Letter from Col. Robert Love to Dillard Love

Letter from Col. Robert Love to his son, Dillard Love, who was then visiting Thomas D. Love, in East Tennessee.

Waynesville, 6th, of Nov. 1815.

Dear Dillard:

I wish you would hurry business as much as possible. Everything here is in a bad way. I am confined down with a strained ankle. John starts tomorrow with steers to Charlestown in company with his cousin, James. William is now at a Writing School held in the Court House by a Maj(?) Porter and a Mr. Milligan, and James are in the store in the absence of Mr. Moore, who is now in South Carolina. We have this morning commenced gathering our corn. I returned from Dobson’s on Tuesday last. We have two loads of cider to draw from there this fall, which will, with other business, keep us extremely busy. The Steers for feeding ought soon to be had up. I am afraid that things will go slowly on until I can get about myself. I have not a chance to write to your grandmother, which I wish to do. I wish it was possible that you could prevail on her to spend her last days with us; I know she could be more comfortably taken care of by her daughter and myself that to remain in her present situation. She must be so infirm as to need considerable assistance.

My compliments to Saml. & Thomas, with their families, not forgetting your uncle, Ben. Do tell him to write to me some time, if it should be merely nonsense, it would let me know probably his situation better then I now know.



All well but myself, & I am not sick, only distress from my confinement.

(To-Dillard Love.)

(On the back of the envelope)

Mr. Dillard Love,
Now Washington County, East Tennessee.
care of-Mr. Wm. Wiggins


Genealogy, Letter,

Partridge, Dennis N. Love Family Genealogy. Web. © 2001.

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