Penner, Audrey Dorene Viles – Obituary

Audrey Dorene Penner, a resident of Lewis County for 70 years, died Thursday [August 24] in a Bellevue Hospital. She was 79. She was born Oct. 25, 1898, in Grove, Okla., and was raised in the Adna area. Survivors include her husband, Gerhardt at home in Bellevue; a son Clark C, Walnut Creek, Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. H. C. (Carmen) Hardebeck, Bellevue; a brother, George W. Viles, Centralia; six grandchildren; and seven great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Monday at 1:30 p.m. at Sticklin Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Dennis Weaver officiating. Interment will follow at Claquato Cemetery, Chehalis. … Read more

Meagher, Agnes – Obituary

Agnes Meagher, 85, formerly of 608 E. 5th Ave., Ellensburg, died Sunday [August 31, 1980] in Cheyenne Mountain Nursing Center in Colorado Springs, Colo. She was born in Ellensburg, Aug. 8, 1895, a daughter of the late Michael and Mary Heraty. She attended Ellensburg Normal School for one year, business college in Tacoma for two years, and worked as a legal secretary in Seattle for a number of years. She married Martin Meagher in Seattle, Aug. 21, 1929. He preceded her in death June 29, 1951. Mrs. Meagher was a member of St. Andrew’s Catholic Church. She is survived by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Levi H. Cyphers

LEVI H. CYPHERS. – Mr. Cyphers, who occupies a very prominent position in Snohomish county, having served as sheriff by the choice of the Republicans as well as democrats, is a native of the Keystone state, having been born in Monroe county, Pennsylvania, in 1849. He engaged in business at his early home, but at the age of twenty-six acted upon the belief that there were better opportunities for young men at the West. He accordingly set out for the Black Hills in the fall of 1875, with the expectation of digging gold, but, upon arriving at Cheyenne, found that … Read more

Barrett, Allen LeRoy – Obituary

Halfway, Baker County, Oregon Allen LeRoy Barrett, 70, died March 24, 2006, at his home in Halfway. A celebration of his life has been tentatively set for June 17. The time and place will be announced. Tami’s Pine Valley Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. He was born on Feb. 13, l936, at Sheridan, Wyo., to Edorothy “Edie” and Allan Barrett. He grew up at Kellogg and Smelterville, Idaho. Allen attended school to the 11th grade and then went to work at the Kellogg mine. In 1954, Allen joined the U.S. Navy. He met Shirley Schultz in Seattle, Wash., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jeremiah W. Borst

JEREMIAH W. BORST. – The subject of this sketch was born in Tyoga county, New York, in 1829. At the age of four years, he removed with his father’s family to Indiana, and was reared on a farm. The days of his youth were spent in Missouri, with a return to the Hoosier State. In 1850, he crossed the plains with ox-teams for the gold fields of California, and dug for the precious metal five years. In 1858, he came north to Washington Territory, finding a home on Snoqualmie Prairie, since famous as the location of the great ranch of … Read more

Powers, Robert E. “Bob” – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Robert E. “Bob” Powers, 82, a longtime Baker City resident, died July 3, 2002, at his home. Vigil services for Mr. Powers will be Sunday at 7 p.m. at St. Francis de Sales Cathedral, First and Church streets. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated Monday at 11 a.m. at the cathedral. The Rev. Robert C. Irwin will celebrate the Mass. Vault interment will be Monday afternoon at Hillcrest Cemetery in La Grande. Robert was born Sept. 25, 1919, the youngest of six siblings born to Gertrude and Laurence Powers, a second-generation American farming family. His mother’s … Read more

Smith, Irene W. – Obituary

Irene W. Smith, 85, of La Grande, died Feb. 23 at a local care center. A graveside service will begin at 2 p.m. Thursday, at the Union Cemetery. Daniels-Knopp Funeral, Cremation & Life Celebration Center is in charge of arrangements. Irene was born July 2, 1922, to Archie and Eunice (Griffith) Williamson in Brookhaven, Miss. She lived in Seattle for some time before moving to the Los Angeles area of California where she lived for 30 years. In June 1984, she moved to La Grande to be near family. In the early 1990s her daughter, Judith Ann DeLeebeck lost her … Read more

