Biography of George N. Moore

George N. Moore, who is general manager for the Petroleum Products Company and of the Standard Asphalt and Rubber Company at Independence, has spent practically all his adult life in connection with the oil industry and for many years was with the Standard Oil Company in eastern states. Born at Raymilton, Pennsylvania, November 18, 1878, he is a son of Nelson and Ada (Bell) Moore, who are now living retired at Richmond, Virginia. The Moore family came from Scotland to New York state several generations ago. Nelson Moore, who was born at Rochester, New York, in 1845, was reared and … Read more

Biography of John F. Hughes

John F. Hughes was one of the prominent pioneers of McPherson County, went to that section of Kansas soon after the close of the Civil war, in which he bore an honored part, became one of the leading ranchers of the county and of Western Kansas, and was also a factor in public affairs, having served at one time as state senator. His entire life was one of noteworthy experience and endeavor, and his career belongs among the prominent Kansas of the last half century. John F. Hughes was born in Venango County, Pennsylvania, December 28, 1842, and died at … Read more

Biography of William A. Kearney

William A. Kearney. In a comfortable home, enjoying a liboral prosperity, and with the esteem of a large circle of friends, William A. Kearney and wife are people whose record should be considered in any history of Kansas. They have lived in Shawnee County since 1880. Their present prosperity seems the greater in contract with their condition when they landed at Tecumseh thirty-five years age. At that time it is said that they had only two cents in money and an ax. A Pennsylvanian, William A. Kearney was born in Venango County, April 15, 1854. His father, Samuel K, Kearney, … Read more

Venango County, Pennsylvania Census Records

1790 Venango County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial   Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1800 Venango County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  Hosted at USGenWeb Census Project Franklin, Allegheny and Irwin Township Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Venango County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  Hosted at Census Guide 1810 U.S. Census Guide 1820 Venango County, Pennsylvania Census Records … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Nees

Isaac Nees, farmer, of Brown’s Creek Township, P. O. Jewell City, was born in Venango County, Pa. Removed to Warren County, Ill. Came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1871, and took a homestead twelve miles southwest of Mankato, and is now the owner of 560 acres of land; keeps eighty head of cattle and fifty head of hogs. Mr. Nees’ farm is one of the best in Jewell County, and may be called the model farm of said county. He has each forty acres fenced with hedge, and has splendid improvements. Is a member of the Odd Fellows fraternity. He … Read more

Biography of Albert E. Payne

Albert E. Payne came to California in August 1883, and located upon a ten-acre tract in Ontario, San Bernardino County, which he purchased in 1882. Immediately upon his arrival he engaged in horticultural pursuits, and in September of the same year established a general merchandise store on the west side of Euclid Avenue. This was the first store established in the Ontario colony, and the pioneer store of the now thriving city of Ontario. Mr. Payne conducted his store and horticultural industry until October 1886, when he sold out both interests and located in Chino Township, in the Chino School … Read more

Biography of William Geiser

William Geiser. An impressive illustration of what may be accomplished through industry, sobriety and persistent endeavor is furnished in the career of William Geiser, one of the well known oil producers of the Mid-Continent field and the directing head of the Geiser & Bogue Machine Shops at Neodesha. Without aid and relying solely upon his own inherent energy, perseverance and sound judgment, he had worked his way upward from the very bottom of the ladder, and had built up a business that is highly creditable to himself and the community of which he is a worthy member. While he had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Albert Brady

Brady, James Albert; insurance; born, Franklin, Pa., Nov. 16, 1880; son of John and Isabelle Kingman Brady; educated, High School, Union City, Pa., graduate; studied Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., Columbia University, Washington, D. C., and Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Md.; married, Erie, Pa., June 3, 1905, Miriam E. Goodnough; two children, Louise Belle, age 6, and James A. Jr., age 4; came to Cleveland on Dec, 5, 1902, to enter life insurance work for The Mutual Life Insurance Co., in November, 1907, formed a partnership with R. A. Tuttle, the firm to take charge of Northern Ohio for The Midland Mutual … Read more

Biography of Richard Watson Argue

Richard Watson Argue, who died April 24, 1916, was very well and prominently known in the oil industry of the Mid-Continent field, lived at Independence a number of years, and Mrs. Argue, his widow, is still a resident there and had proved her resourcefulness as a business woman in looking after the extensive properties left by Mr. Argue at the time of his death. He was born near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, March 1, 1845, a son of John Wilson Argue, who was born in County Cavan, Ireland, went to America early in life, and followed farming in Canada. He died … Read more

Biography of Herschel C. Porterfield

Herschel C. Porterfield. Thirty-five years in the oil fields and thirty years as a contractor and producer constitute the record of this veteran of an industry which has brought Kansas untold wealth. Like hundreds of men of this class, he has found Independence as the most satisfactory city for residence and business headquarters. In another respect he is typical of perhaps a majority of the oil men of the country–his native state is Pennsylvania. Born in Butler County, August 10, 1856, he was one of several brothers to become identified with the oil industry in one way or another. Up … Read more

