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Free Genealogy Online

Records of the Revolutionary War

Records of the Revolutionary War: containing the military and financial correspondence of distinguished officers: names of the officers and privates of regiments, companies, and corps, with the dates of their commissions and enlistments; general orders of Washington, Lee, and Greene, at Germantown and Valley Forge, with a list of distinguished prisoners of war, the time of their capture, exchange, etc., to which is added the half-pay acts of the continental congress, the revolutionary pension laws, and a list of the officers of the continental army who acquired the right to half-pay, commutation, and lands

Middlebury College Online Digital Archives

Nestled between Lake Champlain and a portion of the Green Mountains lies a Liberal Arts college of National repute, Middlebury College. Established in the early 1800s when that area of Vermont was on the outskirts of  larger settlements, Middlebury College has risen in stature and prominence as one of the leading (and most expensive) Liberal Arts colleges in America. The following historic texts have been placed online by the college for free research at the Internet Archive. I have collated from their list of over 15,000 texts those which I feel can be beneficial to the genealogist. These I have…

Letters from the Middlebury College Online Digital Archives

As I was creating the page for the Middlebury College Online Digital Archives it quickly became obvious that a separate page would be needed for those letters that have been digitized. Some of these are specific to the college, however, many others are from Vermont families. I have not attempted to remove the college specific letters in this list. Robinson Family letters at Rokeby MuseumThe Robinson Family letters from Rokeby Museum represent several generations of Quaker families in Vermont, especially the Robinsons – a family of farmers, abolitionists, artists, and authors whose home in Ferrisburgh is now a National Historic…

Photos from the Middlebury College Online Digital Archives

As I was creating the page for the Middlebury College Online Digital Archives it quickly became obvious that a separate page would be needed for those photographs identified with a person’s name. It is unfortunate that those posting took two different avenues, as some photographs are listed by the first name, some by the last name. I have listed each group as they appear below. Please make sure you check both listings for your ancestor if they attended the school, or had other interaction with the school. People Listed by First Name A A. Barton Hepburn, Middlebury College TrusteeA. Bliss,…

The Middlebury Campus

The Middlebury Campus was a newspaper published by the Middlebury college since 1905 and most issues from 1905-2007 have been placed online digitally. You may read, search, print, or download these papers. The paper when it originally came out included obituaries of past alumni and attendees, so if your ancestor attended Middlebury College it’s possible there is an obituary published within its pages.

Illinois Newspaper Collection

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library has digitized over 200,000 pages of 131 pre-1922 (out of copyright) historically significant newspapers. Newspapers digitized as part of this program are also included in the Library of Congress Chronicling America collection. Their current  list (as of post update) are below. Titles Currently Available: The Advertiser 2 March 1918 – 25 February 1922 (208 issues)Albion Journal 3 January 1884 – 15 March 1900 (844 issues)Aledo Press 19 October 1894 – 17 January 1896 (64 issues)The American Issue (Illinois Edition) 4 July 1913 – 1 May 1932 (420 issues)The Arsenal Record 2 July 1918…

Winnebago and Boone Counties Genealogy Society

The Winnebago and Boone Counties Genealogical Society has placed online at the Cherry Valley Public Library District website, numerous genealogical indices which cover the counties of Boone, Cook, McHenry, and Winnebago. These free genealogy records are PDF’s downloadable to your computer.

Some Essex County New Jersey City Directories

The Bloomfield Public Library has made available for free genealogy research, 32 city directories of various cities and townships in Essex County New Jersey, outside of Newark. You may read the directory or download various versions of each depending on your reading device.

A history of Parsonsfield Maine

A history of the first century of the town of Parsonsfield, Maine. Incorporated Aug 29, 1785, and celebrated with impressive ceremonies at North Parsonfield August 29, 1885.

History of the town of Durham, New Hampshire

History of the town of Durham New Hampshire by Everett Stackpole is the primary source for genealogists with families who settled Oyster River New Hampshire, which later became Durham. Published in two volumes, the first contains a narrative history of Durham, while the second contains genealogies of most of the early families who settled in the town.

