Biography of Guy A. Benson

Among the younger representatives of the Racine bar whose professional course has been marked by substantial and consecutive progress is numbered Guy A. Benson, who was graduated from the law department of the State University in 1909. He has been a lifelong resident of this state, his birth having occurred in Iola, Wisconsin, May 31, 1885. his parents being Ole and Andrea (Olson) Benson, both of whom were natives of Norway. The paternal grandfather, Bendt Hanson, brought his family to the United States in 1864, establishing his home upon a farm at Iola, Wisconsin, where he reared his family. The … Read more

Biography of Frank I. Lingsweiler

Frank I. Lingsweiler was for many years connected with the grocery business at Corliss, Wisconsin, but is now living retired in Racine. His birth occurred in Racine County in February, 1854, and his parents were John and Christine Lingsweiler. Until about fifteen years old he attended school in Mount Pleasant Township and then became a student in the high school at Rochester, from which he was graduated at the age of nineteen. He devoted six years to teaching, but when twenty-five years old embarked in the grocery business with W. E. Lee at Western Union Junction, now known as Corliss. … Read more

Biography of Christian Erbe

The family name indicates the German nativity of Christian Erbe, who displays in his business career many of the sterling characteristics which mark the efficiency of the Teuton race. He was born in Saxony, Germany, January 29, 1839, a son of George and Catherine (Ungerecht) Erbe, who were also natives of Saxony. The ancestry is traced back to Christian Erbe, the great-grandfather. The grandfather was John Erbe, who died in Germany when his son George was but fourteen years of age. One of the family, Sebastian Erbe, served in the Revolutionary war, on the English side, and was taken prisoner … Read more

Biography of William H. Hetzel

William H. Hetzel, conducting a general contracting electrical business, has been a lifelong resident of Racine, his birth having occurred in this city June 19, 1873, his parents being David and Mary L. (Wilken) Hetzel, who were pioneer residents here, the family having long been represented in Racine, where they have ever stood for substantial development and improvement. Passing through consecutive grades in the public schools, William H. Hetzel devoted one year of study in the high school and then started out in the business world, taking up carpentering, which he followed for a year. He next turned his attention … Read more

Biography of Jacob W. Smith

Jacob W. Smith, whose extensive farming interests are in Crittenden Township, has known Champaign County as a home for nearly thirty years. His work and management have brought him success to a high degree, and he has long enjoyed a position among the most influential residents of southern Champaign County. Mr. Smith was born in Racine County, Wisconsin, November 30, 1858. His parents, Frederick and Catherine (Bienemann) Smith, were both natives of Germany, his father of Mecklenburg. The father came to America when about eighteen years of age and spent his active life as a farmer in Wisconsin, where he … Read more

Biography of Alexander R. Anderson

Alexander R., Anderson, manager and treasurer of the Racine Hosiery Company, has back of him twenty years’ experience in all departments of the mill and is therefore most competent to control the enlarging and developing interests of this concern. The work is thoroughly systematized and everything done in a most methodical manner, so that there is no useless expenditure of time, labor or material. It is a well recognized fact that this economy of forces is the basis of all modern business success. Mr. Anderson was born in Lewiston, Maine, April 16, 1878, a son of Walter R. and Margaret … Read more

Biography of Anthony McAvoy

Racine classed Anthony McAvoy as one of its representative citizens and leading business men_ He was long prominently identified with carriage manufacturing and his activities were at all times wisely and successfully directed. Re was born in County Down, Ireland, October 30, 1846, and the following year was taken by his parents to London, Canada, where he resided until 1865, when he became a resident of Chicago. Illinois. After about a year passed in that city he removed to Racine and soon afterward went to Elkhorn, Walworth County, Wisconsin, where he remained until 1872. He then returned to Racine, where … Read more

Biography of William Horlick

William Horlick, of Racine, is numbered among the constructive business men of the country, as he founded and has built up the Horlick Malted Milk Company, of which he is now treasurer. He was born in Gloucestershire, England, February 23, 1846, and is the youngest of the nine children born to his parents, James and Priscilla (Griffiths) Horlick. The family is one of the oldest in England and the following account of its history is taken from Burke’s Peerage: “The family name of Harlech or Horlick is of Norman-French derivation, and the natural conclusion drawn is that the Harlechs or … Read more

Biography of William E. Lewis

Although William E. Lewis was long associated with agricultural interests of this County, he is now residing retired in the city of Racine, enjoying a rest which he has truly earned and richly deserves. He has passed the seventy-fourth milestone on life’s journey, his birth having occurred in Putnam County. New York, June 6, 1842, his parents being Alfred and Jane (Barrett) Lewis, both of whom died during the early youth of their son, William. In the year 1834 William E. Lewis, then a youth of twelve years, and his brother, Alfred L., came west with Nathan Howes, one of … Read more

Biography of William J. Beffel

Racine is lacking in none of those advantages which offer a broad field to the energetic young business man and William J. Beffel is among the native sons who in legitimate lines of trade have worked their way upward to success. He became the successor of his father, Mathias Beffel, and reorganizing the business, is now the president of the Beffel Furniture & Undertaking Company, in which connection he controls an important commercial concern of the city. He was born July 27, 1873, a son of Mathias and Johanna (Brehm) Beffel. The father was born in Chicago in 1837 and … Read more

