Biography of Mason A. Cornwall

This honored citizen of Moscow has now attained the venerable age of seventy-seven years, yet largely possesses the vigor of a man in his prime. His life has been a busy, useful and honorable one, and has been crowned with a rich measure of success as the fitting reward of his labors and his well directed energies. He is still actively interested in business affairs and in all that is connected with the state’s prosperity and progress, and is one of the most valued citizens of Idaho. Old age is not necessarily a synonym of weakness or inactivity. It need … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Otis Richmond Cook

Cook, Otis Richmond; automobile tire business; born, Cleveland, Oct. 16, 1875; son of Colonel Benton and Jennie Shattuck Cook; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 20, 1896, Gertrude Ione Bacon; one son, Joseph Arthur Cook; for 13 years general representative The B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, O.; two years general representative of The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.; at present manager The Kelly-Springfield Tire Co., and director of factory sales for same company; member Tyrian Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 370, Holyrood Commandery, Knights Templar, 32& Scottish Rite Mason, Al Koran Temple, Mystic Shrine; member Masonic and Athletic … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hermon A. Kelley

Kelley, Hermon A.; lawyer; born, Kelley’s Island, O., May 15, 1859; son of Alfred Stow and Hannah Farr Kelley; degrees of A. B., A. M., LL. D., Buchtel College, Harvard Law School, Goettingen University (Germany); married, Cleveland, Sept. 3, 1889; Florence Alice Kendall; issue, Virginia Hutchison, Alfred Kendall, Hayward Kendall; member of law firm of Hoyt, Dustin, Kelley, McKeehan & Andrews; at one time first asst. corporation counsel of City of Cleveland; trustee Buchtel College; trustee and sec’y and treas. Cleveland Museum of Art; member Union, Country, University, Euclid, and Chagrin Valley Hunt Clubs.

Bible Baptist Church, Manchester, Summit County, Ohio

ADAMS Charles L., 1862 – 1945 Mary E (Grubb), 1859 – 1932. Wife of Charles L. Lewis B., 1882 – 19- BEAR Benjamin, d. 6 Apr. 1864, ae. 56 yrs., 11 mos., 11 days. Phebe (Westen), 1810 – d. 23 Aug. 1884, ae. 73 yrs., 9 mos., 16 days. Wife of Benjamin Bear. GRUBB William P., d. 6 Jan. 1895, ae. 61 yrs., 8 mos., 28 days. Esther Margaret (Bear), 1838 – 1911. 1st wife of William P. Grubb. (Marker later destroyed.) Rosa E., 1838 – 1911. 2nd wife of William P. Grubb. Harry, 1865 – 1943. Husband of Ella. … Read more

Biography of Reuben Roughton

Reuben Roughton. Among the many beautiful country estates which are to be found in Champaign County one of the most attractive and valuable is the farm of Reuben Roughton, which is located in section 27, Ludlow Township, one and one-half miles north of Rantoul. The owner of this property is one of the progressive agriculturists of the county, a skilled and industrious representative of his vocation, and a citizen who in many ways has contributed to the advancement of his locality. He was born at Attercliff, near Sheffield, England, but has been a resident of the United States since he … Read more

Miscoe, Stephen John – Obituary

Halfway, Oregon Stephen John Miscoe, 59, of Seaside, a former Halfway resident, died June 11, 2002, at his home. A Celebration of Life service will be scheduled later at Halfway. Steve was born on Nov. 23, 1942, at Akron, Ohio, to Michael James Miscoe Sr. and June Leone McMullen Miscoe. He grew up and attended school at Seaside and later served in the U.S. Air Force in Vietnam. He worked as a long-haul truck driver and a heavy equipment operator. He also worked as an underwater welder on the Astoria Bridge and was a crew member on the Salvage Chief. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis J. Peck

