Biography of Walter A. Bull

Last Updated on June 22, 2011 by

WALTER A. BULL.- In the gentleman whose name heads this brief memoir, we find one of the most substantial farmers of the Kittitass valley, and the owner of the beautiful ranch, a view of which finds a place in this work. He is a native of Albany, New York, and was born June 20, 1838, being the son of John and Sarah (Fish) Bull. When our subject was ten years of age, he with his parents moved to Racine, Wisconsin, where his father engaged in the shipping business on the lakes, and where Walter attended school and resided until twenty years of age. He then went to New York City, residing there until the breaking out of the war, when he was employed by the government in different capacities until the close of hostilities. He then came west and became a contractor on the Union Pacific Railroad, until its completion at Ogden in 1869. In that year he came on a tour of inspection to Washington Territory, and on passing through the Kittitas valley was so favorably impressed with its possibilities that he concluded to remain.

He took up one hundred and sixty acres of land five miles southeast of Ellensburgh, to which he has since added by purchase, until now he has a grand farm of over seventeen hundred acres, all in one body in the heart of the beautiful Kittitass valley, and in a high state of cultivation. Besides general farming, Mr. Bull a few years ago engaged in fine stock-raising, introducing some of the best strains of stock to be had, an enterprise in which he is eminently successful, and which has proved a great benefit to the entire community in which he resides. Mr. Bull, during all the Indian war troubles, never deserted his home, but with the assistance of his employees stood the Indians off. he is a gentleman of high standing, and at one time held the office of probate judge of Kittitass county.

In 1872 he married Miss M.J. Olmstead. The fruits of this union were five children, John, Lewis, Cora, Charles and Grant. In 1885 death invaded the household, the grim warrior’s victim being the faithful wife and loving mother. In 1889 Mr. Bull was again united in marriage, the bride being Mrs. Rebecca N. Frisbee.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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