Biography of A. F. Wohlenberg, M. D.

Last Updated on April 13, 2012 by

Dr. Wohlenberg, a practicing physician and surgeon of Kendrick, is a native of Lyons, Iowa, born April 27, 1862. As the name indicates, he is of German descent. His parents, Ludwig A. and Maria (Vollbehr) Wohlenberg, were both natives of the Fatherland and came to America during their childhood. After their marriage they located on the farm where Ludwig Wohlenberg is now living, retired from active business life, enjoying the handsome competence which came to him as the result of arduous toil in former years. He has held various township offices, discharging his duties in a most acceptable manner, and has been a lifelong member of the Lutheran church. The Doctor’s mother died in 1864 when he was but two years old, and the father afterward married again. By the first union there were two children and by the second four, and of the number four are yet living.

Dr. Wohlenberg was educated in the public schools, and in his boyhood worked on a farm and clerked in a store, thus entering upon his business career. Determining to devote his attention to the medical profession, he began preparation for his chosen life work in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Chicago, from which he graduated in 1894. He began practice in Seattle, Washington, and thence came to Kendrick, where he has since enjoyed a profitable and constantly increasing business, his skill and ability winning him the public confidence and likewise the public patronage. He has a comprehensive knowledge of the science of medicine, keeps thoroughly informed concerning all the new theories and discoveries which are advanced, and shows most discriminating judgment in the selection of such of these as he believes will aid him in his practice. He studies closely the leading medical journals and keeps in close touch with his professional brethren through his membership connection with the State Medical Association of Idaho.

In 1886 Dr. Wohlenberg was united in marriage to Miss Julia Canfield, a native of Marshalltown, Iowa, and a daughter of Dr. Mosley Canfield, of that place. The Doctor and his wife have made many friends in Kendrick and are in every way worthy the high esteem in which they are held. He belongs to the Woodmen of the World, is a member and trustee of the Knights of Pythias fraternity, but has neither time nor inclination to seek office, preferring to devote his energies to his professional labors, whereby he is gaining a position of distinction.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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