Biographical Sketch of Roscoe Simmons Cate

Roscoe Simmons Cate, an attorney of Muskogee, was born in Bradley county, Tennessee, on the 2d of September, 1876, his parents being William Lea and Joanna E. (Julian) Cate, the former an educator. Roscoe Simmons Cate obtained his education in the public schools of St. Louis, Missouri, and of Little Rock, Arkansas, while his professional training was received in the Benton College of Law of St. Louis, from which he was graduated in June, 1901. He first located for practice at McAlester, Oklahoma, and there followed his profession until 1908, when he became chief clerk to the superintendent of the … Read more

Biography of J. E. Wood

J. E. WOOD. This gentleman is a member of the well-known mercantile firm of Wood & Reed, of Gainesville, Ozark County, Missouri He was born in Washington County, Tennessee, July 18, 1846, but came to this county in 1871 from Bradley County, Tennessee. His parents, Jesse and Margaret (McCracken ) Wood, were honest, industrious and law-abiding tillers of the soil, and the father was born in the Old North State about 1820, where he was a member of one of the early and prominent families. When a young man he removed to Tennessee, was married there, and there made his … Read more

Biography of Joseph B. Cobb

One of Wagoner’s most prominent and representative citizens is Joseph B. Cobb, who was born in Bradley county, Tennessee, on the 21st of February, 1863, a son of Joseph B. and Evaline (Clingan) Cobb, further mention of whom is made in the sketch of Samuel S. Cobb, to be found on another page of this work. Joseph B. Cobb was but seven years of age when he came to Indian Territory with his parents, locating in what is now Wagoner county, and he was reared and received his early education in the common schools of this community. In due time … Read more

Biography of J. R. Reed

J. R. REED, of the firm of Wood & Reed, Gainesville, Missouri, has for the past twelve years been one of the most enterprising and successful business men of the county. He owes his nativity to Bradley County, Tennessee, where he was born January 21, 1861, the eldest child born to Alvin and Emeline (Wood) Reed, native Tennesseans, the former of whom was engaged in tilling the soil, and was killed near the close of the war, during which struggle he served in the Confederate Army. He was a son of John H. Reed, one of the early pioneers of … Read more

Biography of Hon. J.J. Ford

Hon. J. J. Ford, attorney at law, was born in Dekalb (then Smith) County November 22, 1822. He is one of ten children of Daniel and Mary (Fite) Ford, the former of Irish origin. The father, born about 1794 in South Carolina, was the son of Daniel Ford, Sr., of Virginia, who became one of the earliest settlers of Tennessee, when Daniel, Jr., was but a small boy. He settled in Smith County near what is now Temperance Hall, where he remained until his death. With ordinary education in his youth, Daniel, Jr., married about 1818 and spent his life … Read more

Bradley County, Tennessee Cemetery Transcriptions

Tennessee Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Tennessee county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Bradley County, Tennessee Tombstone Transcription Project) Lee Cemetery Murray Cemetery Prospect Cemetery Union Grove Cemetery  

Biography of James. E. Webb

JAMES. E. WEBB. Special adaptability to any calling in life is the one necessary adjunct to permanent success, and as a tiller of the soil James E. Webb seems to be “to the manner born,” for he has one of the finest farms on the Sylamore River, of which he has become the owner through his own efforts. He was born in Roane County, Tennessee, in 1825, a son of Allen and Rebecca (Webb) Webb, the former of whom was born in the Old North State, and the latter is supposed to have been born in east Tennessee. After residing … Read more

Biography of H.D. Foust

H. D. Foust, of Foust & Jones, carriage manufacturers at Alexandria, was born in Wilson County in 1845, a son of William E. and Betsey (Luster) Foust. The father, born in Wilson County about 1818, was the son of William Foust, a native of Germany. William E. was married in 1844, and was all his life a blacksmith and carriage manufacturer in his native county. He was sheriff of the county four terms. The mother was born in the same county about 1829, and both were members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Educated at Lebanon, our subject at fifteen entered … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin F. Epperson

