Biographical Sketch of William Henry Hunt

Hunt, William Henry; Iife insurance; born, Warren, O., Jan. 28, 1868; son of William B. and Rabecca Myers Hunt; public school education; married, Akron, O., Oct. 15, 1912, Mary: Fairchild Sanford; chairman committee on Municipal Art and Architecture, Chamber of Commerce; member Wholesale Merchants’ and Manufacturers Board; for a number of years vice pres. of the Hydraulic Press Brick Co.; member of the executive committee of the National Brick Manufacturers Ass’n and became pres. in 1901-1902; pres. the Ohio Face Brick Ass’n, 1907-1908; four years pres. of the Builders’ Exchange, now an honorary member; two years director Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; since 1909 have been pres. of the Cleveland Life Insurance Co.; trustee and treas. St. Lukes’ Hospital Ass’n; trustee Hiram House; director Workingmen’s Collateral Loan Ass’n; life member Associated Charities and a member of the finance committee; in 1910 pres. the Cuyahoga County Centennial Commission; vice pres. the Civil Federation of Cleveland; vice pres. for the Society for Promoting the Interests of the Blind; member City Planning Commission of Cleveland and Aquarium Commission; member Union, Euclid, Mayfield, Rowfant and Athletic Clubs. Recreations: Travel and “The Hemlocks”; his summer home at Independence, 0.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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