Biography of Jean La Rue Burnett

Jean La Rue Burnett, whose early death was greatly deplored, and whose career as a lawyer and statesman had shown much promise for the future, was a son of Perrine Burnett, a veteran of the civil war, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Mead) Burnett. Perrine Burnett married Harriet E., daughter of Edwin and Eliza (Barto) Rowley. Edwin Rowley was a son of Judah Rowley. a pioneer of Ontario county. Jean La Rue Burnett was born in Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, January 10, 1871, died at Albany, New York, February 27, 1907. He was a student at the Union School … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John McDowell

John McDowell, believed to be a descendant of Ephraim McDowell, came to Yates county, New York, from New Jersey, in 1795, and settled in the town of Jerusalem on the west branch of Keuka Lake. He bought land of John Greig, agent of the Hornby estate, and lost a large part of it in the re-survey of the line of Steuben county, throwing most of his farm into Ontario county, instead of Steuben, where it had been located first. He left there in 1803 and lived for a time at the foot of Keuka Lake, where he was employed by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. Albert H. Herendeen

Hon. Albert H. Herendeen, son of Lemuel Herendeen, was born in Farmington, June 19, 1868. He attended the public schools and Hobart College, from which he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the class of 1887. After leaving college he became clerk in the office of his father’s firm, and in 1892 started the retail trade in nursery stock, doing business under the firm name of A. H. Herendeen & Company and continued until his father died. He succeeded his father in the firm of Sears, Henry & Company, and since then has been an active … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Winfield S. Stryker

Winfield S., son of John and Maria (Garritson) Stryker, was born in Cayuga county, New York, August 28, 1847. He was educated in the public schools, and at an early age, under the able supervision and direction of his father, became initiated into the details of farm management and cultivation. Later he removed to Oaks Corners, where he was engaged in farming for a period of seven years, and subsequently removed to Phelps, where he purchased the farm on which he is living at the present time. He is progressive in his methods, ready to adept any new idea which … Read more

Biography of F. Allen De Graw

F. Allen De Graw, who has a well established law practice in Clifton Springs, New York, traces his ancestry to France, as his name indicates. The family settled in 1618, in Holland, seeking there a refuge from the persecutions of their native land. They only remained in Holland two years. Two brothers and their families came to America in 1620 and settled at Flatbush, Long Island, and from there one branch went to New York state, one to New Jersey and one remained on Long Island. The name was originally de Grasse. Arthur H., son of John Hall De Graw, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Timothy Pond

Timothy, son of Philip and Thankful (Frisbee) Pond. was born at Bradford, Connecticut, 1731. He served in the Fifth Company, First Connecticut Regiment, 1775, General Wooster; served at the siege of Boston under Captain Caleb Trowbridge, of New Haven, enlisted May 5, discharged December 20, 1775. He was also in the Eighth Regiment, Connecticut Line, formation of 1777-81 ; was in Captain Smith’s company, enlisted March 31, 1777, for three years, discharged March 31, 1780. He was under head of minute-men and volunteers in 1776. He was a member of the inhabitants of the Society of Northburg in Waterbury, who … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George C. Pond

George C., son of Munson and Phebe (Chapin) Pond, was born June 7, 1814. He was left an orphan at the age of sixteen. Upon the death of his father, he went to live with Jonathan Pierce in Hamilton, Madison county, New York, where he learned the trade of miller. Shortly after his first marriage, in 1841, he went to East River, Cortland county, New York, where he conducted a mill. Later he purchased the mill at Truxton, New York, to which place he then removed his family, and after a residence there of several years, he erected a new … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Parmele

Isaac, son of Reuben Parmele, was born in Connecticut. 1799, died at West Bloomfield, Ontario county, New York, 1886, at an advanced age. During his childhood his parents removed to Ontario county, and the old homestead farm still remains in the possession of the family. He was an active factor in the upbuilding of the community in which he took up his abode, and his influence for good was felt throughout the entire section. He married Laura, daughter of Ebenezer Leach, of Lima, New York, and six children were born to them, among whom was Hiram Taft.

Biographical Sketch of Hiram Taft Parmele

Hiram Taft, eldest son of Isaac and Laura (Leach) Parmele, was born in West Bloomfield, Ontario county, New York, in 1831. He was educated in the public schools of the town and at private schools at Honeoye Falls and Bloomfield, thus acquiring knowledge that qualified him for the activities of life. For a few years after completing his studies he followed farming as a means of livelihood, and then devoted his attention to the management of a general store in West Bloomfield, conducting the same until 1871, and two years later he removed to Canandaigua and engaged in the milling … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Gillette

John Gillette, a well known lawyer of Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, is one of that class of citizens, who, undemonstrative and unassuming, nevertheless form the character and mold the society of the community in which they live, by their force of character and honorable and unremitting efforts for advancement and improvement in every direction. He is the son of John Gillette and Margret Eaton. John Gillette was at one time a farmer, a native of Kinderhook, New York, who lived for a time in Albany, New York, and removed to Wayne county, New York, about the time of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Gillette

