Bell, Sumiko Mrs. – Obituary

Sumiko Bell, 74, died April 25, 2006, at SunBridge of Nampa, Idaho, with family by her side. Sumiko was born on March 18, 1932, at Nagoya, Japan. She grew up in Japan and in 1954 met Lewis Edwin Bell while he was stationed in Japan. They fell in love and later married in 1958 in Japan. Lewis and Sumiko moved back to Mountain Home, Idaho, Air Force base. They had two daughters and one son. After retiring from the service in 1974, the family moved to Baker City, where Sumiko lived until 2002 when she moved to Nampa to be … Read more

Biography of James C. Hanson

The Danish citizens of the United States are more nearly identical with our Anglo-American race than any other citizens of foreign birth. They possess the spirit which we call “go-aheaditiveness” in as large measure as any of our citizens, and they become Americanized and assimilate with the older population of our country sooner perhaps than foreigners of any other race. They are industrious, take to business on broad principles and are about as certain to make successes as any people among us. James C. Hanson, one of the prominent farmers of Latah County, Idaho, is not by any means one … Read more

Biography of William W. Watkins, M. D.

A man’s reputation is the property of the world. The laws of nature have forbidden isolation. Every human being submits to the controlling influence of others or, as a master, wields a power for good or evil on the masses of mankind. There can be no impropriety in justly scanning the acts of any man as they affect his public, social and business relations. If he be honest and successful in his chosen field of endeavor, investigation will brighten his fame and point the path along which others may follow. One whose record will bear the closest scrutiny and stand … Read more

George, Ella Mrs.

Death Takes Widow of Pioneer Minister (By Halfway Correspondent) Milton, Feb. 4. – Mrs. Ella George, widow of Rev. David George, who died 15 years ago, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C.D. Walters, here Monday night. Mrs. George was well known in the valley, having lived here the greater part of her life. She was born in Iowa in 1858 and crossed the plains when but a very small child coming with her parents first to California. In that state in 1875, she married the Rev. Mr. George, who was a circuit rider for the Methodist Episcopal … Read more

Biography of Peter S. Beck, M. D.

The physician wields an influence in any community which is peculiarly strong, because it is based on relations with the general public more intimate than those of almost any one else, and any good physician who is at the same time a good man may continue to broaden and deepen this influence to the end of his days. These reflections have been suggested by the success of Dr. Peter S. Beck, ex-mayor of Genesee, Idaho. Dr. Beck is a Homeopathic physician, and Homeopathy is gaining in popularity, but that does not fully account for his success, for he has carried … Read more

Biography of Joseph Geiger

The career of this successful businessman has been crowned with results which must be taken as another evidence of the progressive quality of the German-American character. Joseph Geiger was born in Baden, Germany, July 28, 1853, was educated in the Fatherland and came to the United States at the age of seventeen years, poor in purse and ignorant of the English language. After spending six months in New York city, he went to Texas, where he remained two years. Then he lived two years in Iowa. By that time he was pretty thoroughly Americanized, for he was a studious and … Read more

Biography of John J. Owen

The history of the first things is always interesting. In any town the first settler’s is the name most carefully preserved. The places where he established his home and first worked at his primitive vocation are carefully noted, and his deeds and words are recounted often and with increasing interest as generations succeed one another. There lives in Genesee, Idaho, a man, now the postmaster of the city, who was its pioneer in more ways than one and it is the purpose of the biographer to record now a brief statement of the facts of his life and of his … Read more

Biography of James Harvey Forney

A visit to the library of the gentleman whose name is above and a chat with him in his pleasant home at Moscow, are sufficient to dispel any idea that the new west is without culture or men of ability interested in its educational progress and development. Mr. Forney has given some of the best years of an active and useful life to the cause of education in Idaho, and has attained more than local distinction otherwise. James Harvey Forney, a prominent citizen of Moscow, Idaho, and ex-United States district attorney for the district of Idaho, was born in Rutherford … Read more

Biography of Noyes B. Holbrook

Mr. Holbrook dates his residence in Idaho from 1862, and is therefore one of its pioneer settlers. He has witnessed almost the entire growth and development of the state, and has largely aided in its progress and advancement, neglecting no duty of citizenship and withholding his support and cooperation from no measure for the public good. He is now proprietor of the roller-process flouring mill at Juliaetta, and is an enterprising business man whose honorable methods commend him to the confidence and secure him the patronage of a large portion of the community with which he is connected. Mr. Holbrook … Read more

Biography of Frank L. Moore

The junior member of the prominent law firm of Forney, Smith & Moore, of Moscow, is Frank Latham Moore, who was born in Olmstead County, Minnesota, February 8, 1863, and is of Scotch-Irish ancestry. The family was early founded in Canada, the great-grandfather of our subject being its progenitor there. The grandfather, Chauncy Moore, was born in Canada, and when a young man removed with his family to Rochester, New York, where Reuben Billings Moore, father of our subject, was born in 1826. The grandfather removed from Rochester to Putnam County, Illinois, where he secured land from the government and … Read more

