Biographical Sketch of Henry C. Osburn

Henry C., son of John Osborn, was born at Farmington. September 23, 1843, and was educated there in the district schools. From early youth he assisted his father on the farm and he remained on the homestead until his father died. He inherited part of the farm and bought the remainder of the other heirs and he has continued to carry on the paternal homestead to the present time. Mr. Osborn is prominent in town affairs. He was an inspector of election for a number of years; assessor of the town of Farmington from 1891 to 1894 and supervisor in 1894-95. For five years he was justice of the peace and at the present time holds that office. In politics he is a Republican. In religion he is a believer in the faith of the Friends.

He married, November 14, 1867, Mary Howland, who was born at Farmington, February 9, 1848, daughter of Abraham Howland, who was born at Farmington, February 6, 1821, and married, in 1844, Phoebe McCumber, born in 1821, died February 19, 1851. Her father died June 9, T897. Mrs. Osburn had a sister, Lucile Howland, born at Farmington in 1846, married Winfield Mink. Randall Robbinson, greatgrandfather of Mrs. Osburn, was a native of Vermont and a soldier in the revolution. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Osborn : 1. Louis C., born at Farmington, January 19. 1873; married May Cornford and has one child. 2. John A.. born February 11, 1877; married Nellie Hawkins. 3. Stacy L., born December 4, 1884.



Ontario County NY,

Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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