Moser, Wolfgang Richard – Obituary

Wolfgang Richard Moser, 71, of Baker City, died April 21, 2006, after a massive cardiac event. His memorial service will be at 11 a.m. July 1 at the Baker City Church of the Nazarene Church, 1250 Hughes Lane. Mr. Moser was born in Munich, Germany, on Aug. 2, 1934. He moved to Canada in 1954 as a lithographer and immigrated to the United States in 1969. He owned his own business in Seattle, Wash., until his retirement in 1991, when he moved to Joseph. He enjoyed being part of the Wallowa Valley Photo Club, taking motorcycle trips, watercolor painting and … Read more

Lee, Claudia H. Swenson – Obituary

Claudia H. Lee, 95, resident of Tumwater for two years, died of natural causes Thursday, Aug. 10, 1995, in Mother Joseph Care Center. She was born May 3, 1900 in Gaylord, Minn., to Swen and Augusta (Erickson) Swenson. She married Melvin Lee on April 3, 1947 in Seattle. Mrs. Lee worked as a beautician and in the insurance industry. She belonged to Plymouth Congregational Church of Seattle. She enjoyed knitting and crocheting. She also liked gardening and flowers, crossword puzzles and spending time with her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Mrs. Lee is survived by her daughter, Rosemary Hortin, and husband, … Read more

Conner, Joyce Lee – Obituary

Wallowa, Oregon Joyce Lee Conner died Aug. 29, 2006. She was 71. Mrs. Conner was born April 4, 1935, in Wallowa. She graduated from Wallowa High School in 1953. She did all of the artwork for her high school yearbook, was a song leader, a member of the student council, and was the basketball homecoming queen. She enjoyed hours of horse back riding with friends. After graduating from high school, she earned her certificate to become a dental assistant in Walla Walla, Wash. On Nov. 24, 1955 she married Sid Conner, her brother’s classmate from Wallowa High School. They were … Read more

Sorensen, Andrew – Obituary

Andy Sorenson, 88, of Ellensburg, died Monday, April 20, 1992 at Kittitas Valley Community Hospital in Ellensburg . He was born in Ellensburg, Washington December 10, 1903, a son of Swan and Marguerite (Jensen) Sorensen. Mr. Sorensen graduated from Ellensburg High School in 1921 and the University of Washington in 1925. He has owned and operated his farm since 1925. He and Evelyn Colwell were married in Ellensburg on October 24, 1936. Mr. Sorensen was soil conservation Farmer of the Year in 1964, on the board of directors of the Ellensburg Water Company, president of the Kittitas County Dairymens Association … Read more

Biography of A. F. Wohlenberg, M. D.

Dr. Wohlenberg, a practicing physician and surgeon of Kendrick, is a native of Lyons, Iowa, born April 27, 1862. As the name indicates, he is of German descent. His parents, Ludwig A. and Maria (Vollbehr) Wohlenberg, were both natives of the Fatherland and came to America during their childhood. After their marriage they located on the farm where Ludwig Wohlenberg is now living, retired from active business life, enjoying the handsome competence which came to him as the result of arduous toil in former years. He has held various township offices, discharging his duties in a most acceptable manner, and … Read more

Fix, Clara Jane Harris – Obituary

Mrs. S. E. Fix, 78, former Pierce County resident, died Tuesday in a hospital at Olympia. She was born at Rockford, Ontario, Canada, and came to the United States with her parents in 1884. The family made its home at Auburn, and prior to her marriage, Mrs. Fix taught in Orting schools. She was married January 28, 1903 at Auburn and for many years the couple made its home at Kapowsin, later moving to Olympia. She had been ill the past few years. Mrs. Fix was past matron of the Narcissus Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Besides her husband, she … Read more

