Biographical Sketch of John Corydon Hutchins

Hutchins, John Corydon; lawyer; born, Warren, O., May 8, 1840; son of John Hutchins; mother’s maiden name Andrews; educated, Warren public schools, Oberlin College and Albany Law School; married, Ravenna, O., Dec. 28, 1861, Jane M. Campbell; issue, five children, two daughters and three sons; 1st lieut. 2nd Ohio Cavalry in Civil War; came to Cleveland to live in 1868, and from that time on has lived an active professional business and official life; member of School Board, 1873; prosecuting attorney, 1871-1880; Judge of Police Court from 1883 to 1887; member of Public Library Board thirteen years, and pres. eight … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James D. Williamson

Williamson, James D.; clergyman; born, Cleveland, March 12, 1849; son of Samuel and Mary E. Tirdale Williamson; educated, Cleveland public schools, Western Reserve College, A. B., Andover and Union Theological Seminaries; honorary degree of D. D. from Western Reserve University; married, Elyria, Aug. 4, 1875, Edith Day Ely; issue, four children; 1875-1884, pastor First Presbyterian Church, Norwalk, 0.; 1885-1888, pastor First Presbyterian Church, Warren, O.; 1888-1901, pastor Beckwith Memorial Presbyterian Church, Cleveland; trustee and pres. Pro Tem Society for Savings; trustee Western Reserve University, Lake Erie College, Hiram House, Goodrich House; member Union, University and Mayfield Country Clubs. Recreation: Golf.

Biography of Truman Reeves

Truman Reeves, late proprietor of the oldest jewelry store in San Bernardino, and probably the only one-armed watchmaker in the world, established the business in that city in 1874. In 1857, when a youth of sixteen years, he commenced learning the watchmaker’s and jeweler’s trade with Julius King, in Warren, Ohio. He worked on his father’s farm in Orwell, Ashtabula County, where he had moved with his parents from Chardon, Ohio, his birthplace, until he went to the trade. Upon the inception of the war of the Rebellion, his ardent patriotism impelled him to respond to the first call by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Dolson Cox

Cox, Jacob Dolson; manufacturer; born, Warren, O., May 15, 1852; son of Jacob Dolson and Helen Finney Cox; educated, public schools; married, Cleveland, 1878, Ellen Atwood Prentiss; three children; when 17 years old began work in the iron business, worked 8 years, learning roll turning, puddling, heating, rolling and practical machinist work with The Cleveland Iron Co.; in 1876, started present business manufacturing twist drills and tools; director Cleveland Trust Co.; director Cleveland & Pittsburgh R. R. Co.; trustee Case School of Applied Science; pres. The Cleveland Twist Drill Co.; member American Society Mechanical Engineers; member Loyal Legion; Society Mayflower … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John J. Sullivan

Sullivan, John J.; attorney; born, New York City, Oct. 25, 1860; son of Daniel J. and Mary (Sheehan) Sullivan; came to Trumbull County, O., at the age of 12; educated, common schools, and Academy at Gustavus, O.; married, Dec. 28, 1886, Warren, O., Olive S. Taylor, daughter of the late Matthew B. Taylor of Warren, O., prominent banker of Warren and former partner of Ex-Gov. Tod and J. V. N. Yates of Cleveland; issue, two daughters, Adaline and Mary Sullivan; Prosecuting Attorney, two terms, Trumbull Co.; State Senator, two terms, Trumbull-Mahoning Senatorial District of Ohio; United States atty. nine years; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William George Dietz

Dietz, William George; investment banker; born, Warren, O., April 7, 1857; son of August A. and Katherine Baehr Dietz; educated public school and in the private school of Miss Sackett, in Warren; graduated Hiram College, 1881, Ph. B.; married, Solon, O., Nov. 18, 1885, Jessie B. Pettibone; one daughter, Marian; deputy auditor Trumbull County, 1867-1877; sec’y to Dr. B. A. Hinsdale, supt. of the Cleveland public Schools, from September, 1882, to February, 1886; was one of the first two teachers in the night schools of Cleveland; taught news boys; with Lamprecht Bros. & Co., bankers, 1886-1893; organized the firm of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Dana Adams