Biography of Harry C. Weible

Harry C. Weible. When it is stated that Harry C. Weible moved out from Pennsylvania to Independence about thirteen years ago, it will be readily surmised that he is connected in some way with the oil or gas industry, and he is in fact one of the large oil producers in the Mid-Continent field and from his headquarters at Coffeyville directs extensive operations not only in Southern Kansas but in Oklahoma and Texas. Practically reared in the oil fields of Western Pennsylvania, he is the son of a veteran of the industry. Mr. Weible was born in Allegheny City, Pennsylvania, … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Straub

Charles A. Straub, a veteran oil worker in Western Pennsylvania, came to Kansas about the opening of the fields in the southern part of this state, and in recent years had become the responsible factor in developing much of the oil and gas interests in and around Moran, where he resided. Mr. Straub is manager, secretary and treasurer of the Eastern Kansas Oil Company, Limited, whose home and headquarters are in Moran. Mr. Straub was born at Sheldon, Wyoming County, New York, March 29, 1863. His father, A. B. Straub, was born in 1838 and by the accident of birth … Read more

Biography of Victor A. Hays

Victor A. Hays is an example of the successful American who began as a telegraph operator and has reached a commanding position in industrial affairs. He is president of the Kansas Natural Gas Company and has spent the greater part of his active career in the oil and gas fields of the East and Southwest. Like many other successful men in the oil and gas industry Victor A. Hays is a native of Venango County, Pennsylvania, and of Irish ancestry. He was born near Oil City on April 27, 1863. He was educated in the public and Normal schools and … Read more

Biography of Almon S. Senter

An eventful career was that of Colonel Almon S. Senter, who for some years figured conspicuously in connection with the mercantile and official interests of Lincoln County. At the time of his death, March 6, 1899, he was serving as district-court clerk and ex-officio auditor and recorder of Lincoln County, and he was also an enterprising and prominent merchant of Shoshone. A native of the old Granite state, he was born February 18, 1845, and is a representative of one of the old and honored families of New Hampshire, of English descent. His ancestors were early settlers of Londonderry, that … Read more

Biography of Charles Hiram Cook

Charles Hiram Cook. Prominent among the men who have long been identified with the oil industry in Kansas as producers and drillers is found Charles Hiram Cook, of Coffeyville. From the time he left school he has followed the oil and gas fields in various parts of the country, and with the great development of the Kansas fields became interested here and has since played a part in the growth and advancement of the industry. Mr. Cook was born at Springboro, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, January 31, 1863, and is a son of Francis Henry and Emily (Fisher) Cook. The Cook … Read more

Biography of L. W. Servey

The lumber industry of Washington County finds a prominent representative in L. W. Servey, who as President of the Ochelata Lumber Company is controlling a large and growing business, which he has developed through close application, capable management, energy and determination. He was born in Dempsey town, Venango County, Pennsylvania July 2, 1813, of the marriage of A. J. and Adeline (Weikal) Servey, both now deceased. The father, who was a building contractor, went to Kansas in 1868 and there took up a homestead, which he improved and developed. L. W. Servey completed a course in the high school at … Read more

Biography of Elnathan Sweet

ELNATHAN SWEET IN THE profession of a surveyor and civil engineer, a name known far and near is that of Elnathan Sweet – a man who for the past fourteen years has claimed the city of Albany as his residence. He was born in Cheshire, Mass., on the 20th of November, 1837. He comes from a New England ancestry, noted for their enterprise, solidity and high character, and for the active part they took in pioneer work in this section of the country, and in the dissemination of moral and religious principles in their communities. His father, Rev. Elnathan Sweet, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Monroe A. Ullman

Ullman, Monroe A.; business; born, Franklin, Pa., April 5, 1866; son of Morris and Lena Abraham Ullman; educated, 1872 to 1887, Mayflower School and Spencerian Business College; married, Albany, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1892, Florence Fuld; issue, two sons, Howard, born April 5, 1894, and Rufus, born May 30, 1895; vice pres. The Ullman-Emstein Co.; director German-American Savings Bank Co.; after he left school, he started with Ullman-Emstein Co., wholesale liquors; has been with them ever since; was made vice pres. when the firm was incorporated; member Hebrew Relief Ass’n; member Knights of Pythias, Washington Lodge; Cleveland Lodge, No. 16, … Read more

Biography of Charles Clifton Crain

Charles Clifton Crain, who is the executive head of one of the largest and most successful enterprises doing business in the wholesale and retail hardware trade in Kansas, being president of the Crain Hardware Company, of Fort Scott, is one of the alert and enterprising men who, during the last half century, have so utilized the opportunities offered here for business preferment that the fame of Fort Scott had been extended to every part of the country. Nothing so builds up a country or section as its commerce and the directing forces are those men whose marvelous foresight see the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Michael Burns

John Michael Burns has been a business man in Independence since 1905, and by the qualities of push and enterprise which are indicative of his character he had developed what is now the largest bakery establishment of the city. He was born in Oil City, Pennsylvania, December 1, 1878, but spent most of his years in Ohio until coming to Kansas. His father Michael Burns, who now resided at Lima, Ohio, was born in Ireland in 1848, and came to this country when a youth. He first lived in Oil City, Pennsylvania, where he married. By trade he is a … Read more