Ashfield Massachusetts Vital Records

This manuscript adheres to certain conventions to ensure accuracy and clarity. While it primarily focuses on records from Ashfield, Massachusetts, it acknowledges that some events may have occurred elsewhere. When the original records specify a different location, this information is included in the printed copy. When “Ashfield” appears, only the initial “A” is used, except in unusual phrases.

Town records keep their original spelling, and errors remain uncorrected.

A baptism is omitted if it occurs within one year of the same child’s birth record, or if it clearly refers to the same child. Variations in the baptismal record are added to the birth record.

A married woman’s birth is listed under her maiden name if known. If not, it appears under the husband’s name with “[—–]” indicating the unknown maiden name. If it is unclear whether a surname is marital or not, “[? m.]” follows her given name.

Marriages and intentions are printed under the man’s name, with the woman’s name generally serving as a cross reference. If both marriage and intention are recorded, only the marriage appears. A marriage without a recorded intention is marked with an asterisk.

Any added information (explanation, query, inference, or differences from other entries) is bracketed. Parentheses show spelling variations, a wife’s maiden name, incomplete text, or separate clauses.

Text between daggers († … †) indicates later handwritten insertions.


chn.children record, Congregational Church record, Baptist Church of Christ record, St. John’s (Episcopal) Church of Ashfield record, St. James (Episcopal) Church of Greenfield
d.daughter; day; died
dup.duplicate entry
G.R.1.gravestone record Spruce Corner Cemetery
G.R.2.gravestone record Apple Valley Cemetery in Ashfield
G.R.3.gravestone record, South Ashfield Cemetery
G.R.4.gravestone record, Hill Cemetery
G.R.5.gravestone record, Brier Hill Cemetery
G.R.6.gravestone record, Beldingville Cemetery in Ashfield
G.R.7.gravestone record, Baptist Corner Cemetery
G.R.8.gravestone record, Ashfield Plain Cemetery
h.hours; husband
int.publishment of intention of marriage
m.marriage; married; month
P.R.1.private record, list of deaths in the custody of the town clerk
P.R.2.private record, from the Joseph Hall family Bible in the possession (1932) of Charles A. Hall
P.R.3.private record, from the Samuel Bement family Bible, the photographed records of which are in the possession of the New England Historic Genealogical Society
q.v.which see; whom see
w.week; wife

Surnames Mentioned:

