Biography of John F. Sutherland

JOHN F. SUTHERLAND. – The apable and inteligent gentleman whose name is at the head of this article is granted space for an epitome of his life’s career in this volume since he has long been a resident of this county and has displayed while here commendable integrity, coupled with excellent ability, and has wrought faithfully in all the undertakings that have come to his hand.

In Franklin county, Arkansas, on June 20, 1868, John F. was born to James M. and Sarah (Woods) Sutherland. The father served as a scout for the Union army in Arkansas during the war of the Rebelion. In 1872 the family came across the plains to the Grande Ronde valley using ox teams for the conveyancing purposes. Twenty wagons formed the train and while some trouble was experienced with the Indians no one of the immigrants was killed. Seven months were consumed on journey, and when here the father entered land near Summerville. In 1881 they removed to Swamp creek in Wallowa county. When he had arrived at sufficient age our subject took two trips with horses to Dakota, consuming six months in each trip, while also he made one trip to Nebraska for the same purpose, being in the employ of John McCaw. In 1890 his parents removed from Wallowa county to High valley, near Union, where they reside at the present time. In the same year our subject came to Medical Springs and in 1893 entered land where he resides at the present time, one-fourth of a mile north of that town. He devotes his attention to general farming and raising stock.

The marriage of Mr. Sutherland and Miss Martha E., daughter of Enoch and Sarah (Van Devanter) South, was solemnized on February 6, 1891, and three children have been born to them to gladden the home. Laura A., Chester F., and Olan. Mrs. Sutherland’s mother died on October 20, 1901, and her father is a resident of Uion county. Mr. Sutherland is a member of the M.W. of A., Camp No. 9462, of Medical Springs. In political alliances he is with the Republican party and is central comitteeman for his precinct, and is now also serving his sixth year as constable of this precinct, and is deputy sheriff of the county. He is a man of ability and vigor and his labors in the county have always been for advancement and progress, while he is one of the valuable citizens now and highly esteemed by his fellows, and one of the substantial men of the county.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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