History of Madison County Indiana

The book presently being added is volume 2 of John Forkner’s “History of Madison County, Indiana.” This volume contains the biographies submitted by “subscribers” to the manuscript prior to its publication. Generally, most county biographical volumes of history provide a rich view of the life of inhabitants in said county.

Biography of Winfield Shaul

WINFIELD SHAUL. The Shaul family, which Winfield Shaul of this review represents in this Township, is one of the oldest in Madison County, and the subject is the representative of the fourth generation to hold the land which the founder of the family entered from the government when the first of the name located here from the Keystone state in the earliest days of Indiana, long prior to her statehood, The first of the name to locate here entered land from the government, and ended his days in the cultivation of the wilderness tract he thus acquired. His son, Orange … Read more

Biography of Wilson T. Trueblood

WILSON T. TRUEBLOOD. Now living virtually retired in the attractive village of Chesterfield, Mr. Trueblood was for many years one of the representative merchants of his native County and is a scion of one of the sterling and honored pioneer families of this section of the fine old Hoosier state, His career has been marked by earnest and effective endeavor and he has at all times maintained secure place in the confidence and esteem of his fellow men, so that he is specially entitled to specific recognition in this publication. On the old homestead farm of his parents, in Adams … Read more

Biography of Wilson Cory

Wilson Cory

WILSON CORY, Four miles south of the city of Anderson on the Cory gravel road in Anderson Township is located the fine farm of Wilson Cory, one of the best country estates in Madison County, Mr. Cory has one hundred and twenty acres of land, and for many years has been successful as a grower of the various crops and as a stock raiser, The conspicuous feature of his place, which has in fact made it known all over the south side of Madison County is the fine barn, This is not only a structure built and equipped according to … Read more

Biography of William Savage

WILLIAM SAVAGE, The manager of a well-improved farm of 120 acres, lying in Monroe Township, William Savage is an able and worthy representative of the agricultural interests of Madison County, where he has spent his entire career, A member of the younger generation of farmers, he has the hard-headed practicality inherited from a long line of agricultural ancestors, with which he combines the enthusiasm of youth and the use of modern scientific methods and machinery, Mr. Savage was born on the old family homestead in Pipe Creek Township, Madison County, Indiana, August 13, 1890, and is a son of Columbus … Read more

Biography of William R. Kinnard

WILLIAM R. KINNARD. Since he located on the old Thomas farm in Pendleton Township, securing the place on the status of a renter, the fortunes of William Rush Kinnard have kept pace with those of the most prosperous of the men of his community, and he is today the owner of the fine old place which had been the property of his wife’s family years ago. Success has attended his efforts and he is reckoned among the prosperous and substantial men of the town, and one whose influence and opinion are potent factors in the communal life of the place. … Read more

Biography of William P. Meyer

WILLIAM P. MEYER. The modern pharmacist is a man of many callings, for his is a vocation that calls for knowledge of various other lines of endeavor, His is a learned profession, necessitating years of study in the sciences of pharmacy and chemistry, and his care and skill in preparing prescriptions are of the most vital importance, while it is doubtful if there are many other callings that ask such long hours of labor, For these and other reasons the druggist is generally numbered among the substantial men of his neighborhood, and to be the proprietor of a successful pharmacy … Read more

Biography of William H. Gossett

WILLIAM H. GOSSETT. One of the best known dealers in live stock in Madison County is William H. Gossett, who has his home in Boone Township, where he is the owner of a fine farm of one hundred and forty acres, He has spent practically all his career in Madison County, has been known as a hard worker and good business man, and while accumulating a goodly share of material prosperity has likewise enjoyed and increased the esteem of the community for his excellent qualities of character and personalities. William H. Gossett was born in 1853 in Highland County, Ohio, … Read more

Biography of William Fountain

William Fountain

WILLIAM FOUNTAIN. In a history of the prominent and influential citizens of Madison County, William Fountain is eminently deserving of extended mention, for his well spent life, his agricultural ability, his loyalty to public duty and his fidelity in private life have all gained him a place among the leading residents of the community, Although he has passed the seventy-fifth milestone in life’s journey, an age when most men would consider it their privilege to retire from activities, he still continues to discharge the daily routine of duties and to show a commendable interest in all that affects his Township … Read more

Biography of William E. Thompson

WILLIAM E. THOMPSON. Since the pioneer days of Madison County this section of Indiana has known and has been influenced by four generations of the Thompson family, and representatives of three generations are now living and are active workers in the business enterprises of Anderson, The four generations of the family have alike been distinguished for exceptional business talent, enterprise and large public spirit, and as individuals they have contributed many important services to the life and activities of the County. William E. Thompson & Son are prominent in Anderson as contractors and builders, and many of the fine business … Read more

