Sullivan, John J.; attorney; born, New York City, Oct. 25, 1860; son of Daniel J. and Mary (Sheehan) Sullivan; came to Trumbull County, O., at the age of 12; educated, common schools, and Academy at Gustavus, O.; married, Dec. 28, 1886, Warren, O., Olive S. Taylor, daughter of the late Matthew B. Taylor of Warren, O., prominent banker of Warren and former partner of Ex-Gov. Tod and J. V. N. Yates of Cleveland; issue, two daughters, Adaline and Mary Sullivan; Prosecuting Attorney, two terms, Trumbull Co.; State Senator, two terms, Trumbull-Mahoning Senatorial District of Ohio; United States atty. nine years; appointed by President McKinley; re-appointed by President Roosevelt; special counsel to the Atty. General of the United States, in cases vs. The Standard Oil Co.; and National Committeeman for State of Ohio, National Progressive Party; presented, when a member of the Ohio Senate, the names of M. A. Hanna and J. B. Foraker to that body on the occasion of their election to the United States Senate; while U. S. atty., represented the U. S. Government in the prosecution of Cassie Chadwick case, and in the prosecution and conviction of twelve other defendants in National Bank cases; since retiring from official positions, actively engaged in the practice of law; acted as associate counsel for the defense in the acquittal of the wall paper cases of Cleveland, and the insurance cases; member Athletic, and Union Clubs; member of all the Masonic bodies, Elk.