Epperson, Benjamin F. (See Grant and Foreman)—Benjamin F., son of William H. and Margaret Epperson was born Oct. 3, 1878 in Bradley Co., Tenn. Married at Pryor July 12, 1904, Dora May, daughter of William and Eliza Jane (Proctor) Born, born June 1, 1880 and educated in Delaware Dist. They were the parents of: Arthur R. born Feb. 2, 1905; Louisa, born July 8, 1907; Robert L., born Feb. 5, 1910; Nannie Ruth, born Sept. 16, 1912 and Maggie May Epperson, born November 9, 1917. Mrs. Dora May Epperson died August 18, 1920. Mr. Epperson is a farmer near Big … Read more

Biography of Hon. John B. Robinson

Hon. John B. Robinson, attorney at law of Smithville, is a native of Dekalb County; was born in 1835. His parents were Alexander and Rachel (Barnes) Robinson. The father was of English descent, born in Cumberland County, Va., about 1804. He came to Tennessee in 1824, locating in Smith (now Dekalb) County. Two years later he settled in the Fourth District. He taught school several sessions and then married. He was surveyor of the county a number of years. He owned 150 acres of fine land at the time of his death in 1867. His wife was born in Dekalb … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. J. G. Moore

(See Cordery and Daniel).—Stonewall Jackson Rogers, born March 21, 1867, married in July 1890 Mary Kelly, born June 30, 1870 in Tennessee. She died in February 1907, and he died Septem­ber 13, 1907. They were the parents of Frances Leeper, born in Cleveland, Tennessee, September 1, 1892, educated at Chelsea, Northeastern State Normal, and the University of Tennessee; married at Sapulpa, Oklahoma, November 4, 1916 Joseph Gar­land Moore; Robert Kelly, born January 26, 1895; Mary Louisa, graduate of Chelsea High School, 1919; Henry Curtis, born January 30, 1903, graduate of the Chelsea High School May 1921, and Rebecca Mc­Nally Rogers … Read more

Biography of William A. Maples

WILLIAM A. MAPLES. Mr. Maples, though just in the prime of life, has made his way to the front ranks among the energetic farmers of this county, and owing to the attention he has always paid to each minor detail, he has accumulated a fair share of this world’s goods. He is a native of Tennessee, born in Bradley County in 1842, and is a son of Thomas and Rhoda (Maples) Maples, natives of East Tennessee, where they made their home until about 1855. This worthy couple then made their way to Christian County, Missouri, and located on a claim … Read more

Biography of James Harlin Hale

JAMES HARLIN HALE. In all ages of the world industry, perseverance and energy, where intelligently applied, have achieved results which could only have been gained by having one end in view, and by improving every opportunity of ultimately attaining that object. Mr. Hale is an example of what can be accomplished when the spirit of determination is exercised, in connection with the every-day affairs of life. His farming and stockraising operations have resulted most satisfactorily, and he is one of the substantial men of his section. Like so many of the representative men of Christian County, Mr. Hale is a … Read more

Biography of Elisha E. Frazier

ELISHA E. FRAZIER, the subject of this sketch is one of the prominent farmers and stockraisers of Lincoln Township. He is the son of Dr. Lorenzo Lowe and Hannah (Bryant) Frazier, natives probably of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, the former born July 11, 1819, and the latter March 3, 1821. When a boy Dr. Frazier went with his parents to Tennessee, and received a moderate education, but a rather liberal one for that day. On the 9th of July, 1839, he was married to Miss Bryant and later emigrated to Missouri, where he taught school for some time. He … Read more

Biography of Simeon P. Maples

SIMEON P. MAPLES. In no part of Missouri is agriculture in a more flourishing condition than in Christian County, and here Mr. Maples is considered one of the leading tillers of the soil. Like two-thirds of the representative citizens of the county he is a native of Tennessee, his birth occurring in Bradley County October 2, 1842, but he is now a law-abiding and public-spirited man of his adopted county. He is a son of Simeon P. and Elizabeth (Webb) Maples, the grandson of Josiah Maples and the great-grandson of Josiah Maples, Sr., who was born in France. At an … Read more

Biography of Rev. William H. H. Ruble

REV. WILLIAM H. H. RUBLE. Rev William H. H. Ruble, in addition to looking after the spiritual welfare of his fellows, devotes much of his attention to tilling the soil in Harrison Township, of which section he has been a resident for nearly twenty years.. He was born in Bradley County, Tennessee, in 1841, a son of John G. and Esther (Fine) Ruble, the latter a native of Washington County, Tennessee The father died when our subject was but thirteen months old and it is not known in what State he was born. He was a farmer and about sixty … Read more