Biography of William C. Pettigrew

WILLIAM C. PETTIGREW. A former trustee of Green Township, Mr. Pettigrew is one of the leading farmers of the Township where he has spent practically all his life and as the result of many years’ industry and careful management now owns a splendid country home in section 35 of this Township. William C. Pettigrew was born on a farm in his present home Township November 8, 1858. His parents were John and Sarah (Jones) Pettigrew. The father was a native of Virginia, from which state he came to Madison County when a young man and followed farming. His death occurred … Read more

Biography of William Butler Bronnenberg

Henry Bronnenberg

WILLIAM BUTLER BRONNENBERG. Success has amply attended the efforts of William Butler Bronnenberg, who has devoted himself with diligence and energy to the farming business all his life, Few men in this community have surpassed or equaled him in his accomplishments in the field of agriculture, and he is representative of the best and most progressive class of farming men in the County and state today, Beginning with little or nothing, Mr. Bronnenberg is today the owner of something like 250 acres of the most fertile land in the County, which yields him richly and repays him goodly measure of … Read more

Biography of William A. Morris

WILLIAM A. MORRIS. Among the prosperous farming estates of Stony Creek Township that of which William A. Morris is proprietor is by all means one of the most attractive viewed in its superficial aspects and also one of the most profitable as a business enterprise. Mr. Morris is a general farmer and stock raiser, owns one hundred and four acres in his own homestead, and is engaged in the operation of more than two hundred acres of land in this County. William A. Morris was born in Miami County, Indiana, October 19, 1860, a son of Isaac and Nancy (Haney) … Read more

Biography of Willard H. Thomas

WILLARD H. THOMAS, now residing on a forty acre homestead in Stony Creek Township, has given the best years of his career to the most useful occupation that can employ the energies of man or woman, that of teaching, He has made an excellent record as an educator, and was for a number of years identified with the schools of Madison County, until he recently retired and went upon a farm. Willard H. Thomas, who represents 0ne of the oldest Indiana families, was born in Floyd County, March 25, 1872, a son of William and Sarah (Boley) Thomas. The Thomas … Read more

Biography of Will G. Evans

WILL G. EVANS. Among the younger generation of business men of Elwood, one who has made a place for himself in. commercial circles is Will G. Evans, the energetic proprietor of the pharmacy at Main and Sixteenth streets, Mr. Evans was born in Irondale, Ohio, September 5, 1887, and is a son of John R. and Matilda (Mayberry) Evans. The paternal grandparents of Mr. Evans spent their entire lives in South Wales, They were the parents of a large family of children, John 11. Evans was born in South Wales, and as a young married man emigrated to the United … Read more

Biography of Wesley White Jr.

WESLEY WHITE, JR. For more than half a century the White family has been identified with Madison County, and always with the larger activities of farming and country life. Wesley White, Jr., is one of the Grand Army men still living in this County and has a splendid country home in Green Township. He has known Madison County since before the war, and has not only witnessed practically every important phase in the development of the region from the wilderness, but has borne his individual share of the labors and responsibilities in this work. Wesley White, Jr., was born on … Read more

Biography of Weldon B. Gorden

WELDON B. GORDEN. Since 1894, Weldon B. Gorden has been a resident of section 3, Monroe Township, where he is the owner of an excellent property of two hundred acres, lying on the Gorden Grove road, about five miles north of Alexandria, During this time he has been connected with various enterprises of an agricultural nature, and has fairly earned the leading position which he occupies among the farmers of his locality, Mr. Gorden was born half a mile east of his present farm, October 18, 1859, and is a son of James and Susan (LaRue) Gorden. Anderson Gorden, the … Read more

Biography of Weems Bronnenberg

WEEMS BRONNENBERG. Agricultural methods have changed very materially during the past several generations, and now that progression among the farmers has become a vital national issue there is every reason to suppose that still further advance will be made along all lines, Interurban service, the telephone and the automobile, with the consequent bettering of the roads on account of the increased popularity of the last- named, have brought the farmers much closer together and have placed them in close touch with the centers of activity, and the man today who devotes himself to the cultivation of the soil finds himself … Read more

Biography of Walter Maul

WALTER MAUL. A native son of Pendleton, where he has passed all his life, Mr. Maul grew up in this community and learned a trade there, has used his business energy in extending his work and service, and is now enjoying a yearly increasing success as a brick-mason contractor. Walter Maul was born in Pendleton December 24, 1871, a son of George K. and Susan R. (Parson) Maul, The father was born at Huntsville in Fall Creek Township in 1847, so that the family is among the oldest in southwestern Madison County, The father now resides at Caney, Kansas, During … Read more

Biography of Walter Isanogel

WALTER ISANOGEL, Special interest attaches to the career of this well known and highly esteemed citizen of Chesterfield, for he is a native of Madison County, a representative of one of its sterling pioneer families and has been prominently concerned with civic and business activities in the County which has ever been his home. Mr. Isanogel was born on a farm in Union Township, Madison County, Indiana, on the 3rd of January, 1863, and is a son of Jacob and Mary (Goheen) Isanogel, whose names are prominently identified with the annals of Madison County, where they took up their abode … Read more