Peck, Francis J.; engineer; born, West Farmington, O., Sept. 7, 1866; son of Dr. Allen Francis and Cordelia A. Fuller Peck; educated, public schools, Cleveland and Warren, O., Hudson Academy, Hudson, O., University of Michigan, Ph. C., B. S., E. M.; married, Elyria, O., Nov. 20, 1901, Caroline Margaret Cramer; one daughter, Helen Dorothy Peck; city chemist, Cleveland; chief engineer and mngr. Francis J. Peck & Co.; mining, chemical and mechanical engineers; director The Universal Community Mausoleum Co., and the Standard Reduction Co.; member American Association for the Advancement of Science, and The National Geographical Society; member Elks, B. P. … Read more

Slave Narrative of Sarah Mann

Interviewer: George Conn Person Interviewed: Sarah Mann Location: Akron, Ohio Date of Birth: 1861 Wilbur Ammon, Editor George Conn, Writer C.R. McLean, District Supervisor June 16, 1937 Folklore Summit County, District #9 SARAH MANN Mrs. Mann places her birth sometime in 1861 during the first year of the Civil War, on a plantation owned by Dick Belcher, about thirty miles southwest of Richmond, Virginia. Her father, Frederick Green, was owned by Belcher and her mother, Mandy Booker, by Race Booker on an adjoining plantation. Her grandparents were slaves of Race Booker. After the slaves were freed she went with her … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Hessin Clarke

Clarke, John Hessin; lawyer; born, Lisbon, O., Sept. 18, 1857; son of John and Melissa Hessin Clarke; educated in public schools and by private tutors; entered Western Reserve College, at Hudson, O., graduating in 1877; degree of M. A.; in 1880, studied law under his father’s instruction, and was admitted to the bar in 1877; until 1880, practiced law at Lisbon, O., in partnership with J. M. McVicker; purchased half interest in the Youngstown Weekly Vindicator; practiced law in Youngstown, and wrote political editorials for the Vindicator; sold interests in the paper in 1882; came to Cleveland in 1897, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gus. H. Hanna

Hanna, Gus. H.; born, Cleveland April 7, 1857; son of William F. and Bertha Kochi Hanna; educated in common schools eight years, at Buchtel College, at Akron, O., for two years; married, Cleveland, Jan. 10, 1883, Marie T. Getto; Democrat; iron worker for twenty years; in 1896, elected national vice pres. of the Bridge & Structural Iron Workers of America; in 1899, appointed by John H. Farley, then mayor of Cleveland, to the Street Department, re-appointed by Mayor Tom L. Johnson; in 1901, organized the Street Cleaning Dept., and was placed in charge of the same, continued as supt. until … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John George Spenzer

Spenzer, John George; physician-chemist; born, Cleveland, Sept. 6, 1864; son of Peter I. and Mary T. Molloy Spenser; educated, Cleveland public and private schools, Adelbert College, Western Reserve Medical College, M. D. 1884; University of Strassburg, Germany, Ph. D., 1893; F. C. S., London, 1894 married, Cuyahoga Falls, O., June 15, 1898, Minnie Elizabeth Kittelberger; one son and one daughter; some fifty scientific papers, of pharmacal, chemical, toxicologic, pharmacologic and crystallographic interest from 1881; asst. in chemistry, Western Reserve Medical College, 1880-1884; at same time lecturer in chemistry in 1880-1884; asst. in chemistry and mineralogy, Adelbert College, M. D., Western … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ralph H. Ellsworth

Ellsworth, Ralph H.; pres. The Arnold Wooden Ware Co.; born, Sept. 18, 1874, West Richfield, O.; high school and Spencerian Business College; married, Cleveland, Oct. 16, 1896, Emily H. Oviatt; traveling salesman Arnold Wooden Ware Co. eighteen years; elected pres. of company, 1911; member Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Commercial Travelers, Halcyon Lodge, F. & A. M.; Thatcher Chapter, Forest City Commandery, K. T.

