Thomas Dillard – Will

Last Updated on November 26, 2012 by

(23 Sep 1874)

In the Name of God, Amen!

I, Thomas Dillard, of the County of Washington, in the State of North Carolina, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament:

First, I lend to my wife during her natural life, or widowhood, the whole of my Negroes, except those given by legacy, but in case of her marriage, that the help of said Negroes descend and be divided amongst my children here named: to Ben Dillard, Wennesoppea, Mary Ann, Thomas, Stacy, Martha, Amy, John and Rebecca, and the other part with all the stock and movable at my said wife’s death to be divided equally amongst the aforesaid children.

Second, I give and bequeath to my daughter, Elizabeth Anthony, Negro Inda, with her increase. I let her have at the same time and do devise, that is all I do intend for her to have of my estate.

Third, I give and bequeath to my son, Benja. Dillard, Negro Piler and Joe, with the Virginia Bond Warrant for one thousand acres of land what I have already delivered to my said son with the Negroes aforesaid, and do declare that to be all that I do intend for him to have of my estate and lands.

Fourth, I give to my daughter, Wennesoppea, a Negro called Cloe and one called Spence.

Fifth, I give and bequeath to my daughter, Mary Ann Love, Negro Hannah, and Bob-the son of Negro Rose.

Sixth, I give and bequeath to my son, Thomas, Negro Bess and Wesley.

Seventh, I give and bequeath to my daughter, Stacy, Negro Lucy and Bimon.

Eighth, I give and bequeath to my daughter, Martha, Negro James and Kate.

Ninth, I give and bequeath to my daughter, Amy, Negro Suck Inda.

Tenth, I give and bequeath to my son, John, Negroes Isham and Lamer.

Eleventh, I give and bequeath to my daughter, Rebecca, Negroes Rachel and January.

Twelfth, I give and bequeath to my sons, Thomas and John, all the land I have a right to, to be equally divided between them, the said Thomas and John, to them, their heirs or assigns, but nevertheless my executors are, and are hereby empowered, to sell and convey said lands to any person who shall be willing to buy the same, and the same to convey by deed in fee simple to the purchaser, in case they shall adjudge it advantageous to my said sons during their minority, and the money coming there from to be laid out in lands in any part of America they shall adjudge best for the benefit of the said Thomas and John Dillard, their heirs or assigns. And further, my desire is, that my younger children with their legacy be kept supported and maintained and my children schooled by and from the labor of the Negroes and the land left with my wife until they arrive to full age or marry. And my further desire is, that each of my said children hereafter named, when they arrive at full age, or marry, be furnished by my executor with a horse, saddle, bridle, feather bed and furniture, the whole to be worth twenty pounds current money of Virginia, or in case of failure to be paid, and have so much more than those that have been so furnished out of the division of the part left with my wife at her death, towit; Wennesoppea, Mary Ann, Thomas, John, Stacy, Martha, Amy, and Rebecca Dillard legatees. And I do further constitute and appoint my wife, Martha Dillard and Robert Love, my son-in-law, my only and sole executors of this my last will and testament, and do hereby disallow and revoke and disannul all and every other former will and testament by me in any ways before this time made, and I do satisfy and confirm this and no other totee.

My last will and testament. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and seal, this 13th, day of May 1784.

Thos. Dillard (Seal)

Signed and published and,
delivered in the presence of-
Edmund Sams,
John Sams,
John Webb,

The foregoing will was proven
in Court by the oaths of John
Webb and John Sams, two of the
subscribing witnesses thereto.
SESSIOBS 178- and ordered
recorded. Court Records,
Jonesboro, Washington County,
East Tennessee.
F.D. Love

A schedule to the within will
annexed: That Robert Love, one of my
Executors, is appointed as guardian of my
children during their minority, and also,
manager of that part of the estate left with
my wife. My Executors are empowered to
sell any part of my estate left with my just
debts-legacies excepted. Given under my
hand the 23rd, day of Sept. 1784.
Thos. Dillard (Seal)

John Webb
John Sams.

Dillard, Love,

Genealogy, Will,

Partridge, Dennis N. Love Family Genealogy. Web. © 2001.

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