Biographies of the Cherokee Indians

1830 Map of Cherokee Territory in Georgia

Whatever may be their origins in antiquity, the Cherokees are generally thought to be a Southeastern tribe, with roots in Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, among other states, though many Cherokees are identified today with Oklahoma, to which they had been forcibly removed by treaty in the 1830s, or with the lands of the Eastern Band of Cherokees in western North Carolina. The largest of the so-called Five Civilized Tribes, which also included Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, and Seminoles, the Cherokees were the first tribe to have a written language, and by 1820 they had even adopted a form of government … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James D. Sullivan

James D. Sullivan is proprietor of the Art Store at 122-124 West Eighth Street and 728-730 Jackson Street in Topeka. During his residence in Topeka he has developed a large business, and this is due to his thorough training in the profession and his own sense of artistic values which have enabled him to render a valuable service to his large patronage. James D. Sullivan was born in Norwich, Connecticut, January 11, 1861, a son of James and Mary (Bridgeman) Sullivan. He received a public school education, and also took a business course in a business college at Chicago. His … Read more

Bloody Scenes in Alabama and Georgia

History of Alabama and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period

At this period, some exciting scenes occurred in the region now known as North Alabama. We have already followed a party of emigrants to the Cumberland. Many others flocked to that country, and it soon became well settled, for a wild country. The Upper Creeks and Cherokees continually made war upon these Cumberland people. The French, upon the Wabash, had, for a long time, carried on a commerce, near the sites of the present towns of Tuscumbia and Florence. So long as M. Viez was at the head of this trade, the Cumberland people were not harassed; but, recently, he … Read more

Descendants of John McCullough of New Bedford MA

The McCullough family is of Irish extraction. Patrick McCullough, grandfather of John McCullough, was a native of the parish of Altacamicussey, County Tyrone, Ireland, where he lived and died. He followed farming. He married Mary Conway, who was a native of the same county, and their son, John McCullough, was born on a farm in Altacamicussey, County Tyrone, June 15, 1821. There he grew to manhood, and what little education he received was obtained in the local school. Meantime he worked at farm labor and also obtained some knowledge of the mason’s trade. He there married about 1845 Alice Devlin, who was a native of the parish of Pallough, County Tyrone, and daughter of Michael and Annie Devlin. In the spring of 1847, with his wife and an infant son, he sailed for the New World, making the trip on a sailing vessel bound for New York. After a passage of six weeks they landed at that port, where they remained three months, during which time they lost their first-born, the infant son mentioned.

Progressive Men of Western Colorado

Early Life in Colorado

This manuscript, in its essence, is a collection of 948 biographies of prominent men and women, all leading citizens of Western Colorado. In this context, Western Colorado encompasses the counties of Archuleta, Chaffee, Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Hinsdale, La Plata, Lake, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Juan, and San Miguel.

South Hadley, Massachusetts, in the world war

South Hadley, Massachusetts, in the world war

“South Hadley, Massachusetts, in the World War” is a memorial volume commissioned by the town of South Hadley to honor and document the contributions and experiences of its residents during World War I. Published in 1932 by Anker Printing Co. of Holyoke, MA, this volume was initiated by a town vote in 1925 to appoint a committee dedicated to its creation. Chaired by Frank A. Brainerd and with notable members including Mrs. Mary K. O’Brien and Rev. Jesse G. Nichols, the committee aimed to capture the town’s war efforts and personal sacrifices through detailed records and firsthand accounts. Despite the … Read more

Early Residents of Benton, Montana

Prominent among the citizens of Benton and Montana is John M. Boardman, a native of Illinois, where he was born on Dec. 2, 1855. He received a commercial training in the great wholesale house of Marshall, Field, & Co., of Chicago, where he held a responsible position for several years. In 1879 he removed to Montana, where he engaged in the cattle business in the vicinity of Fort Benton. In 1885 he merged his stock in the Milner Livestock Co., whose herds are among the largest in the state. As vice-president and manager of this company he has contributed largely … Read more

Sullivan, Maggie Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Maggie Sullivan, age 74, former resident of Union, died in La Grande Wednesday and will be buried at Union Friday. She was a pioneer of this section. She was married twice and leaves two children. (later)— Funeral services were held in this city Friday afternoon at the cemetery for Mrs. L. M. Sullivan, former resident of the city who died at her home in La Grande, Wednesday, January 30th. Newspaper item June 30, 1918 Contributed by: Larry Rader

Biography of Timothy J. Sullivan

TIMOTHY J. SULLIVAN is the name familiarly borne by two of Springfield’s most successful business men, father and son. Timothy J. Sullivan, Sr., president of the Sullivan Coal Company of Springfield, was born in West Springfield in 1864, a son of Thomas and Ellen (O’Leary) Sullivan. His father, Thomas Sullivan, was a section foreman for the Boston & Albany Railroad at Mittineague, Massachusetts, a small village in the environs of Springfield. Timothy J. Sullivan, Sr. was educated in the public schools and the high school in West Springfield. He entered the service of the Boston & Albany Railroad early in … Read more

Sullivan, Mr. – Obituary

Horrible Attempt At Murder Final Result in Death About one o’clock on the morning of the 15th inst. there was perpetuated, in front of Chancey’s hotel in our town one of the most cowardly attempts to commit a double murder that ever darkened the criminal records of the Pacific Coast. The facts as near as we can gather them are about as follows: John P. Sullivan and wife were returning home from a party given at the Centennial Hotel in company with Mrs. Sullivan’s mother. In front of Chancey’s hotel they passed A.T. Weddle, who, without giving them any warning, … Read more

Rough Riders

Rough Riders

Compiled military service records for 1,235 Rough Riders, including Teddy Roosevelt have been digitized. The records include individual jackets which give the name, organization, and rank of each soldier. They contain cards on which information from original records relating to the military service of the individual has been copied. Included in the main jacket are carded medical records, other documents which give personal information, and the description of the record from which the information was obtained.

