Biographical Sketch of G. Lynn Ottley

G. Lynn, son of George W. Ottley, was born in Phelps, August 27, 1882, and was educated there in the public schools. At the age of eighteen he was employed in the milk business by J. W. Donnelly, and afterward was clerk in a grocery store until 1909, when he bought the Snyder farm in Phelps, and since then he has followed farming there. For eight years he was a member of the Redfield Hook and Ladder Company and is now (1910) a member of the Exempt Firemen’s Society. He is a member of the Maccabees and of Wideawake Grange, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Vincent Reed

Vincent, son of Joshua Reed, was born in Ontario, Canada, in 1811, died in 1878. His calling was that of a farmer. He was captain of the militia. In religion he was a Presbyterian, and one of the elders of that church. He married Bethiah Reed, and they lived near Geneva, New York, where their children were educated. Children Calista M., Elvira, Elizabeth, Charles, Joshua, Nathan, Vincent, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Vincent Reed

Vincent (2), son of Vincent (1) Reed, was born near Geneva, New York, October 21, 1846. He was educated in the public schools of Geneva, and at the age of nineteen years moved with his parents to a farm in the town of Phelps, New York, where he has since been engaged in farming. He is a member of the Presbyterian church at Oaks Corners, and has been elder and trustee for years. On January 19, 1870, he married Alice, daughter of Henry and Louise Church. Children : Alice, born December it, 1872; Nelson C., February 18, 1875; Philip, January … Read more

Biography of James Hornbeck

The Hornbeck family is of Dutch ancestry. Warnour Hornbeck was an early settler in Ulster county, New York. He married (first) Anna, daughter of Matthaus and Eva Abertse (Bradt) de Hooges. He married (second) Grietze Tyssen. By his two wives he had eighteen children and their descendants have been very numerous. Doubtless all of the name in New York are from this pioneer family. Lodwick Hornbeck, of this family, married, July 9, 1696, Maritze, eleventh child of Cornelis Cornissen Vernvoy and his wife Annatje Cornelis, daughter of Cornelis Barentsen Van de Cuyl and Lysbeth Arents. Lodwick and Cornelis Hornbeck were … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edmund Smith

Edmund Smith, son of Asa and Hannah (Poor) Smith, was born in the town of Manchester, New York, December 12, 1825, and was educated there in the public schools. He went west when a voting man and was in Michigan three years. He left there in 1849 to cross the plains when gold was discovered in California, and was successful in gold mining. After two years in the gold fields, however, he returned to his native place and bought a large farm in partnership with his brother Franklin, whose interests he bought two years afterward. Here he has followed farming … Read more

Biography of Robert Emmet Connolly

Andrew Connolly, founder of the family, was born in Portarlington, county Kings, Ireland, June 10, 1814, died August 31, 1899, in Phelps, Ontario county, New York. He emigrated to Geneva, New – York, in 1852, and found work as a maltster. Later he became an engineer on the lake for a number of years. He was a member of the Roman Catholic parish of St. Francis, at Phelps. He married Julia Dunn, who was born at Portarlington; county Kings. Ireland, born April 14, 1814, died May 20, 1885. Children : Hugh, born September 5, 1842, a government inspector of mines … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Hoening

David Hoening lived in Schenectady, New York, whence he removed to Phelps, Ontario county.- He lived to be more than a hundred years old. According to the first federal census of 1790 a John Hening was living in Rensselaerwyck, now (1910) Troy, in Albany county. He appears to be the only one in the state at that time and is presumed to be the father of David. He was of German ancestry. He married and among his children was John, see elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of John Hoening

John, son of David Hoening, was born in Schenectady, New York, where he attended the public schools. He learned the trade of Carpenter, and when a young man removed with his parents to the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, where he afterward followed farming for his main vocation. He was a successful and representative citizen, and an influential and prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Phelps. He married Angeline See, born in Schenectady, New York, daughter of Garret and Ann See. Children: Margaret, Mercy, Spencer, Burdett, Nettie, Ambrose V., mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Ambrose V. Hoening

Ambrose V., son of John Hoening, was born in the town of Phelps, New York, November 19, 1842, and was educated there in the public schools. He has always followed farming for his occupation. He is one of the charter members of Pomona Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, of Phelps. Since 1863 he has been a faithful and consistent member of the Phelps Methodist Episcopal church, of which he has for twenty years been a trustee, for twenty-two years member of the official board and for ten years class leader. In politics he is a Prohibitionist. He married, March 21, 1871, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Vanderhoof

Jacob Vanderhoof, or Vanderhoef, and his brother Cornelius came from Holland and settled in Orange county, New York. Cornelius married Temperance Wisner, who married (second) Calvin Shepherd. Cornelius had children, Cornelius, John Wisner, born 1787, Jacob and James, and the family located near the town of Florida, Orange county. Jacob married Mary Wisner, sister of Temperance, daughter of John Wisner, who was born in 1787, married (first) Mary Thompson and (second) Sarah Dill, having eight children by his first wife and six by the second. John Wisner, father of John Wisner, was a captain, born about 1720, died in 1778, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Vanderhoof

Jacob (2), son of Jacob (1) Vanderhoof, was born in Orange county, New York. In 1790 we find the following heads of families of the name in Orange county: Thomas with two sons under sixteen and three females; Jacob with two females; Cornelius with two males over sixteen, four under that age and one female; Jacob Jr. with two males over sixteen, one under sixteen and two females. There was also a Cornelius and Peter Venderhoof, of New York, both doubtless descended from the pioneers, Jacob or Cornelius.