Genealogy of the Hitchcock family

The genealogy of the Hitchcock family who are descended from Matthias Hitchcock of East Haven, Conn. [1651], and Luke Hitchcock of Wethersfield, Conn., [1653]. Compiled and published by Mrs. Edward Hitchcock, Sr. Arranged for the press by Rev. Dwight W. Marsh, D. D. Amherst, Mass. : Press of Carpenter & morehouse, 1894. 8 vo, 555 pages, portraits, indexes.

The Hull family in America

The Hull Family in America, compiled by Col. Charles H. Weygant and others, was published in 1913 by the original Hull Family Association. It contains information on the three early 17th century Hull immigrants to the colonies—George Hull, the Rev. Joseph Hull (brother of George), and Richard Hull—and carries down the lines of the descendants, when known. Also included is a small section on early New Hampshire Hulls.

Families of Ancient New Haven

The Families of Ancient New Haven compilation includes the families of the ancient town of New Haven, covering the present towns of New Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Hamden, Bethany, Woodbridge and West Haven. These families are brought down to the heads of families in the First Census (1790), and include the generation born about 1790 to 1800. Descendants in the male line who removed from this region are also given, if obtainable, to about 1800, unless they have been adequately set forth in published genealogies.

History of York Maine

The History of York Maine is one of the premier manuscripts written concerning the history of a locality, it is only a shame that Charles Edward Banks died before being able to publish the third and final volume. Having said that, there is plenty of material within the first two volumes if your ancestors resided in the area known as Bristol, Agamenticus, Gorgeana, and York, Maine.

Records of the Malone Methodist Episcopal Church at Madison MD, 1883-1893

This ledger contains the church record of the Madison Circuit of the Delaware Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which was an African American church in Dorchester County Maryland that included Malone Church. While the Malone Church member lists, probationer lists, and minutes date between 1883 and 1939, the Madison Circuit baptismal and marriage records date between 1883 and 1893. These records include significant information about church members including places of residence and parent names.

Abbe-Abbey Genealogy

The “Abbe-Abbey Genealogy” serves as a comprehensive and meticulously compiled homage to the heritage of the Abbe and Abbey families, tracing its roots back to John Abbe and his descendants. Initiated by the life-long passion of Professor Cleveland Abbe, this genealogical exploration began in his youth and expanded throughout his illustrious career, despite numerous challenges. It encapsulates the collaborative efforts of numerous family members and researchers, including significant contributions from individuals such as Charles E. Abbe, Norah D. Abbe, and many others, each bringing invaluable insights and data to enrich the family’s narrative.

Abbott Genealogical Register

Title:A genealogical register of the descendants of George Abbot, of Andover : George Abbot, of Rowley, Thomas Abbot, of Andover, Arthur Abbot, of Ipswich, Robert Abbot, of Branford, Ct. and George Abbot, of Norwalk, Ct.Author:Abiel Abbot and Ephraim AbbotPublication date:1847Publisher:Boston, Mass. : J. Munroe and CompanyDigitizing Sponsor:Internet ArchiveContributor:Allen County Public Library Genealogy CenterRepository:Internet Archivethe Abbott Genealogical Register Read Book Download Book Abbott Genealogical Register: A genealogical register of the descendants of George Abbot, of Andover : George Abbot, of Rowley, Thomas Abbot, of Andover, Arthur Abbot, of Ipswich, Robert Abbot, of Branford, Ct. and George Abbot, of Norwalk, Ct. The…

Sierra Madre News 1906-1999

Title:Sierra Madre NewsAuthor:R. T. Cowles, C.W. Hill, George Morgridge, L.R. Goshorn. Clifford C. Ward, Peter Ward, Edgar W. Jenkinson, William F. Thomas, Ed E. Herwig, R. Robert Evans, Jannene G. Reed, and Michael De WeesPublication date:1906-1999Publisher:Sierra Madre NewsDigitizing Sponsor:Internet ArchiveContributor:Sierra Madre Public LibraryRepository:Internet Archive Read Newspapers Page 1 of the Fourth Annual Pioneer Days Edition, 8 June 1950, of the Sierra Madre News R. T. Cowles started publishing the Sierra Madre News on 11 Oct 1906 putting out a weekly edition. Successive editors include: C.W. Hill, George Morgridge, L.R. Goshorn. Clifford C. Ward, Peter Ward, Edgar W. Jenkinson, William F.…

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