Biography of Wallace B. Campbell

WALLACE B. CAMPBELL has been closely identified with the business life of Anderson since coming to the city in 1895, He is well and favorably remembered as editor and owner of the Anderson Herald, which he built up to be one of the best equipped printing establishments in any city of similar size in the state. After several years of very successful newspaper work he turned his attention to real estate, developing one of the largest flat, apartment and business properties in the city. In addition to looking after his own property interests during the past eight years, he has … Read more

Biography of Wade H. Free

WADE H. FREE. Among the young Indiana men who in recent years have been gaining recognition and have been making their influence effective in business and political circles of the state, one whose name has now become well known far beyond the boundaries of his home County of Madison, is Wade H. Free, the present secretary of the state senate, He is a popular young lawyer of Anderson, where he has spent five or six years in general practice, and he is a native son of the County. Wade H. Free was born in Lafayette Township, Madison County, on a … Read more

Biography of W. Frank McVaugh

W. FRANK MCVAUGH, In W. Frank McVaugh Madison County has one of her most promising young men, and one in whom the public has already shown a measure of confidence by electing him to the office of County surveyor in November, 1912. His previous record in the engineering profession, though necessarily brief, had been sufficiently praiseworthy to establish him as one of the coining men of the district, and the evidence thus far amply supports the judgment of those who called him to his present position. Born in Huntsville, Indiana, on September 26, 1885, W. Frank McVaugh is the .son … Read more

Biography of W. C. Scott

W. C. SCOTT. Few men who find pleasure in country life realize more solid enjoyment from their work than does W. C. Scott, well known farmer and stock breeder of this community, His work is his recreation alike, and in it he exercises every faculty in his possession. As a breeder of fine horses Mr. Scott is known throughout the state, and he is especially well known as the owner of Dan R., one of the fastest horses of the country, with a registered speed of 2:011/4. As a general farmer, too, as well as in his capacity of breeder, … Read more

Biography of Verling Stanley

VERLING STANLEY. A man who is well known to the citizens of his community by reason of his former connection with work of a journalistic nature, Verling Stanley has for a long period been prominently identified with the farming and stock raising interests of Stony Creek Township, where he is the owner of a well-cultivated farm of 260 acres. Mr. Stanley was born in Hamilton County, Indiana, June 16, 1857, and is a son of Isaac and Hannah (Nuby) Stanley. Isaac Stanley was born in Clinton County, Ohio, and was about sixteen years of age when brought to Hamilton County, … Read more

Biography of Thomas Morris Hardy

Thomas Morris Hardy

THOMAS MORRIS HARDY, The prosperity and advancement of a community depend upon the social character and public spirit of its members and in every prosperous town or country center may be found citizens who take leadership and give their energies not atone to their well being but to the things that make better and fuller life for all, Such a citizen at Pendleton has Mr. Hardy been recognized for many years. Lieutenant Hardy was a soldier of the Civil war, was in early life a teacher, from that became actively identified with farming, and for the past twenty-five years has … Read more

Biography of Thomas Morris

THOMAS MORRIS. Perseverance, intelligence and industry combine oto form the price of success in farming in these modern days of agricultural work, when the hard, unremitting toil of former years has given way in large degree to the scientific use of modern machinery and a comprehensive knowledge of intelligent methods of treating the soil, Madison County is the home of many skilled farmers who treat their vocation more as a profession than as a mere occupation and take a pardonable and justifiable pride in their accomplishments, among, these being Thomas Morris, the owner of eighty acres of fine land located … Read more

Biography of Thomas Jenkins Doty

THOMAS JENKINS DOTY, a well known farming man and a pioneer resident of Green Township, Madison County, was born near the place where he now makes his home, on August 25, 1838. He is the son of John and Sarah A. (Parsel) Doty, both natives of Pennsylvania, who came to Madison County some time prior to 1838, and here lived the remainder of their lives. John Doty entered government land and established a home on the virgin soil of Indiana, ultimately gaining a prominent place in the agricultural activities of the County in which he located with his family. He … Read more

Biography of Thomas E. Day

THOMAS E. DAY. Some thirty years ago Thomas E. Day took his bride into Stony Creek Township while the wilderness conditions still prevailed and with a strong arm and courageous heart began the work of clearing out a home for himself and family. By dint of hard labor and thrifty management he has prospered, until today he is not only one of the most substantial, but also one of the most influential men in his section of the County. Thomas E. Day is a native of the state of North Carolina where he was born April 15, 1858, and from … Read more

Biography of Spencer Gorland Bevilhimer

SPENCER G. BEVILHIMER. For more than sixty years a resident of Madison County, Mr. Bevilhimer is one of the citizens whose name and a brief record of whose career should be permanently recorded in any history of the community, He represents a family which had its part in the early development of the County, he was himself one of the Madison County’s soldiers for the war of the Rebellion, and since his return to the County as a veteran soldier he has had his full share in the responsibilities of making a living and providing for home and family, and … Read more