Cooke, Ella Harrel – Obituary

Ella Cooke, 96, died Saturday, April 19, 1997 at the Masonic Retirement Center in Des Moines, Wash., where she has been a resident for 9 years. She was born Jan. 1, 1901 in Hawkins County, Tenn. She came to the Ellensburg Valley with her parents, Edward and Julia Harrel, as a small child. She and her husband, Budd Cooke who preceded her in death, lived in the Colockum Pass area north of Ellensburg for over 40 years. She loved to do crafts and handiwork. Before her move to the coast, she belonged to Jolly Neighbors and to the Country Mothers … Read more

Biography of Hon. Hilory Butler

HON. HILORY BUTLER. – Mr. Butler is the son of Roland and Luc Emery Butler. He was born in Culpepper county, Virginia, on March 31, 1819. He resided on his father’s farm, where he was born, until he was twenty-one years of age, when he came to Lexington, Missouri, with a neighbor’s family, and followed farming until 1852. In April of that year he started across the plains in company with his wife, with the train known as the Hays and Cowan train, and arrived in Portland in September of the same year. After spending the first winter in Portland, … Read more

Yeast, Carl B. – Obituary

Yeast, Carl B. King Co., WA 8101 – 34th SW, May 28th. Beloved husband of Alice. Father of Joe, Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho; Mrs. Maxine Jacobsen, Anchorage; Mrs. Roxine Hamblin, Mrs. Lee Jerdan, both Seattle. Seven grandchildren, six great grandchildren. Member IOOF. Services Wednesday, 3 p.m., Washington Memorial Funeral Home. Burial, Washington Memorial Park. Post Intelligencer, May 30, 1972 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Cox, Helen Shirley Leach Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Helen Shirley Leach Cox, 82, a former Baker City resident, died July 16, 2004, at the Royal Vista Care Center in Ellensburg, Wash. Her graveside funeral will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Hagerman Cemetery. There will be a memorial service later in the Seattle, Wash., area. Demaray Funeral Chapel of Gooding, Idaho, is in charge of arrangements. Helen was born on Sept. 11, 1921, at Jerome, Idaho, to Fred and Nettie Leach. She was the only girl in a family with five brothers. She attended public school at Hagerman and played basketball on the Hagerman … Read more

Biography of A. M. Brookes

A. M. BROOKES. – A portrait of Mr. Brookes is placed in this work. The present efficient postmaster of the “Queen City” (Seattle) was born in Galena, Illinois, September 2, 1843, and is the son of Samuel M. and Julia B. (Jones) Brookes. His father was one of the early pioneers of Milwaukee. When our subject was but an infant his parents moved to Chicago, and two years later moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where A.M. was educated at the Milwaukee Academy, and where he resided until August, 1862. When, on the call by President Lincoln for three hundred thousand men, … Read more

Wright, Alfred – Obituary

Alfred W. Wright, 70, died Wednesday at Seattle [died May 24, 1972]. He was born in Ellensburg, June 15, 1901, and worked for many years for Cabin Creek Lumber Co., which was owned by his father. He was married to Bertha Ferguson December 18, 1922, at Ellensburg. For the past 30 years they have lived in Seattle, where he continued to work as a millwright until retirement. He was a member of Shipwrights Local N. 1184 of Seattle. In addition to his wife, he is survived by one son, Alfred Wright, III, of Seattle; four grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Doris … Read more

Staab, Belva Harriet Scott Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Belva Harriet Staab, 94, a longtime Baker City resident, died April 8, 2003, at Bothell, Wash., where she was a resident of the Franciscan Health Nursing Home. Disposition was by cremation at Acacia Memorial Park Funeral Home in Seattle, Wash. Her memorial service will be at 4 p.m. Saturday at Mount Hope Cemetery. Pastor Lura Kidner-Miesen of the United Methodist Church will officiate. Belva was born Jan. 5, 1909, to David and Harriet Scott of Ansley, Neb., where her family lived for many years. She was preceded in death by her brothers, George and Henry Scott; and … Read more