Biography of John Short

JOHN SHORT. John Short, who is a native of east Tennessee, born in Roane County in 1826, but who has long been a resident of Stone County, is a son of Willis and Nancy (Kindrick) Short, who were also natives of east Tennessee, where they owned the farm upon which our subject was reared. The parents were hard-working, industrious people, and by their thrift and enterprise accumulated a fair competence. They passed their entire lives in their native State, the mother dying in 1873. Aaron Short, grandfather of our subject, was a native of Kentucky, but early moved to Tennessee, … Read more

Biography of Judge George F. Chilton

JUDGE GEORGE F. CHILTON. To become distinguished at the bar requires not only capacity, but also sound judgment and persevering industry. These qualifications are combined in no gentleman at the Shannon County bar to a greater extent than in George F. Chilton. A careful and accurate adviser, and an earnest and conscientious advocate, his success at the bar has been achieved by the improvement of opportunities, by untiring diligence, and by close study and correct judgment of men and motives. The Chilton family is an old and prominent one in the history of Missouri, for certain members of this family … Read more

Early Records of Lee County, Virginia

Early Records of Lee County, Virginia, vol 2

This manuscript is a compilation of various early records of Lee County, Virginia. It is suggested that you use the index liberally for your searches which starts on page 152. Surnames will appear under a variety of spellings so be sure to check them all.

Biographical Sketch of George B. Durell

Durell, George B.; manufacturer; born, New Jersey, Sept. 27, 1861; son of Edward H. and Hannah A. Woodward Durell; educated, Princeton University, A. B., 1885; married, Harriman, Tenn., June, 1893, Generiere Hill; issue, George Edward, GIadys, Kathryn; sec’y Chattanooga Tool Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.; gen. mgr. Chattanooga Tool Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.; gen. mgr. Harriman Hoe & Tool Co., Harriman, Tenn.; pres. Harriman Hoe & Tool Co., Harriman, Tenn.; pres. Manufacturer’s National Bank, Harriman, Tenn.; vice pres. and treas. American Fork & Hoe Co.; director Citizens Savings & Trust Co.; pres. Eagle Coal Co.; vice pres. United States Handle Co.; member Union, … Read more

Biography of Hon. John L. Greene

HON. JOHN L. GREENE. This well-known and prominent citizen of Pike Creek Valley is a native of Roane County, Tennessee, where he was born in 1835, a son of Theodrick and Mary (Hassler) Greene, natives of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, and Tennessee, born in 1799 and 1805 respectively. In 1811 Theodrick Greene was taken by his parents to Tennessee, grew to manhood there and was there married. In 1857 they removed to Marion County, Arkansas, by wagon and there the father spent the rest of his life, being killed during the war while at home. He was a Southern sympathizer and … Read more

Biography of Isaac Preston Looney

ISAAC PRESTON LOONEY. The subject of this biographical notice is an honorable and progressive farmer, and as such no name in the memorial department of this work is more worthy of mention. He was born in Roane County, Tennessee, in 1831, a son of John and Lucinda (Edrington) Looney, both of whom were natives of east Tennessee. The father was a carpenter and farmer by occupation, and when the subject of this sketch was a child removed with his family to Franklin County, Ala., and there made his home until 1853. They next located in Smith County, Tex., where both … Read more

Biography of James. E. Webb

JAMES. E. WEBB. Special adaptability to any calling in life is the one necessary adjunct to permanent success, and as a tiller of the soil James E. Webb seems to be “to the manner born,” for he has one of the finest farms on the Sylamore River, of which he has become the owner through his own efforts. He was born in Roane County, Tennessee, in 1825, a son of Allen and Rebecca (Webb) Webb, the former of whom was born in the Old North State, and the latter is supposed to have been born in east Tennessee. After residing … Read more

Biography of Thomas L. Viles

THOMAS L. VILES. To attain success in any calling, it is necessary that a man should be possessed of a keen and discerning mind, with the energy and determination to push his business or profession instead of allowing it to push him. These qualities are possessed in an eminent degree by Thomas L. Viles, who is the able prosecuting attorney of Stone County, in which he has made his home for many years. He is a native of Roane County, Tennessee, where he was born October 3, 1850. The son of John and Martha (Roberts) Viles, who were also Tennesseans. … Read more

Roane County, Tennessee Cemetery Transcriptions

Tennessee Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Tennessee county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Roane County, Tennessee Tombstone Transcription Project) Abbott Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Blue Springs Cemetery Cedar Grove Baptist Church Cemetery Fenders Cemetery George Jones Memorial Baptist Church Cemetery Kingston Memorial Gardens Lewis Cemetery Luminary Cemetery New Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery Oak Grove Cemetery Oak Grove Cemetery Oral Cemetery  Paint Rock Cemetery Pleasant Hill Cemetery Ponders Cemetery Roane … Read more

Biography of Andrew J. Farmer

ANDREW J. FARMER (deceased). When a citizen of worth and character has departed from this life, it is meet that those who survive him should keep in mind his life work, and should hold up to the knowledge and emulation of the young his virtues and the characteristics which distinguished him and made him worthy the esteem of his neighbors. Therefore, the name of Andrew J. Farmer is presented to the readers of this volume as a public-spirited citizen and a man well and favorably known throughout the county. He was born in Roane County, Tennessee, in 1824, and at … Read more

Biography of James Harlin Hale

JAMES HARLIN HALE. In all ages of the world industry, perseverance and energy, where intelligently applied, have achieved results which could only have been gained by having one end in view, and by improving every opportunity of ultimately attaining that object. Mr. Hale is an example of what can be accomplished when the spirit of determination is exercised, in connection with the every-day affairs of life. His farming and stockraising operations have resulted most satisfactorily, and he is one of the substantial men of his section. Like so many of the representative men of Christian County, Mr. Hale is a … Read more

Biography of Andrew P. Miller

ANDREW P. MILLER, one of the early pioneers of Douglas County, and son of Dobson Miller (see sketch of Dr. H. M. Miller and J. W. Miller, of Ava), came originally from Tennessee, his birth occurring in Roane County, that State, May 26, 1833. He was about twenty-one years of age when he left the State where he had received his education, and made his way to Missouri, where he has since followed farming. In the year 1862 he enlisted in Company B, of the Home Guards, but about a year later he enlisted in the Missouri State Militia, and … Read more

Biography of M. C. Reynolds

M. C. REYNOLDS, the most prominent merchant in Douglas County, has made his home in this section of the country since 1856, but was born in Roane County, East Tennessee, December 30, 1844, a son of J . A. G. and Eliza (Miller) Reynolds, who were also Tennesseans by birth. The mother died when the subject of this sketch was about eight years old, a daughter of Dobson Miller, who was one of the early settlers of Tennessee. J. A. G. Reynolds was a member of an early family of Tennessee, but in 1856 became a resident of Douglas County, … Read more