Biography of Charles D. Armstrong

In a record of those who have been prominently identified with the development and progress of Latah county it is imperative that definite consideration be granted to the subject of this review, for not only is he a prominent representative of the agricultural interests of this favored section, but has the distinction of being one of the pioneers of the golden west, with whose fortunes he has been identified for fully forty years, concerned with varied industrial pursuits and so ordering his life as to gain and retain the confidence and esteem of his fellow men. Charles Dexter Armstrong is … Read more

Latah County, Idaho Cemetery Records

Idaho Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Idaho county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Latah County, Idaho Cemetery Records Hosted at Latah County Idaho Archives USGenWeb American Ridge Cemetery Avon Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethany Lutheran Cemetery Blaine Road Cemetery Buchanan Cemetery Cedar Ridge Cemetery, Kendrick, ID Cordelia Lutheran Cemetery  Dry Creek Cemetery Freeze Cemetery Gold Hill Cemetery Little Bear Cemetery Onaway Cemetery Overacker Cemetery Park Cemetery Potlatch Cemetery Rock Creek Cemetery Old Ross … Read more

Latah County, Idaho Census Records

1870 Latah County, Idaho Census Free 1870 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1870 Latah County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Census Guide 1870 U.S. Census Guide 1880 Latah County, Idaho Census Free 1880 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1880 Latah County, Census (images and index) 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Census Guide 1880 U.S. Census Guide 1890 Latah County, Idaho Census Free 1890 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free 1890 Veterans … Read more

Biography of Collins Perryman

Among the most prominent and valued residents of his section of the state is Collins Perryman, of Juliaetta, a veteran of the civil war, and a citizen whose labors in behalf of the town of his abode have been most effective in advancing its interests. He was the pioneer hotel man, as a real-estate dealer has handled the greater part of its property, has done more than any other man in the locality to improve the roads through the surrounding country, and has always been watchful of the welfare and progress, doing all in his power to promote the growth … Read more

Biography of Mansfield C. McGrew

One of the prominent merchants of Kendrick, and the senior member of the large general mercantile firm of McGrew & Carmean, is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch, an enterprising, energetic man whose keen discrimination in business efforts and indefatigable industry have brought him a success which he well merits. A native of Illinois, he was born in Clay County, July 11, 1862, and is of Scotch-Irish lineage. His great-grandfather, James McGrew, having emigrated from the Emerald Isle to the New World, settled in Pennsylvania and became the progenitor of the family in the United States. He later became … Read more

Biography of Judge Edgar C. Steele

Edgar Clarence Steele occupies as enviable a position in the public esteem as the most ambitious could desire or as any of our prominent men have achieved. To the citizens of Moscow and the second judicial district he can only be known as being a reputable, prominent man and an honest, able and efficient officer. At the bar he manifests all the qualities of the successful lawyer, and on the bench he displays a rare combination of talent, learning, tact, patience and industry. The successful lawyer and the competent judge must be a man of well balanced intellect, thoroughly familiar … Read more

Cooper, Harry W. Rev. – Obituary

Rev. Harry W. Cooper Dies of Influenza Rev. Harry W. Cooper, pastor of the Church of God, passed away yesterday at five o’clock from the effects of the dread disease that is taking so many lives in all parts of the world. The deceased was born in Butler County, Kansas and was thirty-two years old. He leaves a wife and three children, and parents who live at Moscow, Idaho. His father was at the bedside of his son. Rev. Cooper had been sick about ten days and was thought to be improving but the disease had weakened his heart and … Read more

Biography of Captain R. Pickering

The veteran soldier who risked his life in defense of the flag, all things else being equal, takes high rank as a citizen. This may be partly because of the quality of the patriotism of the American public, but there is another reason for the preeminence of the veteran. The man who has the form of character to rise to distinction as a soldier possesses the resourceful perseverance so necessary to success in other fields. Captain R. Pickering, who has been a prominent resident of Genesee from its earliest history, was born in Belmont County, Ohio, May 3, 1842, and … Read more

Biography of John W. Brigham

A large and well improved ranch eight and a half miles southeast of the city of Moscow, in Latah county, is owned by John Warren Brigham, who is regarded as one of the most enterprising and progressive agriculturists of this part of the state. His business ability, untiring industry and capable management have been the chief elements in his success and have gained him a position among the substantial residents of the county. Mr. Brigham is a native of California, his birth having occurred in Placer County, on the 22d of March 1857. On the paternal side he is of … Read more

Biography of Samuel J. Langdon

Samuel J. Langdon, one of the highly esteemed pioneer farmers of Latah County, is a native of Ohio, having been born at Granville, Licking County, May 4, 1829. He is of Scotch-Irish lineage, and his ancestors were early settlers of Connecticut and participants in the Revolutionary war and in the events which go to form the colonial history of the country. The family is noted for a patriotic spirit, and one of the Langdons served as commander of the colonial forces at the battle of Ticonderoga. Jesse Langdon, the grandfather of our subject, was born and reared in Connecticut and … Read more