Biography of James. E. Webb

JAMES. E. WEBB. Special adaptability to any calling in life is the one necessary adjunct to permanent success, and as a tiller of the soil James E. Webb seems to be “to the manner born,” for he has one of the finest farms on the Sylamore River, of which he has become the owner through his own efforts. He was born in Roane County, Tennessee, in 1825, a son of Allen and Rebecca (Webb) Webb, the former of whom was born in the Old North State, and the latter is supposed to have been born in east Tennessee. After residing in Roane County for some time they moved to Bradley County, Tennessee, in 1855 or 1856, and then came to Arkansas and took up their residence in Hempstead County, where they lived and died, having followed the occupation of farming throughout life.

The immediate subject of this sketch received his education in Roane and Bradley Counties, Tennessee, and when a young man of nineteen years he commenced farming in the last named county on his own responsibility, and there continued to till the soil until 1859, when he came to Arkansas, and from that time up to 1860 tilled the soil in Hempstead County, since which time he has resided in Stone County, and has made his home on his present fine farm of 400 acres since 1869. This land is exceptionally productive, and on the 125 acres that are under cultivation large crops are raised annually. The place is well improved also, and besides good farm buildings of all kinds the fences are sightly and substantial; in fact, everything about the place indicates that the owner is thrifty, intelligent and industrious. All this property has been acquired since the war, for during that time, or from July, 1864, until the close of the war, he joined the Third Arkansas Cavalry, U. S. A., and was in a number of engagements. In 1847 he was married to Miss Mary Davis, of Bradley County, East Tennessee, and to their union nine children were given, all of whom reside within a few miles of home with one exception. Mr. and Mrs. Webb are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, of which he has been a member since boyhood, and is now holding the office of deacon. He is a member of Lindse Lodge of the A. F. & A. M., and politically is a Republican.


Biography, Civil War,

A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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