Pond, Daniel H.; pres. and gen. mgr. Economy Bldg. & Loan Co.; born, Petroleum Center, Pa., March 11, 1870; son of Henry Herbert and Maria M. (Gates) Pond; educated, district schools of Trumbull County, public schools Cleveland, and Allegheny College; married, May 17, 1891, Miss Ola Clark; one son, Ralph; worked one year in a factory in Painesville, O.; came to Cleveland and worked for The Cleveland Baking Co., as driver; later purchasing agt. one year; served one enlistment 7th U. S. Cavalry; messenger for the Adams Express Co.; then entered the real estate and insurance business and in 1894, became connected with The Economy Bldg. and Loan Co.; in 1907, elected vice pres.; senior member the insurance firm of Pond Bros., representing many important companies; Methodist; Republican; member Chamber of Commerce, Knights of Pythias, Military Order of Foreign War, and Military and Naval Order of the Spanish-American War; captain 5th 0. V. I., during war with Spain, and later lieut. col. 5th Infantry, O. N. G., until retired.