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Henry Caley

Caley, Frederick Henry; sec’y Cleveland Automobile Club; born, Hudson, June 2, 1873; sou of Frederick P. and Clara S. Palmer Caley; educated, public and high school and Ohio Northern University, Ada, O.; married, New York, Nov 27, 1913, Harriet E. Weffler; 1st Lieut. 4th Ohio Infantry, 1902-1910; active Republican; with National Republican committee two campaigns; State Insurance Dept., 1903-1906; office sec’y of State, 1906-1908; Ohio State Registrar of Automobiles, 1908-1911; has been successful in organizing automobile clubs throughout Ohio; mgr. The Cleveland Automobile Show Co.; member Y. M. C. A., Akron Lodge, No. 547 I. O. O. F., Akron-Canton, two … Read more

Biography of Richard Z. Johnson

Perhaps there is no part of this history of more general interest than the record of the bar. It is well known that the peace, prosperity and well-being of every community depend upon the wise interpretation of the laws, as well as upon their judicious framing, and there-fore the records of the various persons who have at various times made up the bar will form an important part of this work. A well known jurist of Illinois said, “In the American state the great and good lawyer must always be prominent, for he is one of the forces that move … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry C. Gammeter

Gammeter, Harry C.; inventor; born, Akron, O., Feb. 27, 1870; son of Christian and Anna Mauerhover Gammeter; public school education in Akron and Buchtel College and Case School of Applied Science; married, Oct. 25, 1905, Miss and F. Frye; issue, two children, Electa L. and Harry F.; traveled for seven years studying modern methods of manufacturing; worked for the United Typewriting & Supplies Co.; recognized the need of a duplicating machine for business purposes; became associated with H. C. Osborne, and the Multigraph machine was developed; in 1902, a company was formed; now has 65 offices and employs 600 men; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry A. Adams

Adams, Harry A.; real estate; born, Tuscarawas Co., O., April 30, 1861; son of William and Catherine Kohr Adams; public school education; married, Akron, O., May 9, 1889, Minnie Bell Helfer; in drug business in Akron, 0., for seven years; Canal Dover, O., 1890, becoming pres. and mgr. the Adams, Reed & Rattan Co.; pres. Dover Land & Improvement Co., director of State Savings bank, member of Dover Board of Mdse., director of Dover Building & Loan Co.; came to Cleveland in 1905, entering the field of real estate development; vice pres., treas. and mgr. The Adams Realty Co., owner … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank F. Bruce

Bruce, Frank F.; jobber and mfr.; born, Cleveland, July 4, 1858; son of Eli and Caroline Eldridge Bruce; educated, Western Reserve University (Hudson, O.), 1881; married, Oxford, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1890, Sarah V. W. Perkins; one son and one daughter; pres. and treas. The Bruce & West Mfg. Co.; member of vestry, St. Paul’s P. E. Church; member of Troop A seven years.

Biographical Sketch of John Conover

John, son of Cornelius Conover, was born at Victor, New York. April 20. 1817. He was educated in the public schools of Victor. He and his three brothers worked on the father’s farm of four hundred acres during their youth, and he followed farming in Victor throughout his active life. In 1860 he planted an apple orchard that has made his farm one of the best fruit growing places of the town. In politics he was a Republican, in religion a Presbyterian. He died in Victor, October 10, 1908. He married, at Akron, Ohio, January 9, 1858, Elizabeth Tucker, who … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Koehl

Koehl, William; architect; born, Akron, O., Aug. 22, 1883; educated, Parochial School, Akron, O., University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Can., St. Charles College, Elliott City, Md.; married, Cleveland, June 23, 1909, Alma Keidel; two sons, William J. and Thomas F.; received early training in architecture in prominent offices in Akron and Cleveland; for six years previous to entering partnership with A. C. Wolf, was associated with Frank B. Meade; entered into partnership with A. C. Wolf in 1911, remaining until 1913, when he established his own offices in the Park Building.

Biographical Sketch of William Henry Hunt

Hunt, William Henry; Iife insurance; born, Warren, O., Jan. 28, 1868; son of William B. and Rabecca Myers Hunt; public school education; married, Akron, O., Oct. 15, 1912, Mary: Fairchild Sanford; chairman committee on Municipal Art and Architecture, Chamber of Commerce; member Wholesale Merchants’ and Manufacturers Board; for a number of years vice pres. of the Hydraulic Press Brick Co.; member of the executive committee of the National Brick Manufacturers Ass’n and became pres. in 1901-1902; pres. the Ohio Face Brick Ass’n, 1907-1908; four years pres. of the Builders’ Exchange, now an honorary member; two years director Cleveland Chamber of … Read more