Biography of William Sullivan

William Sullivan has been a life long resident of Champaign County and has figured in business affairs as a printer, newspaper man, and in later years in the real estate and insurance business. He has one of the principal offices for the handling of real estate and insurance at Champaign. Mr. Sullivan was born at Urbana Illinois, February 12, 1862, a son of John and Ellen (McCann) Sullivan. Both parents were natives of Ireland, the father born in County Cork and the mother in County Limerick. John Sullivan came to America about 1855, and in 1857 located at Urbana. Subsequently … Read more

Descendants of Alexander Bisset Munro of Bristol, Maine

Munro Family

Alexander Bisset Munro was born 25 Dec. 1793 at Inverness, Scotland to Donald and Janet (Bisset) Munro. Alexander left Scotland at the age of 14, and lived in Dimecrana in the West Indies for 18 years. He owned a plantation, raising cotton, coffee and other produce. He brought produce to Boston Massachusetts on the ship of Solomon Dockendorff. To be sure he got his money, Solomon asked his to come home with him, where he met Solomon’s sister, Jane Dockendorff. Alexander went back to the West Indies, sold out, and moved to Round Pond, Maine, and married Jane. They had 14 children: Janet, Alexander, Margaret, Nancy, Jane, Mary, Solomon, Donald, John, William, Bettie, Edmund, Joseph and Lydia.

Sullivan, Sean Richard – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Sean Richard Sullivan, 27, of La Grande and formerly of The Dalles died Aug. 14 in Riggins, Idaho, following an automobile accident. A Mass of Christian Burial was held today at Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church with burial at the Island City Cemetery. Mr. Sullivan was born June 15, 1979, to Joseph Patrick and Toni Gaye Walker Sullivan in Portland. He graduated from The Dalles High School in 1998, and from Eastern Oregon University this year with a degree in Rangeland Management. He worked at various jobs, including at D&B Supply and the auction yard. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank R. Sullivan

(See Grant and Cordery)-Frank Robert, son of James and Mary Claremore April 5, 1878. Educated at Yellow Springs, Cooweescoowee District. Married Daisy Bishop. They were the parent; of James Bradshaw Sullivan, born June 10, 1897, Mr. Sullivan married June 2, 1900, Peggy Stop born in 1875 and educated at Catoosa. They are the parents of: Andrew Leerskov, born February 8, 1914, and Mary Belle Sullivan, born June 24, 1916. Mr. Sullivan is a farmer near Claremore. James, son of George and Elizabeth Ann (Rogers) Sullivan was born in Georgia April 23, 1849. Married Mary Ann, daughter of George Washington and … Read more

Seneca County New York Biographies

Seneca County History Newsletter Drawing

In the 1980’s a series of newsletters were published four times a year by Seneca County NY featuring historical information concerning Seneca county and her past residents. The current historian for Seneca County placed these online using PDF files. One of the main features of each edition were biographical sketches of early settlers of Seneca County. This is a list of those biographical sketches linked to the pdf copy of the newsletter.

Dutch Johnnie

Several Choctaw companies joined Washington’s army during our Revolutionary war, and served during the entire war; some of them were at the battle of Cowpens, under General Morgan; others, at the battle of Stony Point, under General Wayne, and others, at the battle of Tilico Plains, under General Sullivan, sent by General Green to punish the Tories and northern Cherokees (at that time the only Cherokees hostile to the Americans) for the destruction of Fort Loudon, situated on the Tennessee river in the territories then of North Carolina, whom he overtook at Tilico Plains, engaged and routed, with great loss on the part of the stories and Cherokees, also securing the women and … Read more

Biography of Morris Edward Sullivan, D.D.S.

MORRIS EDWARD SULLIVAN, D. D. S. Among the younger professional men of Franklin County who have come to the front in recent years, and in whom the home community takes justifiable pride, is Dr. Morris Edward Sullivan, of Turners Falls, who has practiced dentistry there since his graduation from the university. He is a native son of the town in which he now labors professionally, and from among the population he continues to number an increasing number of those who are pleased to acknowledge the finished skill of his ministrations in their behalf. The fact that Dr. Sullivan knows his … Read more

Genealogical and Family History of Vermont

Genealogical and Family History of the State of Vermont vol 1

Hiram Charlton took on the publication of the Genealogical and Family History of the State of Vermont for Lewis Publishing. In it, he enlisted the assistance of living residents of the state in providing biographical and genealogical details about their family, and then he published all 1104 family histories in two distinct volumes.