Biographical Sketch of Abram Vanderhoof

Abram, son of Jacob (2) Vanderhoof, was born in the town of Manchester, Ontario county, New York, where his father settled. He died there in May, 1887. He was always a farmer, and a prominent citizen. He was a noted singer in his day and a member of various church choirs. He was one of the early members of the local grange, Patrons of Husbandry. He married Johanna Van Dusen. who died in 1867, daughter of Martin and Gertrude Van Dusen. Children: Jacob W., mentioned elsewhere; Levi, born 1838, died in 1910.

Biographical Sketch of Jacob W. Vanderhoof

Jacob W., son of Abram Vanderhoof, was born in the town of Manchester, New York, September 23, 1834. He was educated in the public schools of his native town and at Macedon Seminary. He began his business career as salesman for the Boston Lightning Rod Company. In 1858 he became bookkeeper and buyer of wheat for his uncle who had a flour mill at Gypsum, New York, and remained there for two years. In 1861 he became bookkeeper and salesman in a store at Canandaigua. He resigned this position and returned to the homestead two years later and since then … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Mead

William Mead, the immigrant ancestor, was born in England about 1600. It is said that he, with his brother Gabriel, sailed from Lydd. county Kent. England, with their families, in the ship “Elizabeth,” Captain Stagg, April, 1635. They arrived in the summer of that year in the Massachusetts colony. He seems to have settled first at Wethersfield, Connecticut, but when the exodus from there took place and a company of planters settled in Stamford in 1641, he was assigned a home lot and five acres of land there. He married about 1625, and died in Stamford, Connecticut, about 1663. His … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Mead

John, son of William Mead, was born about 1634. He married Hannah Potter, of Stamford, daughter of William Potter, probably in 1657. He died February 5, 1699. He was the ancestor of the Greenwich Heads. After having lived in Stamford, and in Hempstead, Long Island, he finally located permanently at Horseneck, Connecticut. Children: John, born in Greenwich, October 7, 1658; Joseph, born May 2, 1660; Hannah, born about 1661; Ebenezer, born in 1663; Jonathan: David, mentioned elsewhere; Benjamin, born May, 1666; Nathaniel, born about 1669; Samuel, born about 1673; Abigail, born about 1675; Mary. born about 1678.

Biographical Sketch of David Mead

David, son of John Mead, was born about 1665, and married, December 16, 1707, Abigail Leane. He died in February, 1727. He settled early in the town of Bedford, New York, and was one of the resident proprietors there in 1692. Childreni David, born September i, 1708, reported to have been killed in the revolution; Charity, born 1710; Rachel, born 1712; Nathaniel, born October 9, 1714; William, mentioned elsewhere; Betsey, born 1719; Anna, born 1722.

Biographical Sketch of William Mead

William (2), son of David Mead, was born in 1716. Children : John L., born about 1743; Gilbert, born about 1745; Nathaniel, mentioned elsewhere; William, born about 1749; Charity, born about 1751; Hannah, born about 1753; Mary, born about 1756.

Biographical Sketch of John G. Mead

John G., son of Richard Titus Mead, was born in Dutchess county, New York, March 16, 1824, and settled at Macedon Center, New York, where he died in April, 1909, aged eighty-five years. He was a farmer all his active life. He married Emma B. Cookingham, who was also born in Dutchess county, and removed when young to Macedon Center. She is living at Victor, at the advanced age of eightyfour years. Children: Alfred M., mentioned elsewhere; Edgar L., born April 6, 1851, resides at Rochester, New York: Louise, born May 5. ,860, married Dr. C. M. Briggs, of Fairport, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred M., Mead Dr.

Dr. Alfred M. Mead, son of John G. Mead, was born in Macedon Center, New York, November 21, 1856. He attended the public schools of his native town and Madison Academy, from which he was graduated in 1876. He then entered Buffalo Medical College, from which he graduated with the degree of doctor of medicine in the class of ,880. In the same year he located at Victor, New York, and began to practice his profession. Since then he has been in active practice, and as a physician and surgeon has achieved high rank in his profession. He is one … Read more

Biography of Terrence W. Rice

Terrence W. Rice, nurseryman of Geneva, New York, belongs to that class of citizens who, although undemonstrative in their natures, nevertheless form the character and mold the society of the communities in which they live. This class it is that develops our great manufacturing interests, spreads our commerce, and furthers enterprises of all kinds. They, above all others, develop our cities and towns, and they alone deserve the credit for it. John Rice, father of Terrence W. Rice, was born in Dundalk, Ireland, in 1845, and came to this country about the year 1868. He was industrious and painstaking, and … Read more