Biography of James Callen

James Callen, who is conducting a mercantile establishment and saloon in Caledonia, was born September 15, 1862, in the Township where he now resides, his parents being James and Mary (Duffy) Callen. The paternal grandfather was Nicholas Callen. who in 1849 arrived in Caledonia Township, Racine County, and died at the home of his son. The maternal grandfather, Patrick Duffy, died in Ireland. James Callen, Sr., was born in County Louth, Ireland, in 1833, and came to America in 1849, when a youth of sixteen years. He worked on different farms for a time, during which period he carefully saved … Read more

Biography of F. J. Kidd

F. J. Kidd, secretary and treasurer of the Racine Manufacturing Company, is thus connected with one of the leading manufacturing interests of the city and that he has a large share in the control and management of the undertaking is indicative of his initiative and resourcefulness. He is constantly alert to opportunities which bring to him a broader outlook and he carefully utilizes every chance for advancement. Moreover, his business interests are of a character which contributes to public prosperity as well as to individual success. Mr. Kidd was born at St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, July 16. 1880, a son … Read more

Biography of John T. Gittings

John T. Gittings, a well known lawyer of Union Grove. is giving particular attention to the probating of estates and has built up a large practice in that line. He also has extensive business interests, being secretary of The Greenhouse Company, which is capitalized for thirty thousand dollars, and vice president of the firm of John Meter & Company, owners of a sauerkraut factory. His birth occurred in Caledonia, this County, August 9, 1870, and he is a son of William and Elizabeth (Gittings) Gittings and a grandson of William Gittings, of Utica, New York. The father, born in Wales, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Albert De Moulpied

John Albert De Moulpied, representing one of the prominent pioneer families of Racine County, was born in Mount Pleasant Township, September 18, 1865, a son of Nicholas De Moulpied, whose sketch is given above. He attended the district schools and afterward spent a year in study in the schools of Racine, subsequent to which time he returned to the farm, whereon he has since remained with the exception of one year spent in South Dakota near Alexandria. Like his father, he has always carried on agricultural pursuits and he has brought his land to a high state of cultivation, his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eugene Walter Leach

Eugene Walter Leach, engaged in the life insurance business at Racine since 1894 as agent for the Aetna Life Insurance Company and not unknown in literary circles, was born in Excelsior, Hennepin County, Minnesota. September 15. 1857, a son of George W. and Deborah B. (White) Leach. The father was born in Burke. Vermont, and in 1854 made his way to Racine, whence in 1856 he removed to Minnesota, but in 1859 he returned to Racine, where he resided until his death in 1899. He was a railway car builder and was employed continuously for thirty-six years by the Racine … Read more

Biography of Nicholas De Moulpied

Almost three-quarters of a century have come and gone since Nicholas De Moulpied became a resident of southeastern Wisconsin, and throughout the intervening period to his death he was closely associated with agricultural interests in Kenosha and Racine counties. He was born in Guernsey, September 25, 1819, the same day on which occurred the birth of Queen Victoria, and after spending his youthful days on his native isle and acquiring a public school education there he crossed the Atlantic to the United States when twenty-five years of age. He made his way to Southport, now Kenosha, and for a year … Read more

Biography of Lucius H. Perkins

Lucius H. Perkins, who resided at Lawrence from 1877 until his accidental death on June 1, 1907, contributed much more to the life of Kansas than the achievements of an able lawyer, great as those were and much as they distinguished him in professional circles. By his varied attainments and accomplishments, by his interest in literature and the broader humanities, he singularly enriched the thought and public opinions of his times. In a generation when the thoughts and energies of the people of Kansas were necessarily concentrated upon the fundamental problems of existence and constructive business, he exemplified that better … Read more

Biography of F. B. Swingle

F. B. Swingle, who since 1912 has been associate editor of the Wisconsin Agriculturist, although he began writing for publication long prior to that date, was born in Rock County, Wisconsin, March 8, 1876, a son of Warren W. and Frankie (Bell) Swingle. The parents were also natives of Rock County and the mother was a daughter of Adam Bell, one of the early pioneer settlers of the state, who on removing westward from New York in 1838, passed through Racine and established his home in Rock County, having made the trip to Racine by water, and farther west with … Read more

Biography of Henry Shuman

The rich farming district of Racine County furnishes splendid opportunities to the agriculturist and dairyman, and among the enterprising and prosperous farmers of the locality is numbered Henry Shuman, who is now comfortably situated in life. He makes his home near Franksville and is numbered among the native sons of Raymond Township, his birth having there occurred June 21, 1867. His parents, Fred and Margaret (Hansen) Shuman, were natives of Denmark, the former born August 26, 1833, and the latter August 15, 1826. They were married in Raymond Township, Racine County, where Mr. Shuman had located at. a very early … Read more

Biography of Harrison Fellows

Harrison Fellows, who figured in business circles of Racine as a dealer in coal and wood and who was also identified with shipping interests as part owner of lake vessels, passed away on the 1st of April, 1887. He had scarcely yet reached the prime of life, his birth having occurred in Williamstown, Vermont, July 2, 1840, and he was a son of George D. and Louise (Olds) Fellows. The family is of English lineage although established in Connecticut at an early period in the colonization of the new world, representatives of the name living there before the Revolutionary war. … Read more