Biography of Francis Flynn

Last Updated on May 17, 2011 by

Francis (2), son of Francis (1) and Bridget (Scollin) Flynn, was born in Auburn, July 13, 1856. He attended the Auburn public schools, and securing a position as a store clerk at the age of fourteen, he was engaged in mercantile pursuits for about six years. In 1881 he went to Buffalo, New York, where he served an apprenticeship of three years at the ironmoulder’s trade, and in 1884 he found employment as a journeyman in Shortsville, this county. With the exception of one year (1887), which he spent in Kansas City, Missouri, he has ever since resided in Ontario county, and upon his return from the west he settled in Geneva, entering the employ of the Phillips & Clark Stove Company. At a later period, owing to physical disability, he found it absolutely necessary for him to seek a less arduous occupation, and in 1895 he engaged in the provision trade. His natural ability and superior intelligence, however, were destined to lead him into other fields of usefulness. In 1897 he was elected a trustee of the village, being the first Republican ever chosen from ward three, and in the fall of that year he was elected city treasurer under the city charter, which became effective in 1898. He was therefore the first city treasurer of Geneva and he retained that office for two terms, a period of six years. In 1903 he was elected sheriff of Ontario county, and retired from that office at the expiration of his three years’ term with a record for able and conscientious service. On January 1, 1907, he was appointed a private in the service of the state excise department, and is still serving in that capacity. He occupies the chair of deputy grand knight in the local organization of the Knights of Columbus, has been commander of the Maccabees two terms, is a member of the Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association, and the American Federation of Labor. While employed at his trade he joined the Iron-Moulder’s Union, and although he has long since ceased to be active in that calling he still retains his membership and good standing.

Mr. Flynn was married in Auburn, December 9, 1878, to Anna Butter: they have had one daughter, Mary Elizabeth, born in Auburn, January 12. t880. died in Buffalo in 1884. Mrs. Anna (Butter) Flynn was born January 1, 1856, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Berry) Butter. Her father was born in Ireland. April i8, 1819, died in 1895. Her mother was born in Cork, Ireland, February 14, 1828. Their children are: William F., Thomas J., Mary, Etta and Anna.



Ontario County NY,

Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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