Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Herendeen

The surname Herendeen is identical with Herenden, Harandine, Harnden, Harrenden, Harraden, Haraden and Harrington, and there are various other variations in spelling. A Richard Harnden settled in Reading, Massachusetts. He was born in 1640. Edward Harnden settled in Ipswich, Massachusetts, about 1650, and afterward removed to Gloucester; was over fifty years old in 1677. There was a Benjamin Harndale or Harnden in Lynn in 1649. Benjamin Herendeen or Hearnden, the immigrant ancestor of all the early Rhode Island families of this surname, was born probably in England and settled at Providence, Rhode Island. He married Elizabeth White. who died about … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathan Herendeen

Nathan Herendeen, descendant of Benjamin Herendeen, was born in Cumberland, Rhode Island, in 1741. He married, April 30. 1764, at Smithfield, Huldah Dillingham. (By Stephen Sly, magistrate. of Smithfield.) One account states that he went from Rhode Island to Adams, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, in 1769, but his daughter Huldah was born in 1772 at Cumberland and he probably went soon afterward to locate permanently. In 1790 he removed to Farmington, Ontario county, New York, exchanging his property at Adams for one thousand acres of wild land in Farmington. Children, born at Smithfield: 1. Pennsylvania, January 13. 1765. 2. Mercy, November … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Welcome Herendeen

Welcome, son of Nathan Herendeen, was born at Smithfield. April 18, 1768. He went to Adams and thence to Farmington with his father. He married (first) in 1794, Elizabeth, daughter of Gideon and Anna Durfee, of Palmyra, New York. He married (second) May 18, 1806, Mercy Gardner. Children of first wife: Edward, born 1795: Gideon. mentioned elsewhere; Anna; Huldah; Durfee. Children of the second wife: Elizabeth; Nathan G.; Welcome Wilkinson, mentioned elsewhere.

Biography of Lemuel Herendeen

Lemuel, son of Gideon Herendeen, was born on the old homestead at Farmington, New York, May 15, 1833. He was educated in the public schools and at the Friends Boarding School at Providence, Rhode Island. He married (first) November 9, 1861, Eliza Newman, born December 5, 1831, daughter of Benjamin and Margaret Newman, of Victor. His wife died December 7, 1885. He married (second) January 16, 1889, Anna E., second daughter of David and Elizabeth Peters, of Ithaca. Mr. Herendeen died February 13, 1897, in Geneva. He was educated in the district schools and worked on the homestead when a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Welcome Herendeen

Welcome Wilkinson, son of Welcome Herendeen (q. v.), was born on the old homestead, July 10, 1810, at Farmington, and was educated in the public schools. He also followed farming. He was captain of the local militia company. He died December 16, 1892. He married, January 12, 1832, Caroline L. Arnold, of Farmington, born on the old Arnold homestead in 1809, died May 8, 1887. Children: William R., died in infancy, and Charles H., mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Herendeen

Charles H., son of Welcome Wilkinson Herendeen, was born on the farm which he now (1910) owns and on which he resides, June 13, 1840. He received his education in the public schools of his native town and at Macedon Academy. During his youth he assisted his father on the homestead, and afterward his father gave him one hundred and thirty acres of land. Subsequently he succeeded to the remainder of his father’s farm, the old homestead. For four years he also represented the Walter A. Wood Company as selling agent for farming machinery. In politics he is a Democrat … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis Flynn

The excise department of the state of New York is ably represented in Ontario county by Francis Flynn, of Geneva county, a sturdy and progressive Irish-American, who has served the public in various responsible capacities and won the confidence of his fellow-citizens by his integrity and strict attention to duty. The Flynns are of ancient and honorable lineage, and the founder in America of the family now (1910) in hand was Francis Flynn, who was born in the parish of Fanith. Ireland, March 22, 1815. Emigrating to the United States in 1835 he readily adapted himself to the new conditions … Read more

Biography of Francis Flynn

Francis (2), son of Francis (1) and Bridget (Scollin) Flynn, was born in Auburn, July 13, 1856. He attended the Auburn public schools, and securing a position as a store clerk at the age of fourteen, he was engaged in mercantile pursuits for about six years. In 1881 he went to Buffalo, New York, where he served an apprenticeship of three years at the ironmoulder’s trade, and in 1884 he found employment as a journeyman in Shortsville, this county. With the exception of one year (1887), which he spent in Kansas City, Missouri, he has ever since resided in Ontario … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gustave Fredeman Klube

On June 11, 1845, Gustave Fredeman Klube, of Oldeshaven, in the German principality of Sondershausen, and Maria Ernstina Voight, of Schwarzburg, same principality, were united in marriage. Gustave F. Klube was born in Oldeshaven, August ii, 1815, and Maria E. Voight was born in Schwarzhurg, Sondershausen, March 19, 1822. They departed from Oldeshaven at twelve M., May 4, 1850, sailed for the United States, May 15, following, and landed in New York at two P. M., July 4, of the same year. After residing in Syracuse, New York, a short time, they settled in Geneva, where the later families engaged … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry John Lewis Klube