Biography of Silas R. Mauzy

SILAS R. MAUZY. The career of Silas R. Mauzy, of Adams Township, is illustrative of what may be accomplished by the man of energy and industry, for from small beginnings he has built up a business that has grown to such proportions as to give him the distinction of being the largest shipper of livestock in Madison County. Not only has he gained prestige in the business world, but in public life and social circles he has won equal prominence, and no man in his section stands higher in general public esteem. Mr. Mauzy was born on a farm in … Read more

Biography of Seneca Chambers

SENECA CHAMBERS. Madison County is essentially an agricultural community, and is noted no less for the excellence of its farms than for the public spirit and enterprise of the agriculturists who till them, One of these successful farmers, a resident of the County for more than half a century, and still engaged in active pursuits, is Seneca Chambers, the owner of sixty-three acres of excellent land located on the Alexandria pike, in Richland Township, Mr. Chambers was born on the farm which he now occupies, February 24, 1861, and is a son of John H. and Julia A. (Drybread) Chambers. … Read more

Biography of Sanford R. Moss

SANFORD R. MOSS, Located in Richland Township, not far from the city of Anderson is found Shadeland Stock farm, a property of sixty acres from which comes some of the finest light harness horses bred in Madison County. The proprietor of this enterprise, Sanford R. Moss, has had a long and successful experience in his line of work, having been trained therein as a boy, and his firmly-established reputation as a raiser, breeder and trainer of these animals has created an active demand for his animals in the markets of the big cities, Mr. Moss was born on his present … Read more

Biography of Sanford M. Keltner

SANFORD M. KELTNER. Eminently entitled to specific recognition in this history of Madison County is Mr. Keltner, who was one of the representative members of the bar of this section of the state for twenty-six years. He is president of the Anderson Trust Company and vice-president of the Anderson Computing Scale Company, two of the important corporations of the County, and he is known and honored as a citizen of substantial worth of character and marked loyalty and public spirit. Mr. Keltner claims the Buckeye state as the place of his nativity and is a son of one of its … Read more

Biography of Samuel Swain

SAMUEL SWAIN. The old citizenship of Madison County had no better representative than the late Samuel Swain, who was born in Fall Creek Township in the decade of the forties, and who died on the 9th of September, 1913. He had been continuously identified with this section of the County throughout practically all the years that intervened since the pioneer period. Mr. Swain was an infant when the first railroad was brought through the County and in the vicinity of his old homestead, he was a boy in his teens when the Civil war broke out, and he witnessed practically … Read more

Biography of Samuel Quincy Markle

SAMUEL Q. MARKLE. During the past twenty years Adams Township has been the field of endeavor of Samuel Quincy Markle, a man of energy and push, who has been influential in business, political and social circles, and who has added materially to the growth and development of this section of Madison County. He belongs to one of the old and honored families of this part of the state, whose members have been noted for their honesty, their integrity, as well as for their prominent connection with commercial, agricultural and professional activities. As a worthy representative of this name, he is … Read more

Biography of Samuel Douglas Montgomery

SAMUEL DOUGLAS MONTGOMERY, Among the officials of Madison County who are rendering the community signal service in the discharge of their duties, none have attained a greater degree of popularity than that which has come to Samuel Douglas Montgomery, who has served efficiently since January 1, 1911, in the office of County assessor, A resident of this County since early boyhood, he was for years identified with the agricultural and stock raising interests of this section, and the success with which he met in his own affairs made his fellow citizens confident that he would have no trouble in successfully … Read more

Biography of Rufus Albert Hoover, M. D.

RUFUS ALBERT HOOVER, M. D. A rising young physician of Madison County, Rufus Albert Hoover, M. D., is busily engaged in the practice of his profession in Orestes, where he is also serving most acceptably as principal of the public school, He was born in North Carolina, but was brought up in Indiana, coming with his parents, to this state when he was a small child. The Doctor’s father, Thomas Hoover, was born, reared and married in North Carolina. Coming with his family to Indiana, he settled in Hamilton County, where he spent his closing years of life, pass ing … Read more

Biography of Robert E. Webster

ROBERT E. WEBSTER, Near Summitville in Van Buren Township is one of the fine country homes of Madison County, a place which for years has given a distinctive character of prosperity and well ordered enterprise to the country life of this section of the County, It is the farm occupied and owned by Robert E. Webster who was born on the place and has been identified with agricultural activities in this section all his life, In his home place he has eighty acres and also owns another farm of seventy acres east of Summitville about two miles. Robert E. Webster … Read more

Biography of Robert C. Shepherd

ROBERT C. SHEPHERD. When the late Robert C. Shepherd died on November 5, 1904, he was the possess0r of one of the finest farm homes in Madison County, Indiana, where he had lived for many years and reared his family. Probably no man in Madison County betrayed a deeper interest in farms and farming than did he, and it is certain that few if any, reached the pinnacle of success as an agriculturist that be attained. The study of that subject was long one of the most engrossing interest to him, and he possessed a deeper insight into it and … Read more