his mother died in 1850; after the death of his father, he and an older brother managed the place until … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Compton

Albert Compton, retired, Charleston; one of the early settlers of Coles county; was born in Fairfax Co., Va., Sept. 24, 1812; in the fall of 1830, he left home and came to Vincennes, Ind., thence to Terre Haute, and from the latter place, in 1833, to Charleston, arriving on the 3d of March; he worked at his trade of a shoemaker for about two years, and then engaged as a clerk in the employ of Baker & Norfolk; in 1835, he was elected Constable and served two years; in August, 1838, he was chosen Sheriff of Coles County, which office … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Patrick Bradley

Patrick Bradley, farmer; P. O. Mattoon; is the son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Bradley; was born in Morgan Co., Ind., Jan. 17, 1830, and moved to Coles Co., Ill., Oct. 12, 1866; is the owner of 110 acres of land, valued at or near $3,000; was Commissioner of Highways three years, also School Trustee a number of years. Was married to Elizabeth Stroble Feb. 26, 1854; names of children, boys-John C. F., born July 14, 1856; Zachary, born Aug. 24, 1862; James B., born July 1, 1866; girl-Estella, born Jan. 5, 1872. His father, Benjamin Bradley, was one of the … Read more

Biography of Thomas J. Mock

Thomas J. Mock, farmer and Constable, Sec. 25; P. O. Oakland; born in Hocking Co., Ohio, March 22, 1845, where he lived until 1854, when he removed with his parents to Coles Co., where he lived until Aug. 1, 1862, when he enlisted at the age of 17 years in Co. A, 123d I. V. I., and at once went into camp at Mattoon, where they remained until Sept. 6, when they were mustered in and at once sent to the front, going to Louisville, they joined the army of Gen. Buell, which had been defeated and driven to that … Read more