Henry John Lewis, youngest child of Gustave F. and Maria E. (Voight) Klube, was born in Geneva, July 10, 1859. He was educated in the Geneva public schools, and upon leaving the high school he learned the saddlery business under the direction of his father. In 1877, when but eighteen years of age, he engaged in the saddlery trade for himself, built up a profitable business and followed it for more than thirty years, or until his death, which occurred May 7, 1908. A man of progressive ideas he could always be depended upon to assist in establishing public improvements, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Carrie I. Buffington

Mrs. Carrie I. Klube (nee Buffington) was born in Geneva, September 19, 1862. Her father, James H. Buffington, was born May 13, 1834. Her mother, Triphena (Martin) Buffington, was born August 24, 1836, died in Geneva, February 26. 1902. They were married May 13, 1855. Mrs. Klube’s grandfather, Joseph Buffington, who was born in Ohio, died in 1830, and her grandmother. Dolly (Ferry) Buffington, who was also a native of Ohio, died in 1885. James H. Buffington was a moulder and in his younger days worked for the Libby Engine Company and the Gould Manufacturing Company at Seneca Falls, New … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Osburn

Sturgis Osburn was probably descended from the Oshorns of Fairfield county, Connecticut. He lived in Dutchess county. New York, and died in the West. (II) John, son of Sturgis Osburn, was born in Dutchess county, New York, in 1807, died February 4, 1885. When a small boy he came with his parents to Farmington, Ontario county. New York. He started in life on a small farm at Farmington and by industry and close application to business became one of the most prosperous and successful farmers of the town. From time to time he added to his farm until he bad … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry C. Osburn

Henry C., son of John Osborn, was born at Farmington. September 23, 1843, and was educated there in the district schools. From early youth he assisted his father on the farm and he remained on the homestead until his father died. He inherited part of the farm and bought the remainder of the other heirs and he has continued to carry on the paternal homestead to the present time. Mr. Osborn is prominent in town affairs. He was an inspector of election for a number of years; assessor of the town of Farmington from 1891 to 1894 and supervisor in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ceylon Sheffer

Ceylon, son of Roswell P. and Mary (Hilliard) Sheffer, received a practical education in the schools of the neighborhood, and upon arriving at man’s estate became a prominent manufacturer of Shortsville, continuing for many years. He made the original Shortsville Iron Beam Plow, which was considered a very useful adjunct to the farm. He held a high position in the industries of the town, and was considered by all who knew him as an exemplary character and an active factor in promoting the best interests of the community. He followed the doctrines of the Presbyterian church, and in politics adhered … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Thatcher Sheffer

Edward Thatcher, son of Ceylon and Emma (Thatcher) Sheffer, was born at Shortsville. Ontario county. New York. December 24, 1870. He received his education in the public school of the village, and upon the completion of his studies pursued a course in a business college in Rochester, New York. For the following six years he served in the capacity of bookkeeper and cashier of the Metropolitan Storage and Transfer Company of Rochester. He then returned to his native town and accepted a similar position with the Shortsville Wheel Company, in which he is serving at the present time (1911), discharging … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edmund W. Smith

Edmund W. Smith, of Manchester, one of the practical, progressive and enterprising agriculturists of the section in which he resides, is a representative of a family that has been noted for their patriotism and love of country, members thereof having participated in the revolutionary war and the war of 1812. Edmund W. Smith was born in Manchester, New York, May 4, 1866. He received a liberal education in the schools of his native town, and this was supplemented by attendance at the Canandaigua Academy. Shortly after completing his studies, he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, in which he has … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. K.Simpson

M. K. Simpson, of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, was born in Orange county, New York, September 3, 1829. He attended the public schools, acquiring a practical education which prepared him for the activities of life, after which he learned the trade of carriage maker, following the same for many years, deriving therefrom a comfortable livelihood. In March, 1857, he took up his residence in Geneva, New York, where he has since resided, and where he conducted a carriage making business for nine years. He has taken a leading part in every movement that tended toward the advancement and welfare … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Preston J. Dorchester

Preston J., son of James G. and Clarissa (Backenstose) Dorchester, was born in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, in 1819, died in 1891. His school education was a scanty one, as he was the main support of the family and could spare but little time to devote to educational matters. All his later success and prosperity he owed to his own unaided efforts, and at the time of his death he had amassed a competency. He was the organizer of the hardware firm of Underhill, Dorchester & Brother, which succeeded Prouty & Chew, who were the successors of Phineas Prouty, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward G. Dorchester

Edward G., son of Preston J. and Mary Ann (Griffin) Dorchester, was born in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, in 1846. He attended the public and high schools of his native city, and then spent one and a half years at Hobart College. His business career commenced in 1866, when he accepted a clerkship in the store of Underhill, Dorchester & Brother, which he filled very capably for some years. He then spent considerable time in traveling throughout the south and west, returning to Geneva about 1885, and resuming his duties as a clerk in the same business in which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lewis W. Keyes

Lewis W. Keyes, a prominent and popular lawyer in Geneva, was born in Geneva, Ontario county, New York. He was a student at Hobart College, from which he was graduated in 1887; Columbia College Law School, 1890; and was admitted to the bar in the same year. He immediately commenced the practice of his profession at Geneva, in partnership with Hon. D. B. Backenstose, who retired from the firm in 190z, and since that time judge Keyes has been practicing independently, representing many corporations, and engaged in trial work in all courts. His political affiliations are with the Republican party. … Read more