Scott, Frank A.; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, March 22, 1873; son of Robert Crozier and Sarah Ann Warr Scott; educated, grammar schools, Cleveland; tutored in Latin and mathematics by Prof. John H. Dynes; married, 1886, Bertha B. Dynes; issue, Katherine B., Chester B., Eleanor L.; married Faith A. Fraser, 1911; asst. sec’y Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1895-1899; sec’y Chamber of Commerce, 1899-1905; sec’y and treas. Superior Savings & Trust Co., 1905-1908; receiver Municipal Traction Co., Cleveland, 1908-1909; sec’y-treas. The Warner & Swasey Co., 1909; member and chairman Military commandery, Chamber of Commerce, 1898, to date; vice pres. Associated Charities; director Humane Society: treas. Lakeside Hospital; member advisory board, Cleveland Technical High School: member Union, Rowfant Clubs, Cleveland, Engineers Club, New York.