11th District, 3rd Section, Cherokee
The list below contains the names and residence of all the fortunate drawers in the Land Lottery of the 11th District, 3rd Section, of Cherokee country. This list is part of a larger compilation called the Cherokee land lottery. 1 George King, Hammond’s, Franklin.2 Jesse Smith, Sen. R. S., Edwards’s, Franklin.3 William Braddaway, Braddy’s, Jones.4 William W. Griffin, Griffin’s, De Kalb.5 James J. Smith, Herndon’s, Hall.6 James Askew’s ors., 107th, Hancock.7 Henry Matthews’s ors., Wynn’s, Gwinnett.8 Mercer Rhodes, Martin’s, Newton9 Reuben Harris, 419th, Walton.10 David 0. Dye, Rogers’s, Burke.*11 Abraham Brooks, Strickland’s, Merriwether.*12 Richard Marrifee, Mizell’s, Talbot.13 James Baxter’s ors., … Read more