Abel, Adams, Adkins, Albee, Alden, Aldrich, Allen, Allin, Amsden, Angel, Annible, Arms, Avery, Bacon, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Ballord, Bangs, Banister, Barber, Bardwell, Barnes, Barney, Baron, Barrus, Bartholomew, Bartlet, Bassett, Bates, Bathrick, Baxter, Beals, Bement, Bemis, Bennet, Bennett, Benton, Bidwell, Bigelow, Billing, Bishop, Blackinton, Blackmer, Blackmore, Blaisdale, Blake, Blanchard, Blanden, Bliss, Blodget, Blood, Bloodworth, Bobbin, Boice, Boltwood, Bond, Booth, Borroughs, Bouker, Bowman, Boyden, Bracket, Bradford, Brainerd, Braman, Bronson, Brooks, Broughton, Brown, Bullard, Burnel, Burnham, Burr, Burt, Burton, Bussey, Bussy, Butler, Cady, Call, Campbell, Cargill, Carpender, Carr, Carrier, Carter, Case, Catlin, Center, Chamberlin, Chambers, Chapin, Chapman, Childs, Chilson, Church, Churchill, Claggon, Clark, Clary, Clemons, Cobb, Cole, Coleman, Collier, Collins, Colton, Combs, Conant, Converse, Cook, Cooley, Cowen, Crafts, Cranford, Crawford, Cressey, Cressy, Crittenden, Crosby, Cross, Crowell, Cutler, Damon, Dana, Daniels, Darby, Davis, Davison, Dawes, Day, Deming, Dickinson, Dimock, Divol, Divoll, Dodge, Dole, Donaldson, Douglass, Drake, Dunton, Dyer, Easton, Eaton, Eddy, Edgerton, Edson, Edwards, Eggliston, Ellis, Estes, Farley, Farnsworth, Fay, Fellows, Ferry, Field, Finney, Fisher, Fisk, Flag, Fletcher, Flower, Foot, Foote, Forbes, Ford, Foster, Franklin, Frary, Freeman, French, Frost, Frothingham, Fuller, Furbush, Gardner, Gates, Gay, Gilbert, Goddard, Goodnow, Goodspeed, Goodwin, Gorham, Gorum, Gould, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Gridley, Griggs, Griswold, Grover, Groves, Guilford, Gurney, Habord, Hacking, Halbert, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hammond, Hannum, Harmon, Harral, Harris, Harrown, Hart, Hartt, Harvey, Harwood, Haskell, Hasley, Hastings, Hathaway, Hawks, Hawley, Hayden, Hayne, Hayward, Healy, Hemenway, Henry, Hersey, Heyward, Hibbard, Hill, Hinds, Hodge, Holden, Holley, Hollowel, Holmes, Honestman, Hooker, Hopkins, Horton, Hosmer, Houston, Howard, Howes, Hubbard, Hudson, Hulet, Hunt, Hutson, Hyde, Ingram, Jackson, James, Jenkins, Jepson, Jewell, Johnson, Jones, Jourden, Joy, Jurdon, Karr, Kellogg, Kent, Keyes, Kimberley, Kimberly, Kimbley, King, Kingman, Knowlton, Lanterman, Lawrence, Lawton, Lazel, Leach, Lealand, Leavitt, Lee, Leonard, Lesure, Lewis, Lincoln, Linsey, Little, Longley, Look, Luce, Ludden, Luscombe, Lyon, Macomber, Madison, Mallory, Maltby, Manning, Mansfield, Mantor, Marsh, Marshal, Martin, Mason, Mather, Matthews, Maxwell, May, Maynard, McCall, McCullock, McFarland, McIntire, McKee, McKlintock, Meacham, Merchant, Merrill, Merriman, Merrit, Millen, Miller, Miner, Mitchel, Mitchell, Montague, Moody, Moon, Morley, Morse, Morton, Munroe, Munson, Nash, Negus, Newhall, Newport, Newton, Nichols, Nims, Norris, Norton, Noyes, Oaks, Orcitt, Orr, Owen, Packard, Paddock, Page, Paine, Palmer, Parker, Parsons, Patch, Patrick, Pearl, Pease, Peirce, Pelton, Penelle, Percel, Perkins, Perry, Pettibone, Phillips, Phipps, Pickard, Pike, Pixley, Pleasants, Pomeroy, Pool, Poole, Porter, Potter, Pratt, Prince, Prouty, Puffer, Putnam, Putney, Pynchon, Ranney, Rawson, Reckard, Remington, Renieff, Rhoades, Rice, Rich, Richardson, Richmond, Rider, Robbins, Rober, Robinson, Rockwood, Rogers, Rowe, Ruddock, Rude, Ruggles, Russell, Sables, Sadler, Salsbury, Sampson, Sanderson, Savage, Sawyer, Searl, Sears, Sekil, Selden, Seley, Shattuck, Shaw, Shelden, Shelley, Sheperdson, Sherman, Sherwin, Shumway, Shurtliff, Simpson, Smith, Snow, Spalding, Spellman, Spinage, Spinning, Spoffod, Sprague, Spurr, Standish, Stebbins, Steel, Stetson, Stevens, Stit, Stitt, Stockbridge, Stockwell, Stoddard, Stone, Stower, Streeter, Stuart, Swift, Tabor, Talmadge, Tamplin, Tatton, Taylor, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thurston, Thwing, Tinker, Tobey, Toby, Todd, Tower, Town, Townsend, Train, Trask, Truer, Trusdel, Tryon, Tucker, Turner, Unidentified, Upton, Usher, Vincent, Vining, Vinton, Vinum, Wakefield, Walker, Ward, Ware, Warner, Warren, Washburn, Webster, Weeks, Wells, Wentworth, West, Wheelden, Wheeler, Wheelock, Whitcomb, White, Whitney, Wicks, Wight, Wilcox, Wilde, Wilder, Wilkie, Willard, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Wing, Withington, Wood, Woodward, Woolcott, Worden, Wright, Wrisley, and Yaw.


Cowes, Florence Howes, Vital records of Ashfield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850, Boston, Mass. : New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1942.

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