Adams, George Dana; manufacturer; born, Warren, O., Feb. 17, 1863; son of George and Elizabeth Dana Adams; public school education; married, Cleveland, March 3, 1887; Grace Field; one daughter, Margaret Adams Schmidt, born, Jan. 19, 1891; entered business in 1879 with E. I. Baldwin & Co.; 1884, with Cobb) Andrews & Co.; 1886, Adams, Jewett & Co.; 1895, Cleveland-Akron Bag Co.; pres. and treas. Cleveland-Akron Bag Co., Buffalo Bag Co., Chicago-Detroit Bag Co., Manilla Trading & Supply Co., Wagner Mfg. Co.; director Cleveland National Bank; Tryian Lodge 3° Cleveland Chapter; Cleveland Council; Holyrood Commandery, K. T.; Lake Erie Consistory, S. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Warren Taylor

Taylor, John Warren; law and real estate; born, Mecca, O., Nov. 10, 1851; son of William D. and Mary A. Moran Taylor; educated, West Farmington Seminary, University of Michigan, LL. D., 1898; not married; adopted daughter, Mary B. F. Taylor; studied law; admitted to the bar in 1876; practiced in Warren, O., until 1884; resident of Cleveland since 1884; pres. and treas. The Taylor Land & Improvement Co.; pres. and treas. The Taylor Realty & Investment Co.; director Land Title Abstract Co.; director Cleveland Real Estate Board; member Euclid, and Colonial Clubs, Cleverland; Detroit Country Club, Detroit, Mich.; Ohio Society … Read more

Biography of Hiram W. Lewis, Col.

Col. Hiram W. Lewis. In many important ways the city of Wichita expresses the life, ideals, and activities of the late Col. Hiram W. Lewis. In his time he was undoubtedly one of the most forceful figures and one of the ablest business men and citizens in the State of Kansas. When he came to Wichita about 1875 he had already acquitted himself with credit both as a soldier in the Civil war and as a business man. Born near Warren, Ohio, he lived in Ohio during his youth and on May 25, 1863, enlisted in Company E of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Downie

Downie, William; master painter; born, Cleveland, 1874; son of William and Margarite McLaughlan Downie; married, Warren, O.; 1896, Cora Evarts Green; issue, two sons; pres. Wm. Downie Co. and Downie Real Estate Co.; sec’y and treas. Whittle, Downie Sign Co., vice pres. Panama-Pacific Exposition Tour Co.; member Chamber of Commerce (member municipal committee), Clan Grant, Royal Arcanum (past regent), St. Andrew’s Society, Manufacturers’ and Dealers’ Ass’n, International Master Painters’ and Decorators Ass’n, Cleveland Athletic, Colonial, Cleveland Advertising, Rotary Clubs, Automobile Owners Ass’n.

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Clayton Forman

Forman, Jonathan Clayton; printer; born, Gorham county, New York, Sept. 11, 1830; son of Samuel W. Forman; educated in the public schools of Warren, O.; married, Cleveland, June, 1853, Miss Elizabeth Darroch; issue, two sons, both deceased; Mrs. Forman died in 1896; at the age of 13 years entered the employ of the Western Reserve Chronicle, as roller boy; apprenticed to Tait & Walling, publishers, of the Liberty Herald; after a year, the plant was destroyed by fire, and the company moved to Cleveland, consolidating The Herald with The True American; secured a position with Sanford & Hayward, the largest … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Henry Hunt

Hunt, William Henry; Iife insurance; born, Warren, O., Jan. 28, 1868; son of William B. and Rabecca Myers Hunt; public school education; married, Akron, O., Oct. 15, 1912, Mary: Fairchild Sanford; chairman committee on Municipal Art and Architecture, Chamber of Commerce; member Wholesale Merchants’ and Manufacturers Board; for a number of years vice pres. of the Hydraulic Press Brick Co.; member of the executive committee of the National Brick Manufacturers Ass’n and became pres. in 1901-1902; pres. the Ohio Face Brick Ass’n, 1907-1908; four years pres. of the Builders’ Exchange, now an honorary member; two years director Cleveland Chamber of … Read more