Biography of Alexander Sumpter

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

Alexander Sumpter, residing in Union Grove, devotes his attention to general farming and to the raising of chickens and his business has assumed extensive proportions, bringing a good financial return. He was born in Yorkville, Wisconsin, September 6, 1864, and is a son of John and Mary Ann (Cheasman) Sumpter, both of whom were natives of Lincolnshire. England, born in 1818 and 1821 respectively. They were married in their native County and in 1850 came to the United States, making their way to Yorkville Township, Racine County. For a few years Mr. Sumpter was there employed at farm labor and afterward went to the town of Dover, where he purchased a tract of land, becoming the owner of two hundred and five acres. He afterward bought land quite extensively in Yorkville but eventually he removed with his wife to Alabama, where Mrs. Sumpter passed away in 1897, while his death there occurred in 1905. They were consistent and faithful members of the Congregational church, in which Mr. Sumpter served as deacon for many years. He was also chairman of the board of trustees and was a local preacher of the church. He could work all day and would then walk ten miles in order to preach, such was his deep interest in the work of spreading the Gospel among men. He was well known and well liked, honest and reliable, and in his business undertakings he prospered. When he reached Yorkville he had but twelve dollars, and as the years passed he directed his business affairs and gained a very gratifying competence. He had for fourteen years been a sailor in England before he crossed the Atlantic to the new world. He was son of William Sumpter, who died in England, and a relative of Captain Sumpter. His political allegiance was given to the Republican Party and he served on the board of supervisors in his Township and also as assessor. His life was fraught with good deeds and actuated by high purposes and commanded the respect and confidence of all.

In the family of Mr. and Mrs. John Sumpter were twelve children. of whom six are living: Mary Ann, who is the wife of Gus Beadier, a resident farmer of Dover Township; John, a retired farmer living at Cedar Falls, Iowa; Fannie, the widow of John Murgatroyd, who was a brick mason, his wife being now a resident of Vesper, Wisconsin; Alfred, a resident farmer of Union Grove: George, who is janitor of the St. James public school in Racine; and Alexander, at home. The last named obtained a district school education and on starting out in life on his own account became interested in the manufacture of tile, being associated with his father in the ownership of a tile works at Union Grove. He afterward drilled wells for two years and later he purchased from his father a farm in Dover Township. After cultivating this for a time he sold out and invested in his present farm of fifty-two acres in York-vine Township. Here he has a nice residence, in the rear of which are good barns and other necessary outbuildings for the shelter of grain and stock, while these in turn are surrounded by highly cultivated fields. Everything about the place indicates his careful supervision and progressive management. He devotes the greater part of his attention to his farm, on which he is now engaged in raising garden produce and chickens, being one of the extensive chicken raisers in this part of the state. He has a large incubator, has greatly increased his business and expects to raise in the present year about six thousand chickens. He handles brown and white Leghorns and his opinions are accepted as authority upon many questions relating to chicken raising.

On the 11th of March, 1890, Mr. Sumpter was united in marriage to Miss Sophia Matilda Savage, a daughter of William Savage, a retired farmer living in Union Grove. They became the parents of a son, Howard Sumpter, who was born March 13, 1891. He was graduated from the Union Grove high school, after which he spent one year as a student in Beloit College and one year as a student in Northwestern University of Chicago. He was made a member of the Scribblers, a college fraternity, and he was also on the basket ball team at Northwestern University for a year. He is now at home, giving his energies to assisting his father in the conduct of a growing and important business.

The parents and the son are members of the Congregational church and Mr. and Mrs. Sumpter have long been members of the choir, in which Mr. Sumpter has sung for thirty years, being leader most of the time. Their son is president of the Southeastern Wisconsin Christian Endeavor Union. Their influence is always on the side of right and progress, truth and reform, and their work has been an element in advancing moral interests in this part of the state, while as a business man Mr. Sumpter also occupies a very prominent and gratifying position.


Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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