John Gillette (2) was born in Palmyra, Wayne county, New York, November 18, 1838. He was a student at the Palmyra Classical School, from which he was graduated, and then commenced the reading of law in the office and under the preceptorship of judge McLouth, of Palmyra, being admitted to the bar in June, 1864. He removed to Canandaigua in the fall of the same year, and immediately opened an office and established himself in the practice of the profession, with which he has been successfully identified to the present time. His political affiliations have always been with the Republican … Read more

Biography of Homer Eugene Snyder

Homer Eugene Snyder, postmaster of Victor, Ontario county, New York, and prominently identified with the commercial interests of the county, is the son of Martin V. B. Snyder, a native of Victor, who was engaged in farming for many years, and is now (1910) living in retirement in the village in the town in which he was born. He married Hattie Warren, and had nine children, all of whom are living at the present time: Hattie M., Charles H., Marion J., Homer Eugene (see elsewhere), Lena A., Lillian J., Josiah E., Cora V. and Ira M. Homer Eugene Snyder was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Abraham Vander Beek

Charles Abraham Vander Beek is of Holland ancestry, and a son of John and Mary F. Vander Beek. He was born near Rochester, New York, and chose the medical profession as his life work. In 1889 he was graduated from the medical department of New York (City) University, and served an interneship in the Monroe County Hospital. For several years the was engaged as assistant physician in Brigham Hall Hospital in Canandaigua, and since then Dr. Vander Beek has been in practice in Rochester, New York.

Biographical Sketch of Burt Baldwin

Burt Baldwin, cashier of the Ontario National Bank of Clifton Springs, New York, while young in years, has gained an amount and diversity of experience in his business career which is frequently not attained in a life time by others. He is energetic, versatile, and has a remarkable amount of executive ability, which has enabled him to think and act quickly as occasion demanded. His family has been settled in America many generations, his grandfather having been a farmer in the state of Pennsylvania. Burt, son of Vincent and Mary (Kennedy) Baldwin, was born in Bradford county, Pennsylvania, October 9, … Read more

Biography of Robert Titus

Robert Titus, the immigrant ancestor of those of the name hereafter mentioned, was born in 1600, probably in St. Catherines Parish, near Stansted Abbotts, Hertfordshire, England. He sailed from London, April 3, 1635, and the following entry relative to his migration is to be found in the passenger lists preserved in the public record office, London: “Theis under written names are to be transported to New England, embarked in ye Hopewell, Mr. Wm. Burdick. The p’ties have brought certificates from the minister and justice of the peace that they are no subsedy men, they have taken oath of all and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Titus

John, eldest son of Robert and Hannah Titus, was born in England about 1627. He was one of the original settlers in what was known as Rehoboth North Purchase, now (1910) Attleboro, where he took an active part in civil and religious affairs, and both he and his son John served in King’s Philips war. He died April 16, 1689. He married (first) Rachel –; married (second) Abigail Carpenter, who survived him and married (second) November 9, 1692, Jonah Palmer Sr. The children of John Titus were: 1. John, born December 18, 1650, see elsewhere. 2. Abigail, February 18, 1652, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Titus

John (2), son of John (1) Titus, born December 18, 1650, died December 2, 1697. He married (first) Lydia Redway and (second) Sarah Miller. By this second wife, he had among others, John, born March 12, 1678, who married three times, and by his second wife, Mary Fisher, whom he married November 23, 1709, and who died September 19. 1711, had Jonah, see elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Jonah Titus

Jonah, son of John (2) Titus, born July 10, 1710, married (first) November 28,-1734, Hannah Butterworth, of Rehoboth, and about 1740 removed to present Washington, Connecticut. His wife died in 1745. He married (second) Mary Tolman. Jonah Titus died May 24, 1783. By the first wife were three children: Judith, Onesimus and Joel, all born in Rehoboth. Onesimus was the ancestor of those who remained in Washington. There were six children by second wife.

Biographical Sketch of Joel Titus

Joel, son of Jonah Titus, was born in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, in March and baptized August 24, 1740. He was a blacksmith by trade and for many years followed that calling in Washington, Connecticut. His place of business, known as the Joel Titus forge, was burned about the beginning of the last century. He subsequently resided for a time with some of his children, and he died about 1820 in Ferrisburg, Vermont, while visiting his daughter Hannah. He served in the French and Indian and revolutionary wars. He was a member of the Church of England and a vestryman of St. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Billy Titus

Billy, son of Joel and Mary (Treat) Titus, was born in Washington, Connecticut, March 2. 1780. He settled at Paris, now (1910) Marshall, Oneida county, New York, in 1804, where he found excellent opportunities for the pursuit of his trade, that of blacksmith, and eventually built up an extensive business in Forge Hollow. He died in Marshall, January 4, 1860. He married (first) May 26, 1806, Judith Huested, who died November 11, 1829; he married (second) April 4, 1830, Susan Derby, who died May 9, 1859, aged sixty-four years. Children, all of first wife: 1. Sophia, born